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Gyakuten Kenji 2 and Layton-kyōju VS Gyakuten Saiban have been announced! If wiki activity from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has told us anything, it's that we really need contributions from people who will import these games once they're released in Japan. So tell as many people as you can about this upcoming game and this wiki!


Ace Attorney Wiki
Steel Samurai
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This page is about the titular character. For the show itself, see The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo. For other uses, see Samurai (disambiguation).

Steel Samurai
The moon? No, it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in hell, Evil Magistrate!

The Steel Samurai is a television hero played by Will Powers, and later in a live stage show by Larry Butz. He was the main character in The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo, and fought against the Evil Magistrate. At some point, the character marries the Pink Princess and has a child, the Iron Infant.

History of the show[]

Steel Samurai

The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo.

The Steel Samurai was created by Sal Manella, who then directed the Global Studios television show while Dee Vasquez produced it. After Jack Hammer, the actor who played the Evil Magistrate, was murdered and Powers was accused of the crime, the show's future was put into jeopardy. Although Phoenix Wright was able to prove that Powers was innocent, the show was cancelled. However, Manella was inspired to create a sequel called The Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo when he saw the clothing of Wright's assistant. Another sequel, The Nickel Samurai, was later spawned, although that too was cancelled after its main star was revealed to be a murderer.

Despite these two sequels, the Steel Samurai was still very popular, so much so that a stage show began touring, with the Steel Samurai now married to the Pink Princess and having a child called the Iron Infant. The show was particularly popular in Allebahst, with the stage show adaptation even being part of a historic diplomatic event at the country's embassy in the United States.

Other media[]

The Steel Samurai makes a cameo appearance in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3; when the character Hsien-Ko makes her entrance onto a stage, cameo items can fall out of her sleeves. One such possible item is a statue of the Steel Samurai similar to the one seen in Miles Edgeworth's office. This can be seen near the start of one of Strider Hiryu's gameplay trailers (which can be seen here). The same statue also appears as one of the possible pieces of "junk" evidence Wright can pick up while searching the ground for clues.


  • Japanese - Tonosaman (トノサマン):
    • "Tonosaman" may come from "tono" (殿), meaning "lord" (this kanji is on his forehead, and is the same as the honorific "-dono" frequently used by Simon Blackquill), the polite honorific "-sama" (様), and the English "man", in the vein of superheroes such as Superman or Spider-man.
  • English - Steel Samurai:
    • The German, French, Spanish, and Italian translations adapted this name in their languages.
  • Chinese (Anime) - Jiāngjūnxiá (將軍俠)
    • "Jiāngjūn" is the Chinese reading of "shogun", while the "xiá" character, which means "chivalrous person"/"knight-errant", is generally used as a translation for the "-man" suffix common in superhero names.


  • Brazilian Portuguese - Samurai de Aço:[1]
    • An adaptation of the English name.
  • Russian - Stal'noy Samuray (Стальной самурай):[1]
    • An adaptation of the English name.


Tonosaman was conceived very early into the development of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, before much else about the game had been established. Shu Takumi initially felt that the name Tonosaman was too silly, so he proposed an alternative name, Metal Mask, referring to the mask that he wears. The other team members preferred Tonosaman, however.[2] The spirit of the Metal Mask name nonetheless lives on through the Steel Samurai name in English localizations.

