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AllianceMarine Halters
Image of Marine Halters
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Theramore Guard
Occupation Marine
Location The Lady Mehley, Dustwallow Marsh or Wetlands

Marine Halters is a soldier onboard the Lady Mehley, the boat that runs between Theramore Isle and Menethil Harbor. Halters is a member of the Theramore Marines, and was assumed to be onboard for the protection of the crew. However, he along with Anderson were assigned to guard the passengers as it's felt the ship goes to Theramore enough.

Although he can be attacked, he will not strike the first blow.



The Lady Mehley is in Theramore enough that we've been assigned to guard her passengers.

Gossip at Theramore's Fall

We'll defend the ship and crew for as long as we're able.

Don't worry about us!


  • He is mostly for looks as he doesn't even protect the passengers as he claims he does.
  • Although not flagged for PvP, he will flag his attackers.

Patch changes[]

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