Stu is an indigo bull with pink eyelids and horns that are striped orange and yellow. He has some hair atop his head which is colored a lighter blue from the rest of his body, with his muzzle, hooves, and tail-tip matching this color. His nostrils are very large, and his eyes are half-lidded in his default expression. He wore the seven-ball shirt in every game prior to New Horizons, where it changed to the Yodel Sweater.
Below is a brief description of the lazy personality. For more information, click here.
As a lazy villager, Stu will be friendly and easy to get along with due to his laid back lifestyle. Like all lazy villagers, he has a love of food and relaxing. He will enjoy partaking in the usual hobbies, usually for relaxing reasons or for food, like when fishing. Stu will get along well with other villagers, but may offend or confuse jock villagers, who have a lifestyle of exercise and fitness, which conflicts with the lazy lifestyle of relaxing and food. He will get along with other lazy villagers with whom he will talk about food, comics, or superheroes. He will also get along well with normal, peppy, smug, and sisterly villagers, and occasionally cranky villagers, but may from time to time annoy snooty villagers, who disagree with the lazy lifestyle.
In Animal Crossing, Stu's house has mostly blue and cabin themed furniture, and a stereo playing K.K. Lullaby.
Stu used to start every morning by stepping out of his house and taking a deep breath of sweet morning air. Then one morning he snorted a bee up on nostril -now he's a lot more careful when he inhales.