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Lêer:Billboards in Okinawan.jpg

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Billboards_in_Okinawan.jpg (450 × 338 piksels, lêergrootte: 42 KG, MIME-tipe: image/jpeg)

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Beskrywing Traffic safety slogan signs in Kin, Okinawa. The board at center is in Japanese, while those at right and left are in Okinawan.

Left billboard reads: 「脇見いらいらや事故ぬ元でむぬ 心ひちしみて無事故みそり」

Datum Uploaded to commons by Kzaral on July 16, 2008.
Bron From 沖縄口交通標語 (Uchinaaguchi Traffic Slogans) in 沖縄発!役に立たない写真集.
Outeur N (えぬ)
(Hergebruik van die lêer)
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media type Engels


checksum Engels


data size Engels

43 060 greep

height Engels

338 pieksel

width Engels

450 pieksel


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huidig17:36, 15 Julie 2008Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 17:36, 15 Julie 2008450 × 338 (42 KG)Kzaral~commonswiki{{Information |Description=Traffic safety slogan signs in Kin, Okinawa. The board at center is in Japanese, while those at right and left are in Okinawan. |Source=From [ 沖縄発!役に立たない写真集

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