"Hell's Kitchen" is the second special episode of the Angel Beats! anime series, released on June 24, 2015. The episode is directed by Hiroyuki Hashimoto, with storyboards by Masakazu Hashimoto and screenplay by Kousuke Kawazura, Misaki Suzuki and Yuji Miyashita.
Set between episodes two and three, during Golden Week, Yuri arranges for the SSS to go on a deadly picnic, which involves most of the members trying to kill each other with various traps and gadgets. She gives it the codename: Operation Demon Picnic. One by one the guys fall for each others traps until Otonashi is the last one standing. Meanwhile, Girls Dead Monster members Miyuki and Shiori attempt to lead Iwasawa into various pitfalls, only for her to survive each one while remaining completely oblivious. They attempt to use their last trap, a mysterious potion, but it instead lands on Hisako, who transforms into a blood-thirsty monster that not even Tenshi can stop (Did she literally turn into a monster, or is she just really angry? Who knows? Who cares?). Yuri later explains the point of the picnic was to turn someone into a demon from all the killing, so Tenshi would summon God to help her. It is also revealed that this incident is why the band is called Girls Dead Monster.
Shiori and Miyuki Ordering raw liver.
Yuri arranges deadly picnic for SSS members.
Masami invites Shiori and Miyuki to partake in the picnic.
Yay, it's picnic time!
The boys are setting up their picnic site.
Boys: "Yay, We got Noda blasted!"
First goes Noda, then goes Takamatsu...hitted by Ooyama's badminton racket!
And then, Matsushita...pulled apart by Drama club's trap! Ooyama: "*vomit*"
Fujimaki was pulled into the river by an unknown force with his fishing rod.
Oh, my god! What is that? A fleet of helicopters?!
TK: "Oh, yes! Fiery death!"
Ooyama: "Oh, no! Not me too!"
Yuzuru and Hideki are the only people left, until...
Hideki got trapped, impaled by spears and die.
Masami: "I'm ok, again!"
It all started 3 days ago, when Shiori and Miyuki are preparing a potion (aka trap) for Masami...
It's made of corn starch, water, and raw liver.
Potion brewing.
Shiori and Miyuki asks Shiina out.
Yuzuru meets Tenshi.
Yuri speaks to Yusa.
Shiori and Miyuki leading Masami to the raw liver potion trap.
Shiina is supposed to trap Masami with potion.
But the potion fell on Hisako instead.
A monster is unleashed.
Hisako attacks Shiori...
...,Made Tenshi goes flying,...
...and then attacks the just-respawned Hideki.
Shiori explains how Girls Dead Monster got its name.
Shiori has a bad case of diarrhea.
The rest of the Girls Dead Monster members are enjoying their day.