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Start | Jamil Abul'housin |
End | King Rastakhan |
Level | 10-60 |
Category | Zuldazar |
Experience | 20,560 |
Reputation | +75 Zandalari Empire |
Rewards |
46![]() ![]() |
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Place an Idol of Rezan at Jamil's hut and persuade Rezan to retrieve Rastakhan's soul.
- Place the Idol of Rezan
- Speak to Rezan
- Retrieve Rastakhan's soul
- Restore Rastakhan's soul to his body
Jol's remedy healed Rastakhan's flesh. But his spirit is still lost. Dere is only one thing stopping him now.
He is walking in Bwonsamdi's shadow. For most, dere would be nothing to be done. But... he is bound to another loa. A loa who gives life to his faithful.
You must call on Rezan, loa of kings, and ask him to claim back Rastakhan's soul.
Up de path, you will find my tent. Place dis idol and wait dere. If we are lucky, he will aid us.
If not... It was nice knowing you.
You will receive:
- 46
- 20,560 XP
- +75 reputation with Zandalari Empire
<Rastakhan smiles grimly at you.>
You look like you have seen a loa. I know de feeling. Rezan will have words for me when I see him again.
- Meeting Rezan
- Rezan yells: You bear the mark of one of my chosen. Who are you to call upon the loa of kings?
- Rezan
- You speak to de loa of Kings, god of hunt.
- What do you want, small one?
Rastakhan is injured and will not wake. We need your help.
- Conversation

- Rezan says: The Little King will rise. I am not finished with him.
- Rezan yells: Bwonsamdi!
- Bwonsamdi appears.
- Bwonsamdi says: Ya got a bellow dat would wake da dead! What ya want, man'?
- Rezan says: You have taken what is mine. Release him.
- Bwonsamdi says: Long time, ya been keepin' dis one from me. Long, long time. I'll be denied no further.
- Rezan says: Know your place, loa of graves. Or I will put you in one.
- Bwonsamdi says: Comes a time when we all gotta die... even kings.
- Bwonsamdi says: But I be feelin' generous. Take ya little friend. I'll be seein' ya in good time.
- Rezan says: Restore his spirit to his body, <name>. My priests call me back to my temple.
- Rezan says: Send Rastakhan to me when he finds his teeth again.
The Spirit of King Rastakhan follows the player.
- Rastakhan restored
- King Rastakhan says: Ugh... I can still feel de touch of de Other Side.
- King Rastakhan says: My loa has called me back to de land of de living. Dere is work to be done.
[10-60] The Wounded King
[10-60] In Bwonsamdi's Shadow
[10-60] Ancient Tortollan Remedies,
[10-60] The Scent of Vengeance,
[10-60] No Safe Haven &
[10-60] The Loa-Speaker's Betrayal
[10-60] Mending Body and Soul
[10-60] The Will of the Loa
[10-60] Rastakhan's Might,
[10-60] Zul's Mutiny &
[10-60] A Strange Port of Call
[10-60] The Temple of Rezan
[10-60] House of the King &
[10-60] Heads Will Roll
- Bonus objective:
[10-59B] Occupation Hazard
- Bonus objective:
[10-60] Partners in Heresy
[10-60] To Sacrifice a Loa
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.