Physical Defence Down (also called Physical Def Down or Phys Def Down) is a Debuff in Xenoblade Chronicles. It reduces the target's Physical Defence, thereby increasing the amount of damage taken from physical attacks.
When inflicted on a party member, the character's physical defence is reduced by a percentage. For example, if Shulk's physical defence is 200, a Phys Def Down 25% debuff would reduce it to 150, causing him to take an extra 50 points of damage from physical attacks.
When inflicted on an enemy, the debuff's percentage is subtracted from the enemy's physical defence percentage, possibly reducing it below zero. For example, if one enemy's physical defence is 80% and another's is 25%, inflicting Phys Def Down 50% would reduce their physical defence to 30% and -25% respectively.
- Slit Edge (Shulk)
- Berserker (Reyn) - lowers Reyn's Physical Defence
- Speed Shift (Fiora) - lowers Fiora's Physical Defence
- Worldly Slash (Dunban)
- Burst End (Melia)
- Berserker (Nene) - lowers Nene's Physical Defence (FC)
Enemies are grouped by the name of the battle art.
Acid Bath[]
Armour Down[]
- Aggressive Cornelius
- Barbaro Igna
- Duel Igna
- Ether Igna
- Guard Igna
- Lunar Grady
- Mistol Igna
- Tumultuous Felix
Attack Mode[]
Energy Flash[]
Melting Shower[]
- Aura Antol
- Clinger Antol
- Ent Antol
- Flamme Antol
- Lubum Antol
- Makna Antol
- Powerful Eligos
- Prairie Antol
- Ravine Antol
- Rius Antol
- Roguish Frengel