File:Flag of Palestine.svg
呢個「SVG」檔案嘅呢個「PNG」預覽嘅大細:800 × 400 像素。 第啲解像度:320 × 160 像素|640 × 320 像素|1,024 × 512 像素|1,280 × 640 像素|2,560 × 1,280 像素。
原本檔案 (SVG檔案,表面大細: 1,200 × 600 像素,檔案大細:281字節)
日期/時間 | 縮圖 | 尺寸 | 用戶 | 註解 | |
現時 | 2025年1月6號 (一) 17:57 | 1,200 × 600(281字節) | Infrish 2 | Reverted to version as of 14:34, 24 October 2024 (UTC) Don't fight over it, the darker shade is already available with File:Flag of Palestine (original version).svg | |
2025年1月6號 (一) 12:39 | 1,200 × 600(544字節) | MuntazerTok | Reverted to version as of 11:28, 24 October 2024 (UTC) | ||
2024年10月24號 (四) 14:34 | 1,200 × 600(281字節) | Catalyst GP real | Unexplained revert | ||
2024年10月24號 (四) 11:28 | 1,200 × 600(544字節) | MuntazerTok | Reverted to version as of 06:38, 26 April 2022 (UTC) | ||
2023年7月15號 (六) 22:53 | 1,200 × 600(281字節) | Odder | Fulfilling an edit request by User:SVG-image-maker; smaller file size and actual shapes -- thank you! | ||
2022年4月26號 (二) 07:47 | 432 × 216(1 KB) | Yann | Reverted to version as of 03:59, 26 April 2022 (UTC) | ||
2022年4月26號 (二) 06:38 | 1,200 × 600(544字節) | IndoMaja | Reverted to version as of 01:00, 26 April 2022 (UTC) How though | ||
2022年4月26號 (二) 03:59 | 432 × 216(1 KB) | Sakiv | correct colours according to File_talk:Flag_of_Palestine.svg#Continued_discussion_about_the_color | ||
2022年4月26號 (二) 03:54 | 1,200 × 600(454字節) | Sakiv | Reverted to version as of 18:37, 23 April 2022 (UTC) undiscussed move | ||
2022年4月26號 (二) 01:00 | 1,200 × 600(544字節) | Naoum S. Mashriqi | Reverted to version as of 23:38, 21 April 2022 (UTC) These colors are more accurate according to real life examples of Palestinian flags hung around the city of Ramallah by the Palestinian Authority, as well as being closer to official colors of other Arab countries who use the pan-Arab colors in their flag. |
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