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Silvio is an assassin operating out of Sicily, Italy and the leader of La Morte Sussurrata. He personally trained Helena Bertinelli.


A year after Helena Bertinelli traveled to Sicily, she met Silvio and slept with him numerous times in order to gain his trust and learn the ways of La Morte Sussurrata. Silvio began training Helena in a number of disciplines, such as martial arts and firearms. He encouraged Helena to channel her rage instead of trying to control it, pointing out that it makes her vengeance stronger. After returning to Starling City, Helena utilized Silvio's teachings in her mission to avenge her fiancé's murder.[1]


  • Peak of human physical condition: As a high-ranking member of La Morte Sussurrata, Silvio had to have been in peak physical condition.
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Silvio is a capable unarmed combatant and martial artist, being a highly trained assassin. He also personally trained Helena Bertinelli, turning her into an excellent fighter in a short time.[1]
    • Expert marksman/Firearms: Silvio is skilled in the use of multiple kinds of firearms, including sniper rifles, which he taught Helena.[1]




