Suvarov signs the treaty
The anti-terrorism treaty, officially the Nuclear Weapons Limitation Treaty Between the United States and the Republic of Russia, was a "historical accord" that would unite the two countries in the fight against terror. The anti-terrorism treaty was signed by U.S. President Charles Logan and Russian president Yuri Suvarov on the morning of Day 5 at the presidential retreat in Hidden Valley, California. The treaty was a sham, with Logan planning on sabotaging and withdrawing from the agreement so he could gain uninterrupted oil access in Central Asia. However, this failed to materialize, as Logan was removed from office. As a result, the treaty was still legally binding afterwards.
The anti-terrorism treaty had far-reaching impacts on Day 5, Day 6 and Day 8. The treaty was directly responsible for the Sentox Nerve Gas Conspiracy of Day 5, as well as the nerve gassing of an American crew on board a Russian nuclear submarine that same day. On Day 6, five nuclear weapons brought into the country as a result of the treaty were acquired by terrorists and used on American targets. Soon after, a component from the bombs almost compromised the Russian defense network to the Chinese. As a result, Wayne Palmer mentioned that Russia could still attack the United States in spite of the treaty, a concern Noah Daniels also held. The Anti-Terrorism treaty also inadvertently caused the events of Day 8 to happen, which once again involved Charles Logan and Yuri Suvarov cooperating again to sign another disastrous treaty.
Before Day 5[]
President Logan and his administration had spent 16 months planning and coordinating for the signing of the treaty. ("Day 5: 9:00am-10:00am")
Graem Bauer mentioned to his cabal that they "started this thing" 18 months ago, which would put the origin of the plot as soon as Logan became president in Day 4. ("Day 5: 1:00am-2:00am")
Day 5[]
President Logan considered the signing the "hallmark of [his] presidency". President Suvarov also mentioned that he staked much of his political and economical future on the treaty. The treaty would allow the United States and Russia to share weapons and resources as a team in fighting terrorism.
Logan signs the treaty, while being watched by Nathanson and Beresch
The treaty was interrupted when a cell of Dawn Brigade separatists from Central Asia held hostages in an airport terminal at Ontario Airport. The separatists broadcasted their actions to networks nationwide threatening to execute their hostages unless the treaty signing was cancelled. The separatist leader, Anton Beresch, stated that that their region was under Russian oppression and considered the treaty a corrupt document. Beresch's people did not want to be under the rule of country that was allies with the U.S. and were willing to use every means necessary to obtain their "own due national sovereignty."
Despite the hostage situation, Logan and Suvurov proceeded with the signing having faith in CTU's ability to rescue the hostages before their execution. The rescue attempt was successful and the treaty was signed.
Presidents Logan and Suvarov pose for the media after signing the treaty
The treaty played an important role in a U.S. government conspiracy to secure oil interests in Central Asia. American businessman and former CIA agent, James Nathanson, orchestrated the hostage situation so that authorities would be distracted while terrorists stole 20 canisters of Sentox nerve gas that were hidden in an adjacent hangar. Nathanson and his cohorts rigged the canisters by satellite to release the gas in the terrorists' homeland. This act would provide evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Central Asia. Because of the arms agreement, the U.S. could justify sending troops to that area and eventually guarantee the flow of oil for the next generation. Jack Bauer foiled this plot.
Among Nathanson's co-conspirators were private military executive Alan Wilson, Department of Defense contractor Christopher Henderson, Logan's chief of staff Walt Cummings, business magnates Phillip and Graem Bauer and President Logan himself. Logan did not design or conduct the plot, but he authorized it, feeling it would be in the "country's best interest."
Day 6[]
Because Logan never rescinded the treaty and was quietly placed under house arrest, it remained valid and legally binding for both countries after the events of Day 5. The sharing of nuclear technology inadvertently led to the events of Day 6. Graem Bauer claimed that Russian nuclear weapons were dismantled and recycled for energy production "all the time". One such example was five suitcase nukes, which Phillip Bauer was blackmailed into handing over to Dmitri Gredenko and Abu Fayed. One of the bombs was detonated in Valencia, California. Charles Logan's prior friendship with the Suvarovs was also used to find Dmitri Gredenko. Later that day, an FB subcircuit board was removed from one of the two remaining bombs, and the Chinese attempted to acquire this technology. Had the Chinese acquired this technology, they would have been given access to Russia's defense network. This would have been a breach of the treaty (as only the United States and Russia has access to it) and would have triggered World War III. Phillip Bauer was ultimately killed before he could hand the component off to the Chinese, but this incident still almost led to armed conflict with the United States and Russia. Had the treaty been rescinded, the events of Day 6 would have never happened.
Day 8[]
The anti-terrorism treaty also inadvertently led to the events of Day 8. The Kamistani Peace Accord, once again involving both Logan and Suvarov, was reluctantly co-sponsored by the Russians. Despite the fact that the Russians were not even remotely interested in weakening their presence in the Middle East by signing the treaty, they knew that because they had signed the anti-terrorism treaty, that it would be political suicide to refuse to cooperate with the Americans on another one. This is especially apparent when one considers that it took Logan well over a year to get the Russians to sign a treaty with them, a lengthy process that would not need to be repeated for future treaties, especially since Russia still had the same president. Because of the previous treaty, Logan's connections in Moscow were instrumental in blackmailing the Russians into signing the agreement following the death of Omar Hassan. Ironically, Suvarov would violate both treaties by selling nuclear fuel rods to terrorists.