Systematics, evolution, and biogeography of Compositae
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Systematics, evolution, and biogeography of Compositae
- Publication date
- 2009
- Topics
- Compositae, Asteraceae, Taxonomy, Evolution, Biogeography, soorten, species, taxonomie, plantengeografie, phytogeography, evolutie, plantenmorfologie, plant morphology, chromosoomaantal, chromosome number, genetische diversiteit, genetic diversity, fylogenie, phylogeny, wereld, world, Asterales, Plant Taxonomy, Plantentaxonomie
- Publisher
- Vienna, Austria : International Association for Plant Taxonomy, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna
- Collection
- internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled
- Contributor
- Internet Archive
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 2.8G
xxxiv, 965 pages : 29 cm +
"This spectacular book does full justice to the Compositae (Asteraceae), the largest and most successful flowering plant family with some 1700 genera and 24,000 species. It is an indispensable reference, providing the most up-to-date hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships in the family based on molecular and morphological characters, along with the corresponding subfamilial and tribal classification. The 2009 work not only integrates the extensive molecular phylogenetic analyses conducted in the last 25 years, but also uses these to produce a metatree for about 900 taxa of Compositae. The book contains 44 chapters, contributed by 80 authors, covering the history, economic importance, character variation, and systematic and phylogenetic diversity of the family. The emphasis of this work is phylogenetic; its chapters provide a detailed, current, and thoroughly documented presentation of the major (and not so major) clades in the family, citing some 2632 references. Like the Compositae, the book is massive, diverse, and fascinating. It is beautifully illustrated, with 170 figures, and an additional 108 cladograms (all consistently color-coded, based on the geographic range of the included taxa); within these figures are displayed 443 color photographs, clearly demonstrating the amazing array of floral and vegetative form expressed by members of the clade"--NHBS Environment Bookstore
"Appendix B: Bibliography of pollen literature in Compositae / Alexandra H. Wortley, Stephen Blackmore and John J. Skevarla"-Page 807-867
Includes bibliographical references (pages 875-940) and index
Chart displays Compositae color codes on one side and Compositae classification on the other
Foreword / Peter H. Raven -- Introduction: A history of research in Compositae : early beginnings to the Reading Meeting (1975) / J. Mauricio Bonifacino [and others]. The recent history of Compositae systematics : from daisies to deep achenes, sister groups and metatrees / Vernon H. Heywood. Economic importance of Compositae / Beryl B. Simpson -- Character evolution at the family level: A review of chromosome numbers in Asteraceae with hypotheses on chromosomal base number evolution / John C. Semple and Kuniaki Watanabe. Secondary chemistry of Compositae / Lalita M. Calabria [and others]. An introduction to micro-characters of Compositae / Harold Robinson. Evolution of pollen in Compositae / Stephen Blackmore [and others]. Evolution of Compositae flowers / Charles Jeffrey. Genetic diversity in Asteraceae endemic to oceanic islands : Baker's Law and polyploidy / Daniel J. Crawford [and others] -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : Asterales: Asteraceae and relationships within Asterales / Johannes Lundberg. Classification of Compositae / Vicki A. Funk [and others] -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : basal clades: The basal grade of Compositae : Mutisieae (sensu Cabrera) and Carduoideae / Santiago Oritz [and others]. Barnadesiae (Barnadesioideae) / Tod F. Stuessy, Estrella Urtubey and Michael Gruenstaeudl. Mutisieae sensu stricto (Mutisioidae sensu stricto) / Liliana Katinas [and others]. Gochnatieae (Gochnatioideae) and Hyalideae (Wunderlichioideae p.p.) / Gisela Sancho and Susana E. Freire. Hecastocleideae (Hecastocleidoideae) / Vicki A. Funk and D.J. Nicholas Hind. Dicomeae (Carduoideae) / Santiago Oritz [and others]. Tarchonantheae (Carduoideae) / Santiago Oritz. Oldenburieae (Carduoideae) / Santiago Oritz. Cardueae (Carduoideae) / Alfonso Susanna and Núria Garcia-Jacas. Pertyeae (Pertyoideae) / Susana E. Feire. Gymnarrheneae (Gymnarrhenoideae) / Vicki A. Funk and Ori Fragman-Sapir -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : Cichorioideae and Corymbioideae: Introduction to Cichorioideae / Vicki A. Funk and Raymund Chan. Cichorieae / Norbert Kilian, Birgit Gemeinholzer and Hands Walter Lack. Arctotideae / Per Ola Karis [and others]. Eremothamneae / Harold Robinson and Vicki A. Funk. Liabeae / Michael O. Dillon [and others]. Vernonieae / Sterling C. Keeley and harold Robinson. Platycarpheae / Vicki A. Funk [and others]. Moquinieae / Harold Robinson. Heterolepis : an unplaced genus / Vicki A. Funk and Per Ola Karis. Corymbieae / Bertil Nordenstam and Vicki A. Funk -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : Asteroideae: Introduction to Asteroideae / Peter B. Pelser and Linda E. Watson. Senecioneae / Bertil Nordenstam [and others]. Calenduleae / Bertil Nordenstam and Mari Källersjö. Gnaphalieae / Josephine Ward [and others]. Astereae / Luc Brouillet [and others]. Anthemideae / Christoph Oberprieler [and others]. Inuleae / Arne A. Anderberg. Athroismeae / Arne A. Anderberg. Heliantheae alliance / Bruce G. Baldwin. Coreopsideae / Daniel J. Crawford [and others]. Eupatorieae / Harold Robinson, Edward Schilling, and José L. Panero -- Conclusion: Compositae metatrees : the next generation / Vicki A. Funk [and others] -- Appendix A: Illustrated glossary of Compositae / Nádia Roque, David J. Keil and Alfonso Susanna
"This spectacular book does full justice to the Compositae (Asteraceae), the largest and most successful flowering plant family with some 1700 genera and 24,000 species. It is an indispensable reference, providing the most up-to-date hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships in the family based on molecular and morphological characters, along with the corresponding subfamilial and tribal classification. The 2009 work not only integrates the extensive molecular phylogenetic analyses conducted in the last 25 years, but also uses these to produce a metatree for about 900 taxa of Compositae. The book contains 44 chapters, contributed by 80 authors, covering the history, economic importance, character variation, and systematic and phylogenetic diversity of the family. The emphasis of this work is phylogenetic; its chapters provide a detailed, current, and thoroughly documented presentation of the major (and not so major) clades in the family, citing some 2632 references. Like the Compositae, the book is massive, diverse, and fascinating. It is beautifully illustrated, with 170 figures, and an additional 108 cladograms (all consistently color-coded, based on the geographic range of the included taxa); within these figures are displayed 443 color photographs, clearly demonstrating the amazing array of floral and vegetative form expressed by members of the clade"--NHBS Environment Bookstore
"Appendix B: Bibliography of pollen literature in Compositae / Alexandra H. Wortley, Stephen Blackmore and John J. Skevarla"-Page 807-867
Includes bibliographical references (pages 875-940) and index
Chart displays Compositae color codes on one side and Compositae classification on the other
Foreword / Peter H. Raven -- Introduction: A history of research in Compositae : early beginnings to the Reading Meeting (1975) / J. Mauricio Bonifacino [and others]. The recent history of Compositae systematics : from daisies to deep achenes, sister groups and metatrees / Vernon H. Heywood. Economic importance of Compositae / Beryl B. Simpson -- Character evolution at the family level: A review of chromosome numbers in Asteraceae with hypotheses on chromosomal base number evolution / John C. Semple and Kuniaki Watanabe. Secondary chemistry of Compositae / Lalita M. Calabria [and others]. An introduction to micro-characters of Compositae / Harold Robinson. Evolution of pollen in Compositae / Stephen Blackmore [and others]. Evolution of Compositae flowers / Charles Jeffrey. Genetic diversity in Asteraceae endemic to oceanic islands : Baker's Law and polyploidy / Daniel J. Crawford [and others] -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : Asterales: Asteraceae and relationships within Asterales / Johannes Lundberg. Classification of Compositae / Vicki A. Funk [and others] -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : basal clades: The basal grade of Compositae : Mutisieae (sensu Cabrera) and Carduoideae / Santiago Oritz [and others]. Barnadesiae (Barnadesioideae) / Tod F. Stuessy, Estrella Urtubey and Michael Gruenstaeudl. Mutisieae sensu stricto (Mutisioidae sensu stricto) / Liliana Katinas [and others]. Gochnatieae (Gochnatioideae) and Hyalideae (Wunderlichioideae p.p.) / Gisela Sancho and Susana E. Freire. Hecastocleideae (Hecastocleidoideae) / Vicki A. Funk and D.J. Nicholas Hind. Dicomeae (Carduoideae) / Santiago Oritz [and others]. Tarchonantheae (Carduoideae) / Santiago Oritz. Oldenburieae (Carduoideae) / Santiago Oritz. Cardueae (Carduoideae) / Alfonso Susanna and Núria Garcia-Jacas. Pertyeae (Pertyoideae) / Susana E. Feire. Gymnarrheneae (Gymnarrhenoideae) / Vicki A. Funk and Ori Fragman-Sapir -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : Cichorioideae and Corymbioideae: Introduction to Cichorioideae / Vicki A. Funk and Raymund Chan. Cichorieae / Norbert Kilian, Birgit Gemeinholzer and Hands Walter Lack. Arctotideae / Per Ola Karis [and others]. Eremothamneae / Harold Robinson and Vicki A. Funk. Liabeae / Michael O. Dillon [and others]. Vernonieae / Sterling C. Keeley and harold Robinson. Platycarpheae / Vicki A. Funk [and others]. Moquinieae / Harold Robinson. Heterolepis : an unplaced genus / Vicki A. Funk and Per Ola Karis. Corymbieae / Bertil Nordenstam and Vicki A. Funk -- Phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the tribes : Asteroideae: Introduction to Asteroideae / Peter B. Pelser and Linda E. Watson. Senecioneae / Bertil Nordenstam [and others]. Calenduleae / Bertil Nordenstam and Mari Källersjö. Gnaphalieae / Josephine Ward [and others]. Astereae / Luc Brouillet [and others]. Anthemideae / Christoph Oberprieler [and others]. Inuleae / Arne A. Anderberg. Athroismeae / Arne A. Anderberg. Heliantheae alliance / Bruce G. Baldwin. Coreopsideae / Daniel J. Crawford [and others]. Eupatorieae / Harold Robinson, Edward Schilling, and José L. Panero -- Conclusion: Compositae metatrees : the next generation / Vicki A. Funk [and others] -- Appendix A: Illustrated glossary of Compositae / Nádia Roque, David J. Keil and Alfonso Susanna
- Access-restricted-item
- true
- Addeddate
- 2021-05-11 14:00:58
- Associated-names
- Funk, V. A. (Vicki Ann), 1947-; International Association for Plant Taxonomy
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- Full catalog record
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