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"I just want to say thank you. That suit changed my life in more ways than one, and it has been an honor to be able to wear your symbol."
"I put that suit on to give back to my city. You put it on to survive. You know better than anyone what that symbol means to people who have no hope left."
—Ryan Wilder and Kate Kane[src]

The Batsuit,[1] also known as the Batwoman suit and formerly known as the Batman suit, is a high-tech protective suit designed by Lucius Fox at Wayne Enterprises. The suit was formerly worn by Bruce Wayne and his cousin Kate Kane during their crusades as Batman and Batwoman respectively. The suit's current purpose is to protect Ryan Wilder during her vigilante endeavors as the second Batwoman, both in her well-being as well as her secret identity.

After Bruce left Gotham City, Kate took on the mantle of the Bat and had the suit modified by Luke Fox to fit her as such. A year later, following Kate's disappearance, the mantle was again passed on to Ryan who had made her own alterations to the suit.


Batman suit[]

Batman suit

The original Batsuit.

The first version of the Batsuit was all-black, completely covering the body with the exception of the mouth. Sporting short pointy ears and a cape that extended into the likeness of wings, the original suit was extremely tactical in nature, and utilized its entirely dark color scheme as a means of natural camouflage for nightly escapades and other dark environments. The suit was made with high-tech resources from Wayne Enterprises, granting Bruce extreme protection from a great variety of threats. The bat-motif was a scare-tactic adopted by Bruce to terrify his enemies.[2] At some point, Bruce added abdominals into the suit as a means of intimidation, which were later removed.[3]

Initially, Kate Kane used the original Batsuit with only some slight modifications. The suit was tailored to fit her body, but the style remained the same.[2]

Batwoman suit (Kate Kane)[]

Batwoman suit (Kate Kane)

The second Batsuit.

After leading Gotham to believe that Batman had returned, Kate made further alterations to the suit to separate herself from her predecessor. The second version of the Batsuit included a bright red wig attached to the cowl, along with red accents spray-painted onto the suit. As a result of the Batsuit being feminized, the bat-symbol on its chest became more vertically stretched, leading insignias like the Bat-Signal to be updated to reflect the new symbol.[4]

Similar to her predecessor, Ryan Wilder initially used the Batsuit mainly unaltered from its previous owner.[5]

Batwoman suit (Ryan Wilder)[]

Batwoman suit (Ryan Wilder)

The third Batsuit.

A few weeks into her vigilante career, Ryan encountered Victor Zsasz, who inadvertently inspired her to make her own modifications to the suit, which included swapping the straight red wig for a curlier brown one, still including subtle red streaks along the sides of the hairpiece.[6]

Possible future[]

In a possible future, at some point in or before 2049, Ryan further upgraded the suit to cover the mouth, along with sporting longer ears and red boots.[7]


Original multiverse[]


Batman in the first Batsuit.

When Bruce Wayne became the vigilante known as "Batman", Lucius Fox created a special suit for Bruce to fight crime, as well as to protect him from criminals and keep his identity concealed. Bruce continued to fight crime until he left Gotham City after killing the Joker.[8]

Batwoman (Kate Kane)

Kate Kane in the second Batsuit.

The Batsuit remained in the Batcave for 3 years until Kate Kane arrived in Gotham. Kate began to use the Batsuit to fight crime as a new vigilante named "Batwoman".[2]

Julia Pennyworth briefly used the suit to fool the agents of Crows Security and divert their attention away from Kate.[9]

After gaining Gotham's trust, like her predecessor, Kate's version of the Batsuit became well-known to the public, which led to a Gotham citizen creating her own suit to operate as Batwoman, albeit a much less skilled one.[8]

New multiverse[]

Ryan finds the Batsuit

Ryan finds the Batsuit.

After Kate disappeared following the explosion of her plane home from National City, she was presumed dead. A woman named Ryan Wilder discovered the Batsuit among the wreckage of Kate's plane and briefly assumed the mantle of Batwoman, but she later gave the suit back to Luke Fox and Mary Hamilton after deciding that she is not worthy to wear the symbol.[5]

The next day, during a pro-Batwoman rally, Ryan insisted to Luke and Mary that she don the cape and cowl once more to instruct the protestors to return to their homes due to an imminent terrorist attack from Alice. After successfully thwarting Alice's plan and saving Gotham's citizens, Ryan received Luke and Mary's blessing to fully operate as Batwoman in Kate's place, becoming the second Batwoman and leader of the Bat Team in the process.[10]

"Have you seen the damn wig?"
—Ryan Wilder to Luke Fox

Later, Ryan also made new changes to the Batsuit, like a new bat-belt and a new wig.[6] Luke became concerned about Ryan when she faced three opponents who each carried lightning-casting guns; he did not believe the Batsuit could protect her from that much voltage.[11] The cowl of the Batsuit allowed Ryan to bleed when she took a punch to the face from Black Mask.[12]

Kate defaces the Batsuit

Kate uses Kryptonite to deface the Batsuit.

After Kate Kane (who'd been brainwashed into believing she was Circe Sionis) convinced the Bat Team to give her back the suit, she knocked them out and trapped them in the Batcave. A short time later, she took the suit and cut it up using a piece of green kryptonite to carve a diagonal line through the suit's emblem.[12] She redid the suit in a version without the cowl, which she wore in the last battle against the Bat Team. After Kate's memories were restored, the suit was repaired by Luke, with Mary placing it on its display in the Batcave.[3]

At some point in or before 2022, the Bat-symbol on Ryan's suit was adapted into merchandise, including a backpack worn by Jenna West.[13]

Possible future[]

Batwoman's new look

Ryan's new suit.

In a possible future in 2049, Ryan used an upgraded version of the Batsuit to assist her fellow superheroes in taking down Magog.[7]



"New look!"
"New Batwoman."
—Victor Zsasz and Ryan Wilder[src]
  • Identity concealment: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane and Ryan Wilder use a black bat-like mask to conceal their identities to keep their friends and families safe from harm.[14] While wearing the suit, Ryan was able to have a face-to-face conversation with her ex-girlfriend, Angelique Martin without being recognized.[15] Furthermore, the Batsuit's dark hue contrasts with the wearer's natural skin complexion, making the latter appear lighter than when the suit isn't worn for outside observers.
    • Synthetic wig: Kate added a synthetic red wig to the Batsuit a few weeks after she became Batwoman so her enemies didn't mistake her for Batman. The wig was removable, as the hairless cowl could occasionally be seen on display in the Batcave.[14] After Ryan acquired the suit and received Luke and Mary's blessing to fully operate as Batwoman, she swapped out the original wig for a tightly curled, brown variant with streaks of red on the sides. Similarly to Kate, Ryan did this so people wouldn't mistake her for her predecessor
—Ryan Wilder to a False Face Society member[src]
  • Intimidation: Bruce, Kate, and Ryan use the suit to terrify their enemies. Ryan sometimes does this by hanging upside-down in the similar fashion of a bat.
  • Beacon: An advanced tracking system was built into the suit and utilizes a beacon included in the suit's construct and therefore can be located as well as kept track of from the Batcave via satellite imaging and uplink. Enabling this tracking beacon will activate a green light on the suit's left gauntlet. Inversely, the beacon can be deactivated by pushing the appropriate button on one of the gauntlets - upon which, the Batcave's discernment of the suit will disappear until the beacon is manually reactivated.
  • Communications system: Inside the suit's cowl is a communications system connecting the suit's wearer to the Batcave via an encrypted communication line. The comms system can be turned off with the flip of a switch on the suit's utility belt. This system can also pick up various radio frequencies being used within close proximity of the suit.
  • Damage recording: The suit's techno-carbon fibers record any deformation caused by damage to the suit in order to record blunt force trauma and bullet impacts and upload said recordings to the Batcomputer for further analysis. This system can also determine critical rupture points in the suit in the event that its protection is somehow severely bypassed. This recording system is so precise that it can even record the impact of a license plate on the suit.[16]
  • Disruptor: In the suit's left gauntlet is a disruptor which can temporarily override tech-based weapons and render them useless. This feature requires the gauntlet to be charged, however, and without such preparation, it will take 30 seconds to be activated remotely.
Batwoman gliding

Batwoman gliding.

  • Gliding capabilities: The suit's cape can extend and stiffen, allowing the wearer to glide through the air as a means of aerial transportation.
  • Internal defibrillator: The suit has a built-in defibrillator which, in case of emergencies, can be used to jumpstart the wearer's heart.
  • Internal injectors: Built somewhere into the Batsuit is a scaled-down drug-delivery system that can be remotely incurred from the Batcave. This innovative feature allows substances loaded beforehand into the suit - including but not limited to adrenaline — to be injected directly into the wearer's somatic system in the case of an emergency (i.e. incapacitation via exposure to a paralytic).
"I'm bulletproof, bitches!"
—Ryan Wilder
  • Kevlar armor: From the body armor itself to the cape fastened at the shoulders and trailing from the back it, the entire suit was manufactured out of a military-grade kevlar woven with enriched carbon nanotubes of his own design; this means that in spite of the thin and skintight layering over the wearer's body and seemingly cloth-like pliability it shows when worn, the suit's main fabric is nothing short of legitimately resilient. The suit is impenetrable against all commercial and military firearms, including the Desert Eagle Mark IX .50 AE. Even the cape itself is just as resilient and capable of stopping gunfire this way even as it insubstantially flutters in the wind behind its wearer. Nothing except for a projectile fired from a specially-made rail gun, coil accelerator, or a piercing projectile made of pure green Kryptonite is able to pierce the suit.[17]
  • Temperature regulator: The Batsuit possesses a built-in body-temperature regulation system that can be controlled remotely from the Batcave. The regulator is able to manipulate the wearer's thermal readings to make external monitoring register that individual's bodily temperature is as hot or as cold as intended - even if it feels perfectly room temperature for the person inside - allowing the suit's user to bypass traps, weaponry, and means of detection that are reliant on temperature in order to be triggered, to track, or to identify their designated target. Conversely speaking, this function may also help serve as either an internal heating or cooling system. However, the regulator is potentially pervious to malfunction in the case of extreme temperatures.
  • Vitality monitoring: An array of sensors installed and lining the interior of the Batsuit, assuming they are active, allows the wearer's vital readings to be monitored from the Batcave. These sensors are so refined and highly-calibrated that not only can they determine if the wearer was drugged or exposed to a malignant factor or substance, but also provide a very good chance the nature of said malignance. The suit can also detect high voltage readings.
Batwoman with lenses activated

Batwoman using the suit's lenses.

  • White lenses: The suit is equipped with a pair of white lenses that cover the eye holes in the cowl when activated. These lenses serve a multitude of functions.
    • Cowl-cam: The lenses have a cowl-cam setting which, when invoked, highlights what the wearer sees in a HUD-like manner so that they may assess the technologically-processed visual data on the go. The cowl-cam's uplink streams a live feed of the lenses' line of sight to the Batcomputer, which allows the feed to be captured, enhanced, or analyzed.[18]
    • Echolocation: Themed after the nocturnal creature after which the Batsuit was modeled, the lenses have an echolocation setting to enable the detection of vibrations in the air, which are visually represented as erratically pulsing flashes of light coming from the source of the vibration. This function permits the wearer to visualize vibrational frequencies otherwise unperceivable to the naked ear.
    • Electronic detection: The lenses have a setting to detect electronic devices by tracing electrical activity that run in active technological contraptions as they operate.
    • Infrared vision: The lenses have a setting that permits viewing through the infrared spectrum, allowing the wearer to perceive thermal signatures and readings from heat sources that are within the their field of vision.
    • Night vision: The lenses include a night-vision setting for improved visibility in rooms completely engulfed in darkness.
  • Batarang launcher: The suit features a Batarang launcher on its right gauntlet which can be triggered by pressing a button in the same location.[18]
  • Bat-Belt: The suit contains a utility belt which stores a variety of useful tools, such as batarangs and the grappling gun.


  • Green Kryptonite: According to the late Lucius Fox via his journal, green Kryptonite is the only known element in existence that can penetrate the Batsuit.[19] A bullet-shaped piece of green Kryptonite fired at Ryan Wilder by Tommy Elliot while the former was donned in the suit was able to pierce through the armor and inflict a Kryptonite infection upon the wearer.[5]
  • Extreme electrical surges: While providing strong insulation from most electric currents, the Batsuit cannot withstand massive amounts. If exposed to an excessive amount of electricity, the suit will report the power surge to the Batcomputer and the wearer will be vulnerable to the effects of the current.[20]

Former weaknesses[]

  • Rail gun: After becoming Batman, Bruce Wayne had a handheld rail gun commissioned by Wayne Enterprises Research & Development, designed to be able to penetrate the Batsuit in case the suit ever fell into the wrong hands. The rail gun fired an electromagnetically-charged projectile that moved fast enough to penetrate the suit's armor.[1] However, at some point after the rail gun was reclaimed from Tommy Elliot, Kate Kane had the weapon melted down; eliminating the threat that it posed to the Batsuit and the individual wearing it.
  • Coil accelerator: Sometime after Bruce Wayne become Batman, Catherine Hamilton-Kane had a handheld coil accelerator gun with capabilities similar to that of the rail gun's commissioned by Hamilton Dynamics. This weapon was designed to be able to penetrate the Batsuit, as she saw the bat vigilante as a threat to exposing her illegal activities to the public. After Batman's inexplicable disappearance, Catherine halted the project's development, only to renew it again following Batwoman's emergence, finally completing a functional prototype. However, Beth Kane had Jonathan Cartwright steal the finished product and they then proceeded to kill the only scientists on the entire planet who knew how to make the coil accelerator, as well as removing and destroying the power cell that gave the coil accelerator it's lethal function, eliminating the threat that it posed to the Batsuit and the individual wearing it.


The Flash[]


Season 7[]

Season 8[]


Season 4[]

Season 5[]


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 5[]


Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant[]



Promotional images[]


Season 1[]

Season 2[]



  • Unlike in the DC comics, there is only one version of the Batsuit in existence.
  • According to Kate Kane, the suit cost $10.8 million to make.
  • The suit's failsafe, the rail gun, is a parallel conductor that generates a pulse of electromagnetism, accelerating the velocity of the projectile.
    • The rail gun is the most lethal weapon that Bruce Wayne ever built. It is the only gun strong enough to penetrate the suit. Bruce had it built in case the suit ever fell into the wrong hands. Whoever is in possession of the gun has the only gun out there that can kill the suit's wearer.
    • But there is an override to this fail-safe. If the disruptor in the suit's gauntlet is activated, the gun can be neutralized, therefore; render the suit completely impenetrable.
  • According to Kate, though the suit renders it's wearer bulletproof, it apparently does not spare them from a stinging sensation that follows a gunshot.
  • While the suit is virtually impervious to damage, it is feasibly alterable and even repairable seeing how Luke Fox was able to re-tailor and convert the original Batsuit into a feminized version for Kate Kane, as well as conduct needed repairs to it in the off-chance that it sustains lasting damage which was presumably how he mended the damage done to the suit by a rail gun that Luke employed. Ryan Wilder would later effect her own alterations into the suit for it to better serve her in crime-fighting.
  • In "Power", Roman Sionis claims that Bruce Wayne (under the persona of Batman) built shaped abdominals into his suit as a means of intimidation. But; when Kate found Bruce's suit on display before Luke altered it to fit her, the suit had no such feature.
    • This could be a change resulting from the crisis or it could be that Bruce simply removed them from the suit before leaving Gotham.
  • As of 2049, Ryan Wilder is still Batwoman. This makes her the longest-lasting vigilante to wear the Batsuit on Earth-Prime.[21]

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, Bruce Wayne created several different types of Batsuits to be used in several different types of environments or situations; such as the Arctic Batsuit to be used in extremely cold temperatures.
  • On set, there were two versions of Ryan Wilder's Batsuit; one is for stunts and the other is for regular shots. The stunt version of the Batsuit features white-colored text on the inside of the cape and is overall more flexible for Javicia Leslie; who performs all of her own stunts on the show.[citation needed]
  • The 2040 version of the suit that; Ryan wears is more based on the one that; Terry McGinnis wears in Batman Beyond on Earth-12.

