Tom Buchanan is a man from East Egg who is the archenemy of Jay Gatsby. Tom Buchanan represents the corruption and elitism of "old money" and pre-Depression social stratification. He is a very vain, pompous, egotistical individual with few redeeming qualities. He has a mistress named Myrtle despite his married to Daisy Buchanan. When Daisy accidentlcally Killed Myrtle on the car, he didn't regard that she was the one who driving the car. He is also a hypocrites since he criticizes Daisy when she has an Affair with Gatsby when he himself is involved in an affair with Myrtle. He also believes in white supremacist idea, as he believed he was a member of the Nordics whose goal is to suppress the non-white inferior races. He also neglects his daughter Pammy as he is "god knows where".