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NeutralLothos Riftwaker
Image of Lothos Riftwaker
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Blackrock Mountain
Status Alive

Lothos Riftwaker is a blood elf quest giver located just outside the entrance to Grinding Quarry in Blackrock Mountain. To get to him, walk down the second chain heading towards Blackrock Depths. He is standing in a small chamber right at the entrance. Just talk to him after having completed the attunement quest at any time and to be teleported into the Molten Core. This also works while you are dead, or not in a raid.




The fabric of which our world is woven is most delicate. It merely takes some knowledge and the application of said knowledge to tear the fabric. It is thusly that rifts are born.

Gossip Transport me to the Molten Core, Lothos.


When the Molten Core attunement was first implemented, Lothos Riftwaker did not personally teleport players to the instance. Instead, you had to jump out of the window next to him. While doing so usually entered the Molten Core, in some cases, the player ended up in the lava instead of the instance. It didn't take Blizzard long to adjust this so that Lothos teleports players by talking to him, which is also the reason why you can talk to him as a ghost. However, you can still jump through the window, if you are feeling lucky.


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