Shurimon is a minor antagonist in Digimon Fusion. He has served as Musyamon's henchman and right-hand man in the Warrior Zone.
Shurimon is an Armor Level Digimon that has Throwing Stars attached to both his legs and arms. He can also stretch his arms and legs when using throwing stars in battle.
Digimon Fusion[]
When Musyamon served as the commander of the Bagra Army that ruled the Warrior Zone, Shurimon served as his right-hand man. And when he and Musyamon kidnapped the Princess of the Warrior Zone, Babamon, they held her prisoner in Musyamon's castle. And when Mikey Kudo and his friends arrived in the Warrior Zone, they began to cooperate with the Monitamon residents to stop Musyamon and save Princess Babamon, and in that mission, he and Asuramon, Samudramon and Ninjamon forces attacked the Monitamon village, but Mikey and his friends stood in the way of him and his forces. When Jeremy and the three red Monitamon with him rescued the princess, Mikey fused his fellow Digimon into Shoutmon X5, at which point Shoutmon X5 defeated him along with Musyamon, Samudramon, and Asuramon.
- Double Stars
- Nouten Sakaotoshi
- Ninja Wind
- Jumping Drill
- Aqua Skim
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