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This article is about the Alliance encounter in Battle of Dazar'alor. For the Horde encounter, see Grong, the Jungle Lord. For lore, see Grong.
BossGrong, the Revenant
Image of Grong, the Revenant
Gender Male
Race Gorilla (Undead)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Bwonsamdi/Horde
Location Battle of Dazar'alor
Status Killable

Grong, the Revenant is Grong, the Jungle Lord reanimated by Bwonsamdi to battle the Alliance in the Battle of Dazar'alor. He is the third encounter of the raid.

Adventure Guide[]

Once willing to sacrifice everything to serve the Alliance, the mighty Grong has been raised from the dead and pitted against his former friends. Fighting on behalf of the Horde would be anathema to his noble soul, whos only hope for release is a clean death.


Grong, the Revenant will Death Knell when hit by Discharge Necrotic Core or when his Death Energy reaches 100.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Interrupt and kill Death Specters as fast as possible to decrease the amount of Death Energy gained.
  • Stay near allies to avoid being feared by Ferocious Roar.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Stay near allies to avoid being feared by Ferocious Roar.
  • If Grong's Death Energy is above 75, use cooldowns to handle Death Knell.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Stay near allies to avoid being feared by Ferocious Roar.
  • Avoid taking two Bestial Smash in a row.


  • Spell necro deathsknell Death Knell Important â€” Grong unleashes deathly surge, inflicting Shadow damage and applying a stack of Death Touched to all enemies every 1 sec for up to 4 sec. Death Knell is triggered when Grong's Death Energy reaches 100.
    • Ability deathknight roilingblood Death Touched â€” Inflicts Shadow damage every 2 sec in increases damage taken from Death Knell by 30% for 40 sec.
  • Spell deathknight necroticplague Necrotic Combo Tank Alert â€” Grong unleashes a combination of attacks, randomly casting Bestial Smash and Rending Bite.
    • Ability rogue kidneyshot Bestial Smash Tank Alert â€” Grong smashes his main target, inflicting Physical damage and applying Crushed.
      • Ability warstomp Crushed Tank Alert â€” Grong smashes the target's armor, increasing the damage taken from Bestial Smash by 500% for 3 sec. This aura can stack.
    • Ability druid ferociousbite Rending Bite Tank Alert â€” Grong bites the target, causing them to bleed for Physical damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.
    • Inv gauntlets 03 Bestial Throw Heroic Difficulty Tank Alert â€” Grong picks up and squeezes his target, inflicting Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. After squeezing the target he throws the player at another player triggering Bestial Impact at that location.
      • Spell nature earthquake Bestial Impact Heroic Difficulty Tank Alert â€” The player is thrown at a point, inflicting Nature damage to all players and stunning the thrown player. The damage is reduced the further players are from the impact point.
  • Spell necro deathlyslam Deathly Slam â€” Grong slams a nearby enemy, inflicting Physical damage in a 10 yard radius around the target. After a short delay Deathly Echo is then triggered.
    • Spell necro deathlyecho Deathly Echo â€” The area explodes, inflicting Shadow damage and knocking back all enemies in a 10 yard radius.
  • Spell druid stamedingroar Ferocious Roar Heroic Difficulty â€” Grong releases an earthshaking scream, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies within 80 yards. Any targets not standing near an ally is feared for 5 sec.
  • Spell druid stamedingroar Ferocious Roar Mythic Difficulty â€” Grong releases an earthshaking scream, inflicting 71,411 Physical damage to all enemies within 80 yards. Any targets not standing near an ally is horrified for 5 sec.
  • Ability creature cursed 03 Undead Ape â€” Grong gains Death Energy slowly while in combat.
    • Spell shadow devouringplague Necrotic Ape â€” Grong gains Death Energy at an increased rate while below 70% health.
      • Ability warlock improveddemonictactics Deathly Ape â€” Grong gains Death Energy at a faster rate while below 40% health.
  • Inv plate raiddeathknightmythic o 01helm Death Specter â€” Grong summons a Death Specter.
  • Death Specter â€” Ghostly manifestations of Zandalari defenders which attempt to increase Grong's Death Energy.
    • Spell necro voodooblast Voodoo Blast â€” Death Specters unleash missiles that seek out a target, inflicting Shadow damage in a 10 yard radius. The missile leaves a patch of deathly energy that applies Chill of Death.
      • Spell necro chillofdeath Chill of Death â€” Creates a pool of deathly energy, inflicting Shadow damage every 1.5 sec to all enemies in the area.
    • Spell necro bwonsamdisboon Death Empowerment â€” The Death Specter empowers Grong, increasing his Death Energy.
    • Ability warlock haunt Spirit Dispersion Tank Alert â€” Upon death the Death Specter explodes, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards and knocking them back. If Grong is in the blast he gains Death Energy.
    • Spell necro necroticcore Necrotic Core â€” Picks up Shadow Core, inflicting Shadow damage every 1 sec for the duration. While carrying Shadow Core the player can cast Discharge Necrotic Core.
      • Spell necro dischargenecroticcore Discharge Necrotic Core â€” The caster blasts Grong with shadow power, inflicting 5% of his health and triggers him to cast Death Knell immediately if his Death Energy is above 25.


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Item Type
Inv hand 1h zuldazarraid d 01 [Bonelash Paw] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Agility fist weapon
Inv offhand 1h zuldazarraid d 02 [Cursed Monkey Palm] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Intellect off-hand
Inv mace 1h zuldazarraid d 01 [Apetagonizer's Claw] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Strength one-hand mace
Inv polearm 2h zuldazarraid d 01 [Hornridged Crusher] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Agility polearm
Inv helm mail zuldazarraid d 01 [Simian Berserker's Helm] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Azerite mail helmet
Inv plate zuldazarraid d 01 shoulder [Spaulders of the Gorilla King] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Azerite plate shoulders
Inv shoulder cloth zuldazarraid d 01 [Bristling Fur-Lined Amice] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Azerite cloth shoulders
Inv cape leather zuldazarraidmythic d 01 [Silverback Cloak] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Cloak
Inv chest leather zuldazarraid d 01 [Grongpelt Vest] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Azerite leather chest
Inv plate zuldazarraid d 01 bracer [Splinter-Bone Vambraces] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Plate bracers
Inv bracer mail zuldazarraid d 01 [Ape Wrangler's Wristguards] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Mail bracers
Inv belt leather zuldazarraid d 01 [Stretched Sinew Waistcord] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Leather belt
Inv pant cloth zuldazarraidmythic d 01 [Leggings of Dire Research] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Cloth leggings
Spell nature shamanrage [Grong's Primal Rage] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Strength trinket



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Master Mathias Shaw says: Rastakhan's magic has turned our own weapon against us!
High Tinker Mekkatorque says: He was a noble fellow who deserved better!
High Tinker Mekkatorque says: Heroes, do what you have to, but, please, be merciful.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
