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The styracosaurus (スティラコ, sutirako?) is a three-part fossil that can be donated to the museum. It was introduced in City Folk and reappears in New Leaf and can be collected by Happy Home Handbook in Happy Home Designer.

Completing the Styracosaurus[]

In City Folk[]

After donating all of the pieces of the Styracosaurus to the museum in City Folk, Blathers will give the player information on the creature with the following dialogue:

"...What, hoo?! It seems the styracosaurus is complete! Wondrous! Just wondrous! The styracosaurus appeared in the late days of the dinosaurs. Its characteristic horns and collar looked like frills--very dino-fashionable, wot wot! And actually, they had to be, because the rear frill was used by males to attract females. I guess male-female relations haven't changed much in all these years, eh wot? HOO! I...beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I... I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?"

In New Leaf[]

In New Leaf, a plaque by the display offers information about the fossil instead of Blathers.

"Styracosaurus literally means "spiked lizard." It looked roughly like a more intense triceratops. In addition to the spike on its nose, it had three sets of horns extending from its gaudy neck frill. Fossils have generally been found in groups, so the belief is that it was a herd animal."

Unlock with Happy Home Handbook Lesson[]

In Happy Home Designer[]

After Day 9 in game, go to the saving place and sit down at your desk. Pick the "Study the handbook" option, you can complete "Ancient Fossils" lesson with 2 play coins. It adds 67 fossils and 20 models to your collection.

As a Furniture Item[]

Name HRA Points Feng Shui Genre Size (sq)
Styraco Skull 1,000 Brown (x2) Retro 4
Styraco Tail 1,000 Brown (x2) Retro 4
Styraco Torso 1,000 Brown (x2) Retro 4

Further Information[]

Main article: Styracosaurus on Wikipedia

In other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Japan Japanese スティラコ (sutirako) -
France French Styracosaure -
Spain Spanish Estiracosaurio -
Germany German Styracosaurus -
Italy Italian Stiracosauro -
South Korea Korean 스티라코사우루스 () -

Animal Animal Crossing Wild World Logo Animal Crossing- City Folk (logo) Animal Crossing New Leaf logo Animal Crossing New Horizons logo
Multi-part fossils
AnkylosaurusApatosaurusArchelonBrachiosaurusDeinonychusDimetrodonDiplodocusIchthyosaurIguanodonMammothMegaceropsMegalocerosOphthalmosaurusPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusPlesiosaurPteranodonQuetzalcoatlusSabertooth tigerSeismosaurusSpinosaurusStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus rexVelociraptor
Stand-alone fossils
AcanthostegaAmberAmmoniteAnomalocarisArchaeopteryxAustralopithecusCoproliteDinosaur eggDinosaur trackDunkleosteusEusthenopteronFern fossilJuramaiaMyllokunmingiaPeking manShark toothShark-tooth patternTrilobite