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"You wanted to save the human race. Instead, you handed its future over to a psychopath."
—Lena Luthor to Ben Lockwood[src]

Professor Benjamin "Ben" Lockwood is the former host of The Lockdown and a former history professor of National City University. He is also the son of the late Peter Lockwood, the widower of the late Lydia Lockwood, and the estranged father of George Lockwood. After Ben's life was torn apart by consequences of alien attacks, he began working with Mercy and Otis Graves as the leader of the Children of Liberty, known as Agent Liberty, serving to exterminate all extraterrestrials and establish humans as the superior race on Earth. As a result; he began clashing with Supergirl and the Superfriends.

Ben was arrested once his identity was revealed to the public; until the then-corrupt president, Phil Baker pardoned him. Ben was appointed as Director of the United States Bureau of Alien Affairs under Baker, which soon became an official Cabinet department and the position was renamed to Secretary of Alien Affairs.

Ben eventually learned that; he and the Children of Liberty were pawns of Lex Luthor for the latter's own scheme, but he still continued his vendetta against aliens. After a final confrontation with Supergirl, Ben was defeated for good and incarcerated for several crimes of domestic terrorism against the alien citizens of National City.

In Ben's history on Earth-Prime, he remains largely the same, although it is unclear if he or the Children of Liberty were ever being manipulated by Lex.


Original multiverse[]

Early life[]

Ben was a history professor at National City University, living with his wife Lydia, his son George, and his father Peter. He had helped his father out at his steel factory for some time, even negotiating with Lena Luthor for help with the factory.

Lockwood house

Ben Lockwood walks up the steps to his family home.

At dinner with his family, the news showed Supergirl trying to snap the city out of Myriad, but Peter didn't approve of Supergirl and the Alien Amnesty Act, hating so much of aliens that he wouldn't accept material from them. Ben tried to convince him otherwise, but his father wouldn't have it. However, after their argument, a fight at the Nth metal Factory across the street included a fight between Peter's workers and two aliens at the factory, one of whom ended up accidentally shooting Ben in the chest. Supergirl arrived at the scene to break up the situation and Agent Alex Danvers helped to deal with Ben's stab wounds. Later, Ben also had bad luck when Lena denied any help for his father.

Lockwood house on fire

The Lockwood house on fire.

Ben's life got worse after the Daxamite invasion as his home was burned in a fight between a Daxamite soldier and Martian Manhunter. As a result, he began showing more prejudice to his alien students, which cost him his job.

Eve introduces Lockwood to James

Eve introduces Lockwood to James.

After CatCo reopened following the Daxamite invasion, Ben was accompanied by Eve Teschmacher to a meeting with James Olsen. He tried to convince the media conglomerate's CEO that the invasion had deprived many people of their work and possessions and to also tell their story to the public. However, Eve interrupted their speech to inform James that CatCo's new owner, Lena Luthor, wanted him on the phone, prompting Lockwood to storm off.

Ben Lockwood leaves behind his father in their crumbling steel factory

Ben leaves behind his father in their crumbling steel factory.

He began giving flyers on how aliens were taking away everything from humans until the Worldkillers attempt to terraform Earth. He went to save his father from the steel factory, but to his horror, his father didn't want to be saved and could only watch as his factory crushed him in the end. He spoke at his father's funeral afterwards and was surprised to see that Lena had come to pay her respects. She wanted to help him and his family during their time of need, but he refused, stating that she chose the aliens over the humans and they are to blame for everything that was happening. She told him that if he chose this path of blaming individuals for everything that was happening to him, no good would come from it, but he refused to listen.[1]

Becoming Agent Liberty[]

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Ben soon met his friends outside his father's ruined steel factory and together, they set fire to the Nth metal factory as revenge for putting their factory out of business. During the fire, a person came out gasping for air. At first, he wanted to help him as he thought he was human but was actually an alien disguised as a human. Recognizing him as the same alien that shot him once and refusing to consider aliens as people, he beat him to death with a pipe. He began recruiting others to his organization dedicated to ridding the earth of aliens when he was contacted by a person named Mercy Graves. Ben was unaware that he was working with Lex Luthor, and that he was the one who sent Mercy and Otis Graves to recruit him. She told him that she and her brother Otis knew about his organization, that they were hunting down aliens and the alien that he killed. At first, he thought they were going to arrest him, but they actually wanted to recruit him for their plans against the aliens. They gave him equipment that would be useful to him. To test him, they told him he had to kidnap and kill an alien named Fiona Byrne who was beginning a group that would protect aliens from humans.[1]

After the plan to expose the president in her alien form worked, he stood behind Fiona ready to kill her. Before he did, he told her that he never sought conflict with aliens, but they left him with no choice. When she asked who he was, he merely responded he was an agent of liberty and stabbed her in the back.[2] He soon watched on TV as Supergirl stopped a fight between two human groups: ones that supported aliens being on Earth and others that didn't. While watching, he knew she would be a problem for them, but Mercy revealed she had Kryptonite that could be used against her. He told her to be careful with it as they couldn't kill Supergirl yet, as she would then become a symbol of hope, but she told him it was just insurance.[3] He soon went to his followers giving a speech that they would take back Earth from the aliens and went back to Otis and Mercy to see what their next move is. After returning from his followers, he saw Otis and Mercy were going to kill the D.E.O agent that freed them. Although willing to kill aliens, he refused to kill his own humankind. Although Mercy said it was necessary so they could tie up loose ends and that Jensen was a nobody. He convinced her otherwise though as he not only released Mercy and her brother but could also bring them back into the D.E.O.[1]

Identity exposed to the public and incarceration[]

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When Ben was revealed as Agent Liberty, he was incarcerated for his crime. However, he soon won new recruits.[4]

A war against Supergirl and aliens[]

United States Department of Alien Affairs

United States Department of Alien Affairs.

Later, Ben was released by Baker on a technicality and was appointed Secretary of Alien Affairs, giving him authority over the D.E.O. to continue his war against Supergirl and aliens with the Children of Liberty, with his wife and son at his side.[5]

Following an assassination attempt on Ben by the Elite, Baker assigned Director Alex Danvers as his personal security, much to her chagrin. Ben would later go on to publicly declare his intention to repeal the Alien Amnesty Act, claiming it gave alien criminals leeway. He then hosted a rally to rile his supporters against the peaceful pro-alien protest. Alex then forcibly removed Ben from the stage, shortly before Manchester Black started a riot. Following the Superfriends' resolution of the riot and James Olsen publishing photos of people from both sides helping each other, Ben and Baker were forced to pass the matter of the Alien Amnesty Act to a congressional hearing.[6]

Losing his wife and son[]

Ben oversaw an innocent alien of being taken from his family, only because he was an alien. George was uncomfortable with it, so Ben left him under the care of his top lieutenant. Later, he witnessed a live interview of the Dreamer, and swore to catch her. He assaulted CatCo, but his forces were defeated, and he was defeated by James Olsen, who broke his arm with powers received from Harun-El. James demanded he get out, as he assaulted a premise of free journalism, something he can't go up against without rewritng the constitution. Ben swore he will find out how James got powers, and will capture Dreamer as well.

Ben (seemingly) won his war against aliens, but his son left him. Being disillusioned by his father and his wife, Lydia was killed by an alien, in retaliation for her husband who was wrongfully arrested by the Children of Liberty.[7]

Enraged by his wife's death, Ben left her funeral while George was giving her eulogy to hunt down her murderer. While leading a D.E.O. strike team to raid an alien hideout and discovered Lydia's murderer, Ben ordered the other aliens sharing the hideout arrested as accessories. Just as they were rounding them up, James Olsen and Dreamer confronted Ben. Agent Dox soon convinced the D.E.O. agents to ignore Ben, forcing him to take the Harun-El serum he confiscated from Lena's lab to give himself superpowers. J'onn J'onzz soon appeared to aid his allies and managed to defeat Ben by throwing him into a tanker truck before fleeing. When Ben later returned to George, son expressed his discontent that his father chose anger and hatred over mourning Lydia.[8]

Discovery to be Lex Luthor's pawn[]

Lockwood is told that he works for Lex

Lockwood is told that he works for Lex.

Ben was later confronted by Lena, who accused him of working for Lex, much to his amusement. However, Lena pointed out that within a year, he went from a down-on-his-luck professor to the Director of Alien Affairs because President Baker in fact worked for Lex, and asked if he ever considered that his rise to power was too easy. She then realized that Ben was unaware that Lex had been secretly manipulating him and now Ben had become expendable. Ben tried to defend himself before discovering he was suffering hair loss from the Harun-El. Lena then left him, remarking that while Ben started out trying to save humanity, all what he had done was hand its future over to a psychopath.[9]

Lockwood realises the President works for Lex

Lockwood realises the President works for Lex.

Deciding that Lena had a point, Ben decided to look for answers and found Otis Graves in their former safehouse who confirmed everything Lena told him before he tried to kill Ben, as he had become a liability.

Lockwood kills Otis

Lockwood kills Otis.

However, Ben quickly got him in a headlock only to be tackled by Olsen, who insisted they needed Otis to find Lex. Shortly as Olsen was incapacitated by the Harun-El, Ben inadvertently saved him and Lena from Otis by ripping out his kryptonite heart before leaving.

The final confrontation with the Superfriends, and his re-incarceration[]

Ben later watched President Baker commend Lex for "thwarting" the Kaznian invasion, resulting in him basically usurping Ben as Director of Alien Affairs. Shortly afterwards, Ben was ambushed by a group of Eve Teschmacher clones, whom he managed to defeat before interrogating the surviving clone for Lex's plan.

Ben later led the Children of Liberty went to Shelley Island to get revenge on Lex Luthor for using them as pawns and also to kill Lex's alien prisoners. Upon arrival, they encountered Supergirl and the Superfriends, much to his delight. One by one the Children of Liberty were defeated, and he got into a direct confrontation with the Kryptonian, managing to land a few blows. However, he was no match for her superior strength and combat skills, as she quickly overpowered him.

Subsequently, while Supergirl was forced to deal with Lex, Ben then got into a direct confrontation with James Olsen, whose combat skills were also superior to his, the two men simultaneously stabbed each other with Lena's Harun-El extractors, removing each other's powers, but James lost an eye. Ben was ultimately defeated by Alex Danvers and re-incarcerated for his several crimes of domestic terrorism against the alien citizens of National City.[10]

Legacy of anti-alien hatred coming to an end[]

While in the prison cafeteria, Ben watched his son, George Lockwood give a speech about the co-existence towards aliens and how hatred tore apart his family to the press in disappointment.[10]

Anti-Monitor Crisis[]

During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Ben, as well as everyone in the multiverse; except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[11] only to be restored a month later after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe.[12]

New multiverse[]

In the rewritten history of Earth-Prime, Ben was defeated by Lex Luthor and Supergirl working together; if he was still being manipulated by Lex is unknown.[13] What is known is that he never orchestrated the release of Kryptonite into Earth's atmosphere.[14]

Alternate timeline[]

Ben Lockwood (Earth-Prime)

Ben in the alternate timeline.

In an alternate timelife created by Mr. Mxyzptlk, during the Children of Liberty's campaign. When Ben Lockwood, as Agent Liberty, poisons the atmosphere with Kryptonite, Kara (who revealed her identity to Lena as Supergirl) dies, since Lena wasn't around to save her in time; later, Alex mourns at her sister's grave. This timeline was erased after Kara immediately asks to be brought out of this reality.[15]

Otis and Lockwood forces Supergirl to publicly reveal her identity in an alternate timeline

Ben watches the reveal.

In another alternate timeline, Ben lost his wife, son, and father because they worshipped Supergirl as a god and they jumped from a roof, having faith that she would save them. To avenge them, Ben, working with Otis Graves, captured Lena Luthor since she knew Supergirl's civilian identity. Kara reveals herself to save Lena, but this sets forth a chain of events where all of the Superfriends and Cat Grant (as well as anyone who knew Kara) are systematically killed, likely including Lena.[15]


Ben Lockwood

Ben in his civilian persona.

"Well, history is extreme, truth is extreme. The classroom isn't a safe place where everyone gets to hear a fairy tale version of the facts. And if students can't handle perspectives that are different than their own, then I don't know. Maybe they don't belong here."
—Ben Lockwood[src]

Ben was once a mild-mannered and open-minded individual, whose views eventually turned to anti-alien sentiment due to multiple alien-related incidents that have befallen the Lockwood family. He also worried about his father, Peter Lockwood as he tries many times to prove him wrong about aliens and was devastated when he died.

Initially, Ben bore no hatred for aliens, as he was considerably more open-minded then his father, Peter; but; due to his father's negative influence; he gradually began to hate all other aliens in general and ultimately developing an intense prejudice towards them; regardless whether or not these said aliens are good or evil.

Ben also became similar to Peter in his narcissistic traits, always blame others for his own problems; for example, after Ben had got fired from his job as a history professor of National City University, he tried to blame one of his former students for this; when it was actually Ben; who had brought it on himself, as he had been warned several times; by the tenure board about conferring his personal prejudicial ideology to his non-alien students; which eventually led to Ben's justified removal from National City University.

Agent Liberty

Ben as Agent Liberty.

"Because we can come together and we can tear out this alien disease that threatens to poison our world, we can invite them to return to the planets that they came from and we can restore health and vitality and security to this country. And I, as your Agent of Liberty, will stand with you as we dare to put Earth first!"
—Agent Liberty[src]

As Agent Liberty, Ben is a human patriot and nationalist, who seeks to empower his fellow humans, regardless of ethnicity or faith to unite against their ungodly extraterrestrial immigrants. Ben has witnessed many tragedies befalling, not only his family, but also many humans, due to extraterrestrial activities. This is further fueled, by the media disapproval (James Olsen) to help these humans; even L-Corp to help them in their times of crisis, causing many humans to be let go, without jobs and homes.

With the United States government turning on it's human civilians in favor of extraterrestrial amnesty, Ben decided to help humanity; by exposing extraterrestrials of the threats they really are. He was kind to his followers and not willing to kill humans as seen; when he let Raymond Jensen go, despite Mercy Graves wanting to kill him.

As noted, by James Olsen, Ben is a selfish, delusional-psychopath, as he claims that, he started his crusade against aliens to protect the human race against alien threats, but in truth, he had actually started his crusade against the aliens out of hatred, jealousy and selfishness.

Ben is quite arrogant, to the point of being self-righteous, for example, he claims that, he wears a mask to conceal his identity, in order to protect his family from alien threatens, he, even went as far as to call Kara Danvers (under the persona of Supergirl) a coward, who keeps her identity a secret, but in truth, well Kara actually does keeps her identity a secret, in order to protect her family from her enemies, Ben's crusade against aliens is only, out of hatred, jealousy and selfishness.

After becoming being granted the title United States Secretary of Alien Affairs, by the then-president, Phil Baker, Ben becomes, even more arrogant and self-righteous than ever, willing to arrest any aliens for wrongful reasons, as he has the power to do. He also became obsessed, with Nia Nal (under the persona of Dreamer), who he sees as a threat to his plans and willing to break, into the Daily Planet just to arrest her, regardless of the consequences, after his wife, Lydia Lockwood was killed, by a female alien in, retaliation for her husband, who was wrongfully arrested, by the Children of Liberty, he becomes more unhinged and obsessed, with revenge, to the point that, he abandoned his son, George Lockwood in his time and grieving and need.

Even, when Ben had caught the alien, who had killed his wife, Lydia, he wanted to arrest more innocent aliens, completely disregarding the fact that, they were not involved in his wife's death, proving just how consumed in hatred that, he has become, as pointed out, by J'onn J'onzz, he has become no different from the late Manchester Black, in "terms of selfishness and vengeance".

Ben ultimately, proven to be caring for one, but himself and will focus on aliens more than his own family; losing the complete love, respect and trust from his own son, Georgie; in the process.

These negative traits of Ben's, are what eventually led to his deserved/justified incarceration.

Powers and abilities[]

Former powers[]

  • Harun-El mutation: After injecting himself with Harun-El, Ben gained possibly meta-human powers.[8] He lost the powers after the Harun-El was taken out of his system by Lena Luthor's extractor.[10]
    • Superhuman strength: Ben was able to throw a car without much effort. However, Ben's strength was proven to be inferior to Martian Manhunter and Supergirl's respectively; although he was able to land a few blows on the kryptonian, she was able to overpower him relatively easily.
    • Superhuman durability: Ben was unaffected by one of Dreamer's blasts, and was able to withstand completely unharmed by a fiery explosion.
    • Superhuman speed: Ben found he could move at phenomenal speeds to dispatch clones sent by Lex Luthor.
    • Accelerated healing factor: Ben was able to instantly recover from a broken arm.
    • Eye transformation: When using his powers of the Harun-El, Ben’s eyes turned pitch black.


  • High-level intellect/Skilled tactician/Leader: Ben is a capable leader, coupled with good communication skills. Mercy Graves has compared his rhetoric skills to Franklin Roosevelt and Mussolini. Ben was able to recruit many individuals into the Children of Liberty by feeding on the increasingly tense atmosphere following numerous alien battles. Before being recruited by the Graves siblings, Ben and his friends were able to keep cause against alien immigrants a secret from federal authorities and even the D.E.O.
    • Master debater: Ben possesses great knowledge of alien politics and cultures and even human politics and economics. During a TV debate against Kara, Ben was able to use logical and factual statements, bringing up certain points in human history, to prove his points, vocally defeating the disguised Kryptonian much to Kara's disdain.
    • Expert charisma: As noted by Mercy Graves, Ben has the ability to win over hearts with his words. Even when he initially hid his identity as Agent Liberty, Ben could still inspire trust in others by identifying with the fear and anger towards aliens.
  • Skilled hand-to-hand combatant: Ben is a capable hand-to-hand combatant, most likely having received minor training from Mercy Graves, as he was able to temporarily fight against Manchester Black, but his combat skills are, proven to be inferior to Black's, he also quickly beat down Coop, using his Agent Liberty helmet as a blunt weapon, before he could react. But Ben's combat skills are also, proven to be ultimately inferior to Supergirl, Alex Danvers and James Olsen's; as the three of them individually were able to overpower him relatively easily.
    • Skilled knife wielder: Ben is proficient in using a knife in combat. This is seen when he used an antique bayonet against Manchester Black, even managing to stab him in the shoulder.

Former weaknesses[]

  • Deterioration: Due to taking an unfinished dose of the Harun-El, Ben's body deteriorating slowly; as seen when he started to lose his hair after talking to Lena Luthor.[9] In an effort to remedy this, he continued injecting himself with more unfinished Harun-El. After the Harun-El was taken out, his deterioration stopped.[10]


Agent Liberty suit

Agent Liberty suit.

  • Agent Liberty suit: Ben possesses a suit that protects his identity and himself from threats. Ben had put together the suit in the abandon Lockwood factory. He shown to wear a golden helmet but later discard it.
    • Retractable blade: The suit has a retractable blade hidden in its arm. This is displayed when it is used to kill Fiona Byrne.
  • Handgun: Ben carried and used a handgun during his attack on Dreamer. He used Manchester Black's own handgun against him in an attempt to execute him.




  • Ben initially used a different speech pattern; when disguised as Agent Liberty. Notably, he took pauses and audible breaths. Whether this was part of his disguise or due to his mask is debatable.
  • Unlike most other villains, Ben didn't don a mask to conceal his true identity; since the Agent Liberty mask was to emphasize that; who he was as an individual didn't matter what he stood for did.
    • While what Ben stood for was extremely prejudiced, the idea of himself not mattering more than his crusade in the long run arguably ensured his following.
  • Ben could be seen as an initial foil to Manchester Black;
    • Both their ideologies involve violence against those; who they feel wronged them. Although onlike Manchester; Ben started his crusade; with allies and support.
    • Ben remained close to his family and friends upon beginning his vendetta while Manchester grew estranged from his friends; due to his vendetta.
    • Both of their journeys began after the loss of someone they loved; Ben lost his father, Peter Lockwood, while Manchester lost his fiancée, Fiona Byrne.
    • Ironically; Manchester was originally going to be the main antagonist of Season 4 of Supergirl;[16] before Ben took on the role after Manchester's death.
  • Ben shares similarities; with Orlin Dwyer/Cicada:
    • Both of their vendettas are based on xenophobia; Orlin hates meta-humans, while Ben hates aliens. They're also willing to kill any individual of the aforementioned species, be it heroes or criminals.
    • Both faced repeated attacks and losses; due to the prominent heroes in their cities; Orlin lost his sister to a meta-human attack, while Ben experienced damage to his home and the closure (later destruction) of family business as a in/direct byproduct of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
    • A beloved family member getting hurt as a result of the final battle in their show's previous seasons was the final catalyst for their descent into villainy; Orlin became Cicada after his niece was rendered comatose during the Enlightenment. Ben became Agent Liberty after his father died during Reign's terraformation of Earth.
    • Orlin and Ben were both initially presented as the main antagonists of their respective shows during the 2018-19 season, until another villain usurped them; Orlin was killed and replaced by his time-traveling niece, while Ben was revealed to be a pawn of Lex Luthor's agenda.
  • Ben also shares similarities; with Clifford DeVoe/Thinker:
    • Both were educators at universities; before they became corrupted.
    • Both eventually lost their families while trying to achieve their misguided goals.
    • Both of their endgames involved "saving" humanity; Ben aimed to rid Earth of all extraterrestrials to prevent them from hurting native humans. DeVoe wanted to reset the populace's brains; in order to "enlighten" the human race on the dangers of advancing technology.
    • Both were the main antagonists of the fourth seasons of their respective shows.
  • Ben Lockwood is one of the main antagonists of the Arrowverse to be still alive after the season, in which he was the main antagonist. The others are Malcolm Merlyn, Slade Wilson, Hunter Zolomon, Ricardo Diaz, Ramsey Rosso, Mobius, Beth Kane, Lachesis, Eva McCulloch, the Speed Force, Safiyah Sohail, Roman Sionis, August Heart, Tal-Rho, Ally Allston, the Negative Still Force, Marquis Jet, Red Death, the Negative Speed Force, and Bruno Mannheim.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the main DC comics continuity, Ben Lockwood was the first Agent Liberty, an ex-CIA operative turned superhero who worked for the Sons of Liberty organization.
    • Unlike the show's adaptation, Ben in the DC comics was more heroic, being disgusted; with the violent methods of intelligence, although the two still share a number of similarities; looks, suit elements, the fact that; the suit was provided for him; by the interested organization and said organization opposing Superman, eventually targeting politicians; which made Agent Liberty break away from the group.
    • Later on, Ben investigated an influx of Kryptonians on Earth, similar to how three terrorist attacks on Earth involving Supergirl motivated Ben to eventually spread his anti-alien propaganda through the Children of Liberty and The Lockdown. In the DC comics, Ben was killed; by Superwoman (Lucy Lane) during his investigation.
  • Lockwood served as one of the main antagonists of Season 4 of Supergirl alongside Lex Luthor.

