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Lêer:Flag of the Prime Minister of Rhodesia (1970–1979).svg

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Oorspronklike lêer (SVG-lêer, normaalweg 600 × 300 piksels, lêergrootte: 576 KG)

Hierdie lêer kom vanaf Wikimedia Commons en kan ook in ander projekte gebruik word. Die beskrywing op die lêer se inligtingsblad word hieronder weergegee.


English: Flag of the Prime Minister of Rhodesia (1970 – 31 May 1979) and Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1 June – 1 September 1979).
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Coat of arms of Rhodesia.svg.
Outeur Fry1989 eh?


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w:af:Creative Commons
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
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Public domain
This work created by the United Kingdom Government is in the public domain.

This is because it is one of the following:

  1. It is a photograph taken prior to 1 June 1957; or
  2. It was published prior to 1975; or
  3. It is an artistic work other than a photograph or engraving (e.g. a painting) which was created prior to 1975.

HMSO has declared that the expiry of Crown Copyrights applies worldwide (ref: HMSO Email Reply)
More information.

See also Copyright and Crown copyright artistic works.

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Public domain This work was first published in Zimbabwe (or one of its antecedents) and is now in the public domain in Zimbabwe because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act, enacted 2000 (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous work or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication (or creation, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is a collective, audiovisual or photographic work, and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication (or creation, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is a sound recording or broadcast and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is an artistic, literary, or musical work created under the direction of the state or an international organization and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is another kind of work, and 70 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is one of "official texts of enactments, bills prepared for presentation in parliament, official records of judicial proceedings and decisions, other material published in the Gazette, official texts of international conventions, treaties and agreements to which Zimbabwe is a party"

A Zimbabwean work that is in the public domain in Zimbabwe according to this rule is in the public domain in the U.S. only if it was in the public domain in Zimbabwe in 1996, e.g. if it was published before 1946 and no copyright was registered in the U.S. (This is the effect of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (17 USC 104A) with its critical date of January 1, 1996.)


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media type Engels



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(nuutste | oudste) Wys (nuwer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
huidig16:01, 12 Junie 2021Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 16:01, 12 Junie 2021600 × 300 (576 KG)Fry1989Requires discussion.
20:20, 11 Junie 2021Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 20:20, 11 Junie 20214 616 × 2 296 (865 KG)XcalivyrImproved Coat of Arms
03:06, 7 Oktober 2020Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 03:06, 7 Oktober 2020600 × 300 (576 KG)Great BrightstarImprove the pick
07:30, 9 Julie 2020Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 07:30, 9 Julie 2020600 × 300 (568 KG)Great BrightstarMinor fix
06:25, 9 Julie 2020Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 06:25, 9 Julie 2020600 × 300 (568 KG)Great BrightstarUpdate the coat of arms
04:47, 7 Julie 2020Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 04:47, 7 Julie 2020600 × 300 (568 KG)Great BrightstarUpdate the coat of arms
15:00, 6 Julie 2020Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 15:00, 6 Julie 2020600 × 300 (569 KG)Great BrightstarUpdate the coat of arms
05:02, 1 Julie 2020Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 05:02, 1 Julie 2020600 × 300 (568 KG)Great BrightstarUpdate the coat of arms
19:03, 30 Januarie 2019Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 19:03, 30 Januarie 2019600 × 300 (568 KG)Fry1989Found a photo, flag was in the form of a pennant
23:31, 2 Augustus 2018Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 23:31, 2 Augustus 2018600 × 300 (568 KG)Fry1989New colours, proportions from SAVA
(nuutste | oudste) Wys (nuwer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

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