The Great Rainforest: one of the few parts of Mobius mercifully unspoiled by Dr. Robotnik.
The Great Rainforest is a vast jungle located on the same southern continent as and north of the Mysterious Cat Country and Station Square. The area is an ecological wonder that has seen little development in ages (with the exception of the Lost Temple of Shazamazon) and almost no influence by the late Dr. Ivo Robotnik. The first person in recent history known to have trekked through this territory was Nate Morgan after he exiled himself from the Kingdom of Acorn. It was here he found a Super Emerald inside the Lost Temple which he used as a power source to forge the Ring of Acorns and then switch the two magical objects before moving on. Years after, Dr. Robotnik had some effect on the area when he roboticzed many of the Mobian natives into mindless Robians, but made no further attempts to conquer the region (possibly from focusing on the Freedom Fighter cells, not finding any useful resources there, or most likely from his psychological fear of jungles). Roughly one decade later (after defeating Ixis Naugus), Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, and Nate Morgan would make a pit-stop here to locate the Ring of Acorns to power their plane for the return trip to Mobotropolis. (StH: #67)
Only days later, Sonic would run through the Great Rainforest again as Eco Sonic to reverse the effects of a time beam controlled by Dr. Eggman via satellite. (StH: #71)