Alien Species

The Space-Spiders are the tentative name of a species of aliens who conquered Earth.


A Space-Spider resembled large wooly spiders around the size of a common domesticated sheep covered in dense black hair. It walked on eight insect-like legs and at the front were two appendages that ended in a multitude of bare tentacles resembling fingers. The creature had a round black hairless head with multiple eyes on a short leathery neck. And at the front of the head were two short antennae.

The species appears to have some ability to spit a substance that they feed to their alien thralls, that provides commands and instructions, which human observers hypothesize to be some sort of organic programming.


The Space-Spiders were the masterminds behind the invasion and occupation of Earth. The aliens conquered the planet using their alien shock troops that were sent down to the planet to eliminate the human population. After decades of driving humanity to the brink, regressing the survivors into savage primitive human tribes, the Space-Spiders then were content to manage Earth as they saw fit.

The aliens having acquired a taste for human flesh, then began to establish compounds to breed humans in large numbers to meet demand. Using human survivors that they captured, the aliens worked to set up a system to create a self-replenishing supply of humans.

They were aware of a feudal human civilization existing in North America, but refrained from wiping it out as it was believed that the aliens were keeping the separate human population in reserve in case their other human herds were exposed to a disease and died.

To keep the human polity known as the Homeland from interfering in their operations, the Spider-Aliens sent periodic hordes of their alien thralls into the neighboring region called the Borderlands, acting as a buffer between the free human state and the human ranches. The thralls served as a deterrent to keep the free humans from interacting with the human ranches and keep them in ignorance of the true scope of the aliens control.

The Homeland for centuries were unaware of the existence of the plans of the aliens. At least until a fugitive soldier, Janik Chen managed to make his way across the Borderlands after fleeing for murdering his wife Monika and his superior. His flight is what led to him discovering the farms and was even captured by the alien thralls who mistook him for one of the herd. He spent months detained on the farms until he managed to escape captivity, Janik having lived alone for so long eventually returned to the farms to abduct a woman to have companionship, naming her Monika after the wife he murdered.

Janik having educated Monika enough and having spotted the Spider-Aliens on one of their harvest times when they came to collect the human herds into their ships, then decided to return to the Homeland. Upon returning Janik negotiated a deal to be given a pardon for his crimes and shared his information on the aliens and what he learned.

Sadly there was little the High Lords could do, as they realized their continued existence was due to the Space-Spiders permitting the Homelands to exist as a reserve for their human ranches. If they launched an invasion of the Borderlands, there would be severe retaliations from the aliens.

However they felt a moral obligation to try and rescue the entrapped humans held captives as cattle. Though that was deemed infeasible to as the humans had been bred as animals and it was inconceivable to rescue so many which numbered in the millions.

A compromise was eventually conceived, the Homelands would send their frontiersmen to extract infants born as cattle and be spirited away to the Homelands for adoption so that they would bolster the numbers of the Homelands. In addition the women would be taken as well to produce more savage humans to be used as slave labor to advance the development of the Homelands.

The Space-Spiders were ignorant of the stolen human cattle for decades, allowing the Homelands to continue to flourish unmolested. The aliens' occupation of Earth though ended after their sworn enemies the Cubic, progenitors of humanity, began to launch more attacks on their planetary holdings. Earth's human ranches saw some damages.

The Space-Spiders then were forced to turn their attentions to fighting the Cubic Empire offworld. The human ranches were thus left in the care of the alien thralls, who maintained the herds, however the dates for harvests were never fulfilled, as the aliens were at war. Soon the ranches breeding programs were at risk of overcapacity even with the raids from the Homeland.

Eventually Earth came into the hands of the Cubic, who then abducted a human soldier to serve as their representative. Decades passed when the human solider returned with a proposal from the Cubic. However the offer demanded the exchange of human slaves from the farms. But instead of being raised as meat or food, they would be given to the Cubic to restore their depleted population. Only the best and brightest would be given to the Cubic. The High Lords, were wary of the Cubic intentions and took offense to not being regards as equals in this proposal and refused the proposal.

The Cubic insulted by the humans then proceeded to lay waste to Earth. However during the attack on the planet, the Space-Spider launched a sneak attack on the Cubic fleet, stopping the invasion. But the damage was done as the human ranches were destroyed.

With the human population devasted, the Space-Spiders would eventually lose interest in Earth. Their war with the Cubic is left unknown, and may have been wiped out. Though it was a pyrrhic victory as the surviving Cubc had lost most of their technology and were stranded on their world of Cubia.


Generations of breeding wild humans produced a new humanity that was barely sentient naked animals.

Humans were used a manual labor to expand more breeding compounds and farms to support producing grain meal for the human herds. Humans who died from the work or killed from internal violence were added to the pot as extra meat for the guards and herd. The humans lacking a language were motivated through rewards of sex sessions with females who were kept separated from males. In a repeating cycle women would produce children, who were born to become unintelligent animals.

The aliens harvested entire herds of humans when populations density was at it peaks. The Spider-Aliens themselves did not manage the farms or ranches, but left them in the care of their alien thralls who were pre-programmed with commands to take care of the facilities and also hunt down any free humans.

The Spider-Aliens through their organic programming also made use of feral humans that they sent out to search for any pocket of free humans living in isolated villages within the Borderlands. Called Pointers they act as hounds for the aliens shock troops, given clothes to give them the disguise as civilized humans. Their purpose would be to search for human settlements and direct the shock troops there. The humans, men, would then partake in the benefits by partaking the violence and raping the surviving women before all the survivors were eliminated.


  • They Came Again: A Story of Survival in a Post-Alien World by Nurmi Simm (2018)