Knothole Village.
Knothole is a village of the Kingdom of Acorn hidden deep within the Wood Zone on Westside Island. It was the refuge of the Knothole Freedom Fighters during Dr. Eggman's coup d'état.
Home of the Freedom Fighters[]

Knothole, not long after Eggman's takeover of Mobotropolis.
When Eggman invaded Mobotropolis, banishing King Acorn and Naugus into the Special Zone, the kids of the city, including Sally, Antoine and a serverly injured Bunnie were rescued by Rosie and Chuck and taken here. Rotor came later, wanting to come in Mobotropolis, the "greatest city in the world", but only finding the city invaded by Dr. Eggman's forces. The village became the children's main base of operation when, inspired by Sonic's heroism, Sally formed the Freedom Fighters. (SCO: #1, #2, #3, #4)
Shattered World Crisis[]
Before the world shattered, Uncle Chuck was staying in the village studying the seismic tremors that had been occurring across the planet, as well as the mysterious purple gas leaking from the cracks in the Earth, with the aid of his assistant Ben Muttski, and with Antoine on guard. Sonic and Tails, their memories of the old timeline intact, came to the village in their mission to gather the Freedom Fighters. After admiring the beauty of their formerly fallen childhood home, and a happy reunion, Antoine regained his memories of the old timeline. (StH: #251, #252, #253, #254)