Sonic the Hedgehog and the Freedom Fighters of the Prime Zone.
The Prime Zone is a Zone in the multiverse, and the reality from which Sonic the Hedgehog is from, and is the native universe of Sonic's World.
It is possible to reach alternate dimensions from the Prime Zone through various means, mainly those within the multiverse and, on incredibly rare occasions, worlds from other multiverses entirely. The Prime Zone is just one of many universes throughout the multiverse. (StH: #256, #275, SU: #78)
The Past[]
Much of the known conflict in the Prime Zone would take place on Sonic's World, where the Freedom Fighters would battle the empire of Eggman. (FCDS: #8)
Worlds Collide[]
When Drs. Eggman and Wily unleashed the second Genesis Wave, the Prime Zone's history was slightly altered and brought in contact with an altered Earth 20XX to suit the doctors' needs. When the Super Genesis Wave later washed over the Prime Zone, Super Sonic barely managed to reverse it, but not without the excess energies from the Super Genesis Wave being applied to his planet, which ultimately led to the Shattered World Crisis. (StH: #251, #256, SU: #51, MM: #24)
Worlds Unite[]
Due to the Genesis Portal phenomenon, Sigma gained access to the Prime Zone, where he merged Sonic's World with Earth 20XX to create the Unified World as part of a plan to attain godhood. Before reality itself could collapse from the damage Sigma caused though, Xander Payne rewrote history so that the Prime Zone was never caught up in Sigma's scheme. (StH: #273, MM: #50, #52)
Points of interest[]
- Black Comet (destroyed)
- New Black Comet (destroyed)
- Planet Wisp
- Sonic's World