Xenoblade Wiki
For other uses, see Blowdown.

Blow-Down is an attack in Xenoblade Chronicles the enemy does to the party characters where they are knocked up into the air, they lose tension, and then they fall to the ground. Depending on the enemy and which art the enemy used, Blow-Down will sometimes cause the party to have a Daze status when they stand up again.

Blow-Down is not to be confused with Knock-Back, where an attack pushes the target away a certain distance, during which the target loses control for about a second.

Some enemies have Blow-Down attacks that just affect the area in front of them. Some enemies have Blow-Down attacks that attack in a circle around them. For example, when a Nebula type monster is low on health, it will self destruct, causing a circular Blow-Down effect, which can cause the frustration of being deprived of the rewards for killing the monster while being being left vulnerable in a Daze state.

Blow-Down attacks can knock the characters off high ledges. If the ledge is sufficiently high, the character can become incapacitated from the fall damage. If the character the player is directly controlling is knocked into an abyss, the battle is lost and the party respawns from the last landmark visited. If this happens to another party member not directly controlled by the player, they will simply respawn nearby, in a Daze state.

Equipping Daze Resist gems can prevent the Daze effect suffered when getting up, but does not prevent being knocked into the air, the loss of tension, or the damage from the attack.

Blow-Down effects can be completely prevented with Good Footing gems, or skill-linking Dunban's Solid Foundation skill, but they will still take the damage from the attack that caused it.
