Derek and Cornelia are the main antagonist of the 2013 Mexican CGI animated film produced by Kaxan Animation The Secret of the Jade Medallion (or El Secreto del Medallón de Jade in Spanish).
Derek is voiced by the Mexican actor Arath de la Torre and Cornelia by the Mexican actress Adriana Barraza.
During Yolotl's funeral, in the distance a mysterious van arrives where a mysterious woman through binoculars observes how a piece of the jade medallion is placed in the coffin and with that seen, they quickly leave the cemetery so as not to be seen.
- Arath de la Torre once again takes on the role of the antagonist in an animated film made in Mexico, after his role as Titán Caradura in Ánima's Wizards and Giants ten years later.
- Nine years later he would play another antagonistic role, in this case in Huevocartoon's Little Eggs: A Frozen Rooster as one of the Beards (Jan Beard).
- Eight years later, Adriana Barraza returned to participate in the dubbing of another Mexican animated film Koati, with the difference that this time she played a heroic role character (Amaya).