File:US Slave Free 1789-1861.gif

US_Slave_Free_1789-1861.gif (774 × 468像素,文件大小:100 KB,MIME类型:image/gif、​循环、​8帧、​36秒)

English: Animation showing which areas of the United States did and did not allow slavery between 1789 and Lincoln's inauguration in 1861. The animation includes a 5 second frame on 1789, 1800, 1821, 1837, The unrealized 1846 Wilmot Proviso, 1846, 1858, and 1861. The map colorings of some areas require further comment. New York (1799) and New Jersey (1804) adopted laws gradually freeing enslaved people, but some people in these states remained enslaved until 1824 (NY) and 1865 (NJ). Territories and states which had not specifically banned slavery are colored red/pink. Individual frames are also up in Wikimedia and available here:
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This image is a derivative work of the following images: like the ones below

  • File:United_States_1800-07-04-1800-07-10.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5/en, GFDL, GFDL/en
    • 2006-07-29T07:02:50Z Golbez 1000x677 (106000 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=Map of the states and territories of the United States as it was from |Source= |Date= |Author=Made by [[User:Golbez]]. |Permission=Own work, attribution required (Multi-license with GFDL and Creat
  • File:United_States_1821-07-1821-08.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5/en, GFDL, GFDL/en
    • 2007-11-18T00:37:59Z Golbez 1000x677 (110303 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2006-07-29T07:03:55Z Golbez 1000x677 (108035 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=Map of the states and territories of the United States as it was from |Source= |Date= |Author=Made by [[User:Golbez]]. |Permission=Own work, attribution required (Multi-license with GFDL and Creat
  • File:United_States_1837-01-1837-03.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5/en, GFDL, GFDL/en
    • 2007-11-18T00:38:16Z Golbez 1000x677 (111443 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2006-07-29T07:04:23Z Golbez 1000x677 (109217 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=Map of the states and territories of the United States as it was from |Source= |Date= |Author=Made by [[User:Golbez]]. |Permission=Own work, attribution required (Multi-license with GFDL and Creat
  • File:United_States_1845-03-1845-12.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5/en, GFDL, GFDL/en
    • 2007-11-18T00:38:23Z Golbez 1000x677 (106276 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2006-07-29T07:04:35Z Golbez 1000x677 (103822 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=Map of the states and territories of the United States as it was from |Source= |Date= |Author=Made by [[User:Golbez]]. |Permission=Own work, attribution required (Multi-license with GFDL and Creat
  • File:United_States_1846-12-1848-02.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5/en, GFDL, GFDL/en
    • 2006-07-29T07:04:42Z Golbez 1000x677 (89268 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=Map of the states and territories of the United States as it was from |Source= |Date= |Author=Made by [[User:Golbez]]. |Permission=Own work, attribution required (Multi-license with GFDL and Creat
  • File:United_States_1858-1859.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5/en, GFDL, GFDL/en
    • 2006-07-29T07:05:06Z Golbez 1000x677 (105099 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=Map of the states and territories of the United States as it was from |Source= |Date= |Author=Made by [[User:Golbez]]. |Permission=Own work, attribution required (Multi-license with GFDL and Creat
  • File:United_States_1861-01-1861-02-04.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5/en, GFDL, GFDL/en
    • 2006-07-29T07:05:14Z Golbez 1000x677 (115124 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=Map of the states and territories of the United States as it was from |Source= |Date= |Author=Made by [[User:Golbez]]. |Permission=Own work, attribution required (Multi-license with GFDL and Creat

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当前2010年10月14日 (四) 21:372010年10月14日 (四) 21:37版本的缩略图774 × 468​(100 KB)KenmayerMap has been redone and colors and animation should be correct.
2009年3月2日 (一) 18:042009年3月2日 (一) 18:04版本的缩略图774 × 468​(1.14 MB)KenmayerThe new version has been edited to reflect that the Wilmot Proviso did not apply to Texas.
2009年2月13日 (五) 21:052009年2月13日 (五) 21:05版本的缩略图774 × 468​(1.11 MB)Kenmayer{{Information |Description= Animation showing which areas of the United States did and did not allow slavery between 1789 and Lincoln's inauguration in 1861. The animation includes a 5 second frame on 1789, 1800, 1821, 1837, The unrealized 1846 Wilmot Pro



