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Quiz Show is a minigame introduced in amiibo Festival.


The battle of the brains commence, as up to four players put their Animal Crossing knowledge to the test in this Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival minigame.

Amiibo Support[]

Each question will ask for questions, such as fish, bugs, where is this from, real art, fake art, which fish is in order, gyroids, and more. If you need help, you can only get help once per character. If you're playing solo, you will not receive help. Hereis the current helping stuff for now.


When Isabelle is called, she videos from New Leaf's town hall. She is knowledgeable about the board game’s features and villager’s catchphrases and will suggest to the player 2 possible answers when asked these questions. Otherwise, she will eliminate 1 answer choice.


When Rover is called, he videos from New Leaf’s train station. He is knowledgeable about fish, deep sea creatures, and Gulliver items and will eliminate half of the possible answers when asked about fish and deep sea creatures and will suggest 2 possible answers when asked about Gulliver items. Otherwise, he will eliminate 1 answer choice.


When Digby is called, he videos from New Leaf's Main Street. He is knowledgeable about bugs and villager catchphrases and will eliminate half of the possible answers when asked these questions. Otherwise, he will eliminate 1 answer choice.

Tom Nook[]

When Tom Nook is called, he videos from New Leaf's Nook's Homes. He is knowledgeable about furniture and art. He will eliminate half of the possible answers when asked about furniture and will suggest 2 possible answers when asked about art. Otherwise, he will eliminate 1 answer choice.

Timmy and Tommy[]

When Timmy and Tommy are called, they video from New Leaf's Nookling Junction. They are knowledgeable about bugs and Gulliver items and will eliminate half of the possible answers when asked these questions. Otherwise, they will eliminate 1 answer choice.


When Cyrus is called, he videos from New Leaf's Re-tail. He is knowledgeable about furniture and music. He will suggest 2 possible answers when asked these furniture and eliminate half of the possible answers when asked about music. Otherwise, he will eliminate 1 answer choice.


When Reese is called, she videos from New Leaf's Re-tail. She is knowledgeable about bugs, furniture, and art. She will suggest 2 possible answers when asked about bugs and eliminate half of the possible answers when asked about furniture and art. Otherwise, she will eliminate 1 answer choice.


When Kicks is called, he videos from New Leaf's Kicks shop. He is knowledgeable about clothing and shoes. He will eliminate half of the possible answers when asked about clothing and suggest 2 possible answers when asked about shoes. Otherwise, he will eliminate 1 answer choice.


When Kapp'n is called, he videos from New Leaf's Wild World. He is knowledgable about fish. He will only suggest 4 possible answers. Otherwise, he will eliminate 1 answer choice.


This should be all for the quiz show. I will post answers on here soon, so that you know what answer is which. I can't do pictures of it, so I'll describe it as possible and reasonable as I can. For music, I'll do dun for each beat, because why not. I will add questions & answers (Q & A) as well. Anyways, as always, stay fresh, and peace out! :)
