Most mounts can be categorized by the type of creature or device you are riding. While these mounts can also be categorized that way, there is only one example of that type of mount. This, then, is a page to describe all the oddball or unique mounts available.
Trading Card Game[]
[Wooly White Rhino] is gained by using a code from a specific card from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. This mount can also be bid on when listed on the Black Market Auction House.
[Ashenvale Chimaera] drops from Alash'anir.
[Wildseed Cradle] drops from Cache of the Moon in Ardenweald.
- Wildseed Cradle.jpg
Wildseed Cradle
[Red Flying Cloud] is a Lorewalkers reputation reward, sold by Tan Shin Tiao at the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
[Mighty Caravan Brutosaur] was sold by for 5,000,000
Talutu and
Tricky Nick. Since Shadowlands, this mount is only obtainable through the Black Market Auction House.
[Ratstallion] is rewarded from
[Underbelly Tycoon].
[Snapback Scuttler] is rewarded from
[Undersea Usurper].
[Ensorcelled Everwyrm] is the mount from the Heroic or Epic Edition of Shadowlands.
[Primal Flamesaber] could be obtained by playing 15 matches of Heroes of the Storm using a Warcraft hero while in a group with a friend. The event lasted from 10am PST February 14th to March 26th 2017.
[Tyrael's Charger] was obtained by signing up for the WoW Annual Pass in the NA and EU regions. Shop[]
Several unique mounts can only be purchased from the Shop or In-Game Store, usually for for $25US or €20/£17, though prices vary and sometimes have a special going. They often scale with the player's riding skill and location.
[Heart of the Aspects]
- The
[Winged Guardian] is a blazing, eagle-winged lion.
- The
[Swift Windsteed] is Pandaria's rarest and most majestic beast.
- The
[Enchanted Fey Dragon] is the first newly designed fey dragon.
- The
[Grinning Reaver] is an uncorrupted red ravager.
- The
[Luminous Starseeker] is a color-changing panthara.
[The Dreadwake] a magic kraken-faced ship.
[Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel] is a large, magical dog.
[Hogrus, Swine of Good Fortune] is a magical pig.
[Lucky Yun] is a magical ox.
[Sapphire Skyblazer]
[Squeakers, the Trickster]
[Steamscale Incinerator]
[Sunwarmed Furline]
[Vulpine Familiar]
[Warforged Nightmare]
[Wen Lo, the River's Edge]
[Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm]
[Wonderous Wavewhisker] is a wondrous fish. It is an all-in-one mount, acting as a flying mount and an aquatic mount.
[High Priest's Lightsworn Seeker] is rewarded to priests from completing
[45] The Sunken Vault. It changes color based on specialization.
[Archmage's Prismatic Disc] is rewarded to mages from completing
[45] Dispersion of the Discs. It changes color based on specialization.
[Honeyback Harvester's Harness] is a quest reward from
[50] Leaving the Hive.
[The Hivemind] unlocked by completing the Riddle of the Hivemind.
Hallow's End[]
[Magic Broom] mount is available during the Hallow's End seasonal event. Can't be added to your collection of mounts, and the mount disappears at the end of the event.
Removed previous versions:
[Swift Flying Broom] epic flying mount
[Flying Broom] flying mount
[Swift Magic Broom] epic ground mount
[Old Magic Broom] ground mount
[Rickety Magic Broom] mount which offers no speed bonus
Toy mount[]
[Goren "Log" Roller] is a toy item that can summon a mount. Drops from Gibblette the Cowardly.
[Bruce] was a quest reward from
[120] Solving the Mystery prior to patch 9.0.1.