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William Francis Clockwell is Mark's best friend from high school. William doesn't have superpowers, and while he loves that Mark does, William's the guy who keeps Mark grounded. Even while demanding, Mark will still take him for a flight downtown, or lift his car out of an impound lot, or zip over and grab him take-out from that amazing place in Tokyo that does those little sushi-flower things.


Going to Upstate University[]

At school, William tells Mark that he needed to look both ways before crossing the street when his friend told him he was hit by a bus. Mark says they should hang out and tells him they should watch a movie, but William tells him that he would be going for a tour of Upstate University that day with a boy he liked named Rick. Mark asks if he can go and bring Amber, saying he needed it.

William, Mark and Amber get into William's car and leave. Amber asks William to tell her about Rick, who William is excited for her to meet. He tells her he is incredible and does not stop talking about him, which annoys Mark. At Upstate University, they greet Rick, who helps them with their bags. They look at Rick and William mentions it would be a great weekend.

Mark mentions that the place was great and Rick tells them he had arranged for them to see what a biology class looked like. On a kiosk, a missing poster looking for Doug Cheston was posted.

DA Sinclair bored by lecture

D.A. Sinclair was bored by the lecture and told the professor, shocking Mark and the rest of the class.

At the class, a professor gives a biology class, but D.A. Sinclair does not agree with what he has to say and tells him that all human failings were simply engineering challenges and tells them that they were all machines. Amber tells him he was being a jerk and says that what he had told the class was dramatic. D.A. Sinclair walks up to them and tells Rick that he did not belong in a school of idiots. He calls Rick impressive and is asked to leave by the professor.

On campus, William tells Rick that D.A. Sinclair had been checking him out, which must be normal for him, but Rick says he simply needs friends. Amber asks Mark if he is okay, and he says that he is happy. Rick tells them that they could wonder around the campus and they start looking around.

Creature commits suicide

After a big fight against D.A. Sinclair's creature, Invincible was shocked to see it kill itself.

After a while, Mark tells Amber that he likes it there and wanted to go to the school with her, but she tells him that if he wanted that, he would need better grades. When Mark tells her he is serious they lean in for a kiss, but are interrupted by William and Rick, who great them. All of a sudden, there was an explosion and from it came a cyborg who started attacking people while holding his head. When the cyborg grabs Rick, William throws soD.A. cans at it, so it attacks him instead. The cyborg is choking William and is about to kill him. Amber calls Mark, who disappears and returns as Invincible, stopping the cyborg's fatal blow. Since William was dropped, he looks up at Invincible and recognizes Mark, who simply told him to run. After that, Invincible and the cyborg started fighting for real. Invincible was being choked until he manages to lift up the cyborg's mask, which angers the creature and it throws him away. The creature looks at himself and screams in horror, killing himself.

Mark rushes to William, who is in shock, but Mark asks him to calm down and leaves. Rick walks up to William, who tells them he is in shock. Rick hugs him, thanking him for having saved him, which William likes. Mark walks up as himself and tells them that the police were on their way. When asked by a furious Amber where he had been, he tells her that he had run for help, but she did not believe him. She tells him that both she and Eve had been wrong about him.

Amber tells Mark that she would not share rooms with him, so Rick tells him that he could bunk with him and William. He also tells them that he would get them some beer so things cooled down a little. When he leaves, William excitedly repeats that Mark is Invincible, but does not like that he was never told.

William keeps asking Mark about being Invincible, but the latter mentions he does not even want to be a superhero and was not sure Amber would forgive him this time. When asked to, Mark reluctantly takes William flying and does not let him try his suit on.

As Amber walks down the hall, a boy named Kyle invites her to a frat party.

Rick asks William if they wanted pizza, which he agrees to. During the call, Rick is attacked and the call ends. Mark is sad Amber had gone to a party without him, but is told what happened to Rick by his friend. Mark tells him that he really does not want his help since he always made things worse. He tells him that he needs to go after Amber first and leaves.

William finds Rick's phone shattered and calls for him, following a trail of blood and his shoe to a sewer drain.

Mark gets calls from William and picks up reluctantly only to see his friend being dragged away by a monster. William asks Sinclair what he had done to Rick and Sinclair tells him that he would be doing the same thing to him.

Mark goes underground to the sewer and looks around for William. He is attacked by Sinclair's cyborgs and taken underwater while being punched. He finds Sinclair's lab while William is tied up. Invincible is punched by many of the monsters while Sinclair argued that he was fixing humanities' weaknesses. Mark takes one of the cyborg's helmet off and finds out it was Rick, but Sinclair told them not to try to talk to him since he had removed his emotions.

Cecil and his team Invincible ep 6 (64)

Cecil and his team arrived.

Invincible is thrown around while William tries talking to Rick, remembering how they had sex before. Sinclair starts cutting William's arm, which makes Rick recognize William and remove part of his helmet, so he could help Invincible. Sinclair tries escaping, but William chases him and punches him in the face repeatedly. When he gets up, Mark punches him again, fracturing his jaw.

Mark and William make it back to their room, where William starts sobbing. Mark opens the door to Amber's room, but closes it once again.

Amber says goodbye to William and tells Mark that she did not want to put up with his bullshit anymore. As Mark was about to tell Amber he was Invincible she shut the door, but Mark flies up to her bedroom as Invincible and explains why he was always late. However, Amber already knew and she tells him that she lied to him and does not trust her, so she tells him to leave.

Mark and William sit in the latter's car eating fast food. William wonders if Rick would ever go back to normal and Mark tells him Cecil would get him back. William tells him that if he had been helped right away, nothing would have happened to Rick, which Mark recognizes. William mentions that because Mark was a superhero, he had barely seen him in the last six months, but Mark tells him he was not Invincible anymore because he was a bad friend and boyfriend, saying he should have listened to his father, who he reveals to be Omni-Man. Mark starts sulking, but William tells him his truths, but Mark asks for sympathy and says he would talk to someone else.

Nolan asks William where Mark is

Nolan angrily asked William where Mark was.

William drives home, when he is approached by an angered Omni-Man. William asks if he was okay, but Nolan simply asks where Mark was since William was supposed to drop him off an hour ago. He tells Nolan that Mark had gone with Eve. Nolan puts a dent in William's car, which scares him and asks where Eve is. William tells him where and Nolan flies off.

Comforting Mark[]

William watches the news, where they mention the destruction caused by the fight between Omni-Man and Invincible. They also say that there have been many lives lost as the Guardians and Atom Eve helped out.

William goes to Mark's house, where he is joined by Eve. She asks him if he had seen Mark, but William says that he had not since everything he had seen on the news. Realizing he had revealed Mark's identity as Invincible, Eve told him she knew as well. She says she does not know if he is okay, however.

Mark tells his friends how he is feeling

Mark told his friends how he was doing at a restaurant.

Mark's friends ask him how his mother is doing and he tells them that it was not good. He does not know what to say and tells them that he felt empty inside and nothing seems real. He asks if they can talk about something else, but William tells him that everybody in the whole world was talking about it, which angers Eve and Amber. Mark gets a call and leaves as Cecil tells him he needs him. Cecil tells him that something was flying towards them from deep space.

As Mark leaves, the whole restaurant shakes, and Eve tells Amber and William she was Atom Eve, which surprises William. However, neither Amber or William recognized her.


William wondered where Mark was when he did not show up to their High School Graduation, but Amber reassured him that he promised he would be there, and Mark did eventually arrive. He receives his diploma and afterwards goes to Eve's treehouse with her, Amber, and Mark. The four talk about what to do in the break between schools, with William advocating for a relaxing time. He cannot believe Amber's view of a good holiday is working for the Katy Giles Campaign and consistent community service. Later, he asks Eve to make more alcohol, and asks Mark why he is acting so serious and not take him flying anymore.

Comforting Rick[]



  • Will plays Clash Crash and has a Level 43 chest armor.
  • Will does not like mushrooms on pizza.