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Opening Times

Winter Hours

Monday – Friday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Beginning May 21st (following Victoria Day long weekend)

Tuesday – Saturday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Admission Fees (including 15% HST):

5 & Under: Free

Students/Seniors (55+): $9.00

Adults: $10.00

About The Museum

For over a hundred years, the African Nova Scotian community resided in Africville. Located on the northern shore of Halifax Harbour, the community was destroyed in the 1960s to make way for industrial development. Forcibly relocated, the former residents of Africville and their descendants were scattered. This is an example of the “urban renewal” trend that destroyed similar neighbourhoods across Canada.

In 2010, the people of Africville finally received an apology for the loss of their community from the city of Halifax. A settlement was reached which established the Africville Heritage Trust that extends to the Museum. The Trust is managed by a volunteer board that is primarily made up of members of the Africville community.

Today, the Africville Museum looks across the land where the people of Africville lived, worked, and raised their families by the water of Bedford Basin. Inside the Museum, exhibits tell the story of a community that met the indignities of racism with grace and faith.

The museum is:

  1. A place where former residents and their descendants can (re)connect, learn about their history and rebuild a sense of place and pride
  2. A visitor attraction that draws residents and tourists, strengthens the province as a Black Heritage destination, and adds to African Nova-Scotian themed attractions
  3. A venue to remember the story of Africville and to recognize its contribution to Canadian and specifically, African diasporic history.