Animal Crossing Wiki

The bus stop is an area in the city and player's town in City Folk. It is located near the town gate and sits behind the fountain and allows the player to go to the city. The bus will not come on the first day unless the player has completed their work at Tom Nook's store. It does also not come if there is a villager or snowball in its path. If players build a snowman in the middle of the paved area next to the bus stop, they have to wait four days until it melts to go to the city again. Kapp'n drives the bus to the city.

If a player has a friend over, they cannot take the bus to the city, saying that the bus won't be coming for a while. Upon talking to villagers near the bus stop, their conversations may revolve around the bus and the city, such as saying they are checking the times.


In other languages[]

Bus Stop
Language Name Translation
Spain Spanish Parada del autobús -
South Korea Korean 버스 정류장 () -
