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Arrowverse Wiki
For other uses of the name "Curtis", see Curtis (disambiguation).

"Central City has become an abyss of darkness and fear under the heel of a criminal horde. The first Nightshade delivered justice to gangland. I will pay for my father's sins. I will hunt down the jackals hiding in the ivory towers of the constitution. The hucksters who let the guilty go free."
—Bohannan on his crusade as the Deadly Nightshade.[src]

Curtis Bohannan was a vigilante known as Deadly Nightshade.


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Curtis was the son of crime boss Derek Bohannan, who was apprehended by the original Nightshade in the 1950s. Wanting to atone for his father's misdeeds, Curtis spent his inherited fortune supporting charitable causes, but secretly adopted the identity of the Nightshade to brutally deal with criminals who operated outside the law. It took the intervention of both the original Nightshade and the Flash to stop the new Nightshade once-and-for all.

In 2018, The Monitor invaded Earth-90 and seemingly killed all of its residents. Because of that, Curtis's fate remains unknown.[1]


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  • Firearms:
  • Nightshade suit:
  • Cyborg suit:


The Flash[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Curtis Bohannan is based on the DC comics character Mason Trollbridge, the second Clipper.
    • In The Flash, Mason Bridge was a Pulitzer-winning journalist who worked for the Central City Picture News.

