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Revision as of 20:14, 20 Haligmonað 2024 by (motung)
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Dǣl of sē steorriġ lyft nēar Brandenburg an der Havel (Þeodscland) clȳsan tō midniht.

An steorra (Niwenglisc: star) is ænig obiectum healdende togædere bi self-gravitātiō, līehteþ sē rodor and is settende bi chēmicālēs elementa swelc eallswa ƿætertimber, hēlium and ōþer elementa. Hit lif beġinþ mid gravitātiōnālis tofeallan bi an kháos nebula and hites eallmassa mægenlīċ ārǣdende hites ēvolūtiō and ēventuālis gifeþe; hit sċīma for mǣst of his lif bi intinga thermonucleāris fusionem æf ƿætertimber intō hēlium in hites core. Þēs prōcessus relaisse cáfnes þæt ġeondfēreþ þe steorræs innanweard and āsċīnþ intō rodor.