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Frank Cassaday is an assassin known as the Mirror, who specializes in mimicking the M.O.'s of various killers.


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Cassaday was hired by Max Fuller to frame the new Green Arrow and eventually assassinate Oliver Queen. His attempt failed though and he was arrested.[1]


  • Peak human physical condition: As an assassin, Cassaday is in peak human condition. He was able to survive several gunshot wounds.
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Cassaday is an expert hand-to-hand combatant, as seen when he fought Oliver Queen, though he was eventually defeated.[1]
  • Expert archer: Cassaday is an expert archer. He was good enough that he could fool people into believing his victims were killed by Green Arrow.
  • Explosives expert: He is also an expert in using explosives, especially with an arrow and bow as he fires the door into Oliver and Felicity’s apartment and a few which explodes her computer.
  • Stealth: As an assassin, Cassaday is trained in stealth tactics.


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  • Compound bow: While framing and attempting to assassinate Oliver Queen, Cassaday used a compound bow, which he could use as a close quarters weapon.
  • Hunting arrows: While framing and attempting to assassinate Oliver Queen, Cassaday used several hunting arrows, which he can shoot with deadly profiency.
  • Hand-held explosives: During his asassination attempt on Oliver Queen, Cassaday used hand-held explosives.



Season 7[]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Unmasked"