The Shadow Triad (Japanese: ダークトリニティ Dark Trinity), each referred to individually as Shadow (Japanese: ダーク Dark), are three faithful servants of Ghetsis and N and are high-ranking members of Team Plasma.
The Shadow Triad are completely loyal to Ghetsis because he once saved their lives.
In the games[]
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A Shadow (second from the left) in the opening of Black 2 and White 2
They appear many times in Pokémon Black and White, mostly to escort the player to either N or Ghetsis. They make very sudden ninja-like appearances, appearing seemingly out of thin air.
The Shadow Triad are the ones who enabled Ghetsis to evade arrest, creating an opening in which Ghetsis was able to escape Cheren's confinement. After defeating Team Plasma, they appear at Marvelous Bridge and on the orders of Ghetsis, give the player the Adamant Orb, Lustrous Orb, and Griseous Orb—the three orbs of the creation trio. However, on Ghetsis's orders, they make no attempt to find him. They vanish from the bridge and are not seen again for the rest of the game.