“If you saw a shooting star, what would you wish for?”
― Peppy villager, Wild World
Wishing upon a shooting star is done simply by pressing the button when a shooting star goes overhead, usually during a Meteor Shower.
How to see Wishy[]
On a clear night without rain or snow, a shooting star may appear briefly in the sky, making a twinkling sound. Pressing the button when not holding any tools will make the player wish upon the star. The star will twinkle brighter and louder when this is done successfully. However this action can only be performed if there are no tools equipped. The next day, the player will receive a letter signed "Wishy the Star" with a random gift attached to it. It will always be a spotlight item from Tom Nook's Store.
In some games, making a constellation will make it easier to see Wishy. When Celeste gives a date of when a constellation can be best seen, the chances of seeing Wishy are increased.
List of letters[]
In Wild World[]
I heard a special someone make a wish one night... It's my job to make that wish come true... ★
What did you wish for when you saw the star? No, that's OK... I already know. It is granted. ★
I heard a small voice call to me one lonely night. It made me happy...so I will grant your wish! ★
In New Leaf[]
To the grounded [player], You made a wish on a shooting star on a night when the stars shined bright. That's right, your wish reached its destination so I will grant it for you. From Wishy the Star
To Star Wisher [player] You whispered a wish to a shooting star, didn't you? I heard it loud and clear. Let me answer your little request now. It will surely come true for you. From Wishy the Star
ほしにねがった [player]さん ながれるほしに アナタは ちゃんと きこえましたよ。 そのいのりに こたえましょう。 アナタの ねがいは、 かなえられますよ。 おほしさま
To [player] who has wished on a star You whispered your wish to the shooting stars. I heard it clearly. Let's answer that prayer. Your wish will come true. From Ohoshisama.
In other languages[]
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