Xenoblade Wiki
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The future doesn't belong to you!

For those who have not completed games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, this page contains spoilers regarding the plot. Discretion is advised.

Rex xc2 close

Rex, a Driver

Drivers (Japanese: ドライバー, Doraibā) are characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country. They are linked to Blades, special lifeforms they create and summon by touching a Core Crystal. Blades endow their Driver with power and a weapon. By collecting and attaching different Blades to the playable Drivers, the player chooses and selects Blades companions and the kind of role desired given to each Driver.[1]

List of Notable Drivers[]

Driver Special Blade Role Given Weapon Element
Rex Pyra Attacker Aegis Sword Fire
Mythra Attacker Aegis Sword Light
Healer Catalyst Scimitar Water
Nia Dromarch Healer Twin Rings Water
Tora ※1 Poppi α Tank ※2 Drill Shield Earth ※2
Poppi QT Tank ※2 Mech Arms Fire ※2
Poppi QTπ Attacker ※2 Variable Saber Ice ※2
Zeke Pandoria Attacker Big Bang Edge Electric
Vandham Roc Attacker Dual Scythes Wind
Mòrag Brighid Tank Whipswords Fire
Niall Aegaeon Tank Chroma Katana Water
Akhos Obrona Attacker Brilliant Twinblades Electric
Malos Sever Tank Sword Tonfa Wind
Patroka Perdido Attacker Various Fire
Mikhail Cressidus Tank Rockrending Gauntlets Earth
※1 Tora is not a Driver but he controls Poppi α, Poppi QT and Poppi QTπ as artificial Blades.
※2 Initial values. Poppi's role and element, and other stats can be changed in Poppiswap, and can be set differently for each of her three forms.

Torna ~ The Golden Country[]

Driver Special Blade Role Given Weapon Element
Lora Jin Attacker Nodachi Ice
Haze Healer Crosier Wind
Addam Mythra Attacker Aegis Sword Light
Hugo Brighid Tank Whipswords Fire
Aegaeon Tank Chroma Katana Water
Amalthus Minoth Attacker Gunknives Dark

Driver Class[]

The Driver's Class is determined by the combination of roles of the Blades currently equipped. Each class has associated benefits, which can include boosting the damage dealt to enemies, reducing damage received, increasing or reducing the amount of aggro gained by auto-attacks, Arts, and Specials, and increasing the effect of HP Potions. The Driver's class will also affect their behaviour when controlled by the AI.

In the following table, Blade roles are abbreviated as ATK=Attacker, TNK=Tank, and HLR=Healer.

Driver Class Blade Roles Effects AI Behaviour
Fighter ATK Boosts damage dealt (+10%)
Defender TNK Reduces damage taken (-10%),
Boosts auto-attack aggro (+1),
Boosts Arts/Specials aggro (+4)
Healer HLR HP Potion effect up (+30%),
Lowers Arts/Specials aggro (-4)
collects HP potions
Elite Fighter ATK - ATK Boosts damage dealt (+15%)
Warrior ATK - TNK Reduces damage taken (-10%),
Boosts damage dealt (+10%),
Boosts Arts/Specials aggro (+4)
Cavalier ATK - HLR Boosts damage dealt (+10%),
HP Potion effect up (+30%),
Lowers Arts/Specials aggro (-4)
collects HP potions,
focuses on healing
Elite Defender TNK - TNK Reduces damage taken (-15%),
Boosts auto-attack aggro (+2),
Boosts Arts/Specials aggro (+8)
Knight TNK - HLR Reduces damage taken (-10%),
HP Potion effect up (+30%)
collects HP potions,
focuses on healing
Elite Healer HLR - HLR HP Potion effect up (+40%),
Lowers Arts/Specials aggro (-8)
collects HP potions,
focuses on healing
Master Fighter ATK - ATK - ATK Boosts damage dealt (+20%)
Wild Warrior ATK - ATK - TNK Reduces damage taken (-10%),
Boosts damage dealt (+15%),
Boosts Arts/Specials aggro (+4)
Wild Cavalier ATK - ATK - HLR Boosts damage dealt (+15%),
HP Potion effect up (+30%),
Lowers Arts/Specials aggro (-4)
collects HP potions
Master Defender TNK - TNK - TNK Reduces damage taken (-20%),
Boosts auto-attack aggro (+3),
Boosts Arts/Specials aggro (+12)
Royal Warrior TNK - TNK - ATK Reduces damage taken (-15%),
Boosts damage dealt (+10%),
Boosts Arts/Specials aggro (+8)
Royal Knight TNK - TNK - HLR Reduces damage taken (-15%),
HP Potion effect up (+30%),
Boosts Arts/Specials aggro (+4)
collects HP potions
Master Healer HLR - HLR - HLR HP Potion effect up (+50%),
Lowers Arts/Specials aggro (-12)
collects HP potions,
focuses on healing
Holy Cavalier HLR - HLR - ATK Boosts damage dealt (+10%),
HP Potion effect up (+40%),
Lowers Arts/Specials aggro (-8)
collects HP potions,
focuses on healing
Holy Knight HLR - HLR - TNK Reduces damage taken (-10%),
HP Potion effect up (+40%),
Lowers Arts/Specials aggro (-4)
collects HP potions,
focuses on healing
Jack-of-all-Trades ATK - TNK - HLR Reduces damage taken (-10%),
Boosts damage dealt (+10%),
HP Potion effect up (+30%)
collects HP potions

Driver Arts[]

Main article: Battle Arts (XC2)#Driver Arts

Drivers can use Arts that are special techniques with a variety of effects.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – Driver Arts (Nintendo Switch)

Driver Arts mechanism

Affinity lines[]

XC2-Affinity-Line XC2-Affinity-Line-2
A short blue Affinity line between Pyra and Rex. Medium yellow Affinity lines between Finch and Rex,
and between Dromarch and Nia.

During the battle, a glowing Affinity line displayed on the screen connect a Driver and a Blade. This line shows the power sent from the Blade to the Driver. It looks like the blue line connecting members when a Chain Attack is available, but the Affinity line can glow with different colors and can have different lengths. Various things will happen depending on the color and the length of the line.

List of Driver enemies[]

Main article: Driver (enemy)

In Xenoblade Chronicles 3[]

Noah Driving Ino

Noah and Ino fighting as Driver and Blade

In Xenoblade Chronicles 3, After the party meets Ino, an Artificial Blade, Ino decides to make Noah her Driver. The two of them fight as Driver and Blade when fighting the Nopon Eater during The Hope of Noponkind.


Playable Drivers[]



  1. 2017-06-13, Tetsuya Takahashi about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. IGN, accessed on 2017-06-13