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መለጠፊያ:Image label begin

የ16:02, 12 ዲሴምበር 2006 ዕትም (ከCodex Sinaiticus (ውይይት | አስተዋጽኦ) ተዘጋጅቶ)
(ለውጡ) ← የፊተኛው እትም | «የአሁኑን እትም ለመመልከት» (ለውጡ) | የሚከተለው እትም → (ለውጡ)

A div within a div is used to avoid the labels offsetting a little higher than expected when floating left or right:

  • <div style="float: {{{float|none}}}; clear: {{{float|none}}};">
  • <div style="position: relative;">

Template page may need to be reloaded once to eliminate the slight horizontal offset.

Line height style in div distorts label locations