Mobius Encyclopaedia
The subject of this article appeared before the Super Genesis Wave.

Demo Duck
Biographical information
Physical description
  • Red ascot
  • Brown boots
  • Gray gloves
  • Black eyepatch
Political Alignment and Abilities
  • Explosives

Demo Duck is an alternate reality version of Bean the Dynamite and a member of the dwindling resistance opposing Enerjak on the world of Dark Mobius. He's capable of generating small black bombs which he uses as weapons, while also much more lucid and sane on a regular basis.


The Last Resistance[]

Demo had joined up with Jani-Ca's resistance movement and was one of the few left free after their attempt to defeat Enerjak was foiled. He continued to live in hiding within Nekronopolis; one day, he and the other Freedom Fighters ventured out to attack a group of Enerjak's Prelate warriors. Demo destroyed three of them with explosives. It was soon discovered that the Prelates had been after Silver the Hedgehog; Demo informed Jani-Ca that they'd found a survivor. The group returned to their hidden base with Silver in tow. Unfortunately, they were soon discovered by Enerjak, who set his reformed Prelates against the group. While Demo had initially helped the group escape by creating an exit with his bombs, he soon found himself struggling to combat the Prelates again as they destroyed his bombs as fast as he made them. (SU: #26)

While the battle initially went poorly, the Freedom Fighters were soon able to turn the tide; again, Demo was able to destroy Prelate-C and Prelate-S. However, when Enerjak retaliated, he took Scarlette Rabbot hostage and held her by the throat; this sent Demo into an uncontrollable rage. Despite all his teammates desperately urging him to run away, including Scarlette herself, Demo charged Enerjak with a bomb in hand. Then, an explosion was heard; soon after, Enerjak revealed that he had reduced both Demo and Scarlette to Cores. Afterwards, Jani-Ca gathered up his body alongside the others with Demo holding Scarlette's hand even after death. Enerjak soon made use of Demo's core when he summoned a new Prelate amongst the horde he set against Silver, but Jani-Ca was able to destroy it in one blow. (SU: #27, #28)


Demo is somewhat easy-going and very confident in his abilities. However, it seems he is prone to becoming almost mindless with rage if pushed( saying he might still have Bean Primes craziness). He seems close to Scarlette, and always addresses Jani-Ca as "boss" or "boss-lady." His special glove and eye-patch hinted at some rough battles in the past, which may have tempered his zany spirit. (ASUB)


Demo is a green duck with pale yellow beak and legs and blue eyes. Being an alternate-universe counterpart, Demo is very similar in appearance to Bean the Dynamite. However, there are a few notable differences. Older, he has some lines around his eyes. He wears a red ascot, dull boots and gloves (one fingerless), and an eyepatch over his right eye.


Scarlette Rabbot[]

At some point in the past, Scarlette Rabbot and Demo became a couple, but the circumstances for it are unknown. Demo is very protective of Scarlette though, and will lose all control & even throw himself into extreme danger if she is threatened. (ASUB)

Background Information[]

  • Unlike his Mobius Prime counterpart, Demo appears quite lucid.
  • Demo's name is likely taken from the idea that he uses explosives along with the term "demolition".
  • Demo's general appearance is a reference to Ian Flynn's old fan project, Other-M where Demo is actually the leader of "The Rebels" and retains his Prime counterpart's name, while being in a much more serious relationship with Bunnie. The one major difference is the longer glove on his right arm, which was not in Other-M as it instead featured bare skeletal bones going up to his elbow, due to the bombs he created with it being tied to his life force.
  • Demo Duck has a striking resemblence of Demoman from Team Fortress 2, both have the same abilities to throw bombs and have an eyepach on it's right eye.