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BossGarothi Worldbreaker
Image of Garothi Worldbreaker
Gender Male
Race Fel reaver (Mechanic)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Edge of Discord, Antorus, the Burning Throne
Status Killable

Garothi Worldbreaker is the first boss in Antorus, the Burning Throne.


Adventure Guide[]

Constructed deep within the core of Argus and outfitted with an arsenal to decimate worlds, this war machine has been designed to bring the Army of Light to its knees.


The fel reaver's cannons continously alternate between Annihilation and Decimation. Upon reaching 60% and 20% health on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties, the fel reaver activates Apocalypse Drive exposing its weapon platforms. Unless one of these weapons is destroyed before the cast can complete, the party will be eradicated. On Heroic difficulty, the fel reaver activates Apocalypse Drive at 65% and 35% health. On Mythic difficulty, the fel reaver activates Apocalypse Drive at 65% and 35% health. Also, the cannons can no longer be destroyed, but instead go haywire, granting the cannons additional effects.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • When the Fel Reaver activates Apocalypse Drive, destroy a Fel Cannon to interrupt its cast.
  • Move into Annihilation to avoid inflicting damage to the raid.
  • Move away from your allies when targeted by Decimation.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • When a weapon platform is destroyed, the fel reaver continuously damages the raid with Searing Barrage.
  • The raid takes constant damage during Luring Destruction while being pulled towards the boss.
  • Move into Annihilation to avoid inflicting damage to the raid.
  • Move away from your allies when targeted by Decimation.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Run away from the boss when targeted by Fel Bombardment.


  • Ability hunter snipershot Fel Bombardment Tank Alert â€” The Fel Reaver locks onto its current target. Upon expiration, missiles bombard the target's location every 1 sec for 5 sec, inflicting 6169785 to 6820215 Fire damage to enemies within 7 yards of impact and knocking them back.
  • Ability ironmaidens rapidfire Searing Barrage â€” Repeatedly fires a searing barrage, inflicting 567150 to 626850 Fire damage to random targets every 2 sec.
  • Achievement boss hellfire felreaver Luring Destruction Mythic Difficulty â€” The fel reaver inflicts 765225 to 845775 Fire damage to all enemies every 1 sec while drawing them closer for 3 sec.
  • Ability bossfelmagnaron handempowered Apocalypse Drive Important â€” The fel reaver powers up its Apocalypse Drive, that inflicts 436705 to 482675 Fire damage every 4 sec. Unless one of the reaver's weapons is destroyed before the cast is finished, Apocalypse Drive inflicts an additional 9500000 to 10500000 Fire damage to everyone.
  • Ability bossfellord felfissure Surging Fel Heroic Difficulty â€” As the Apocalypse Drive powers up, energy erupts across the landscape inflicting 1482000 to 1638000 Fire damage to all enemies caught in the blast.
  • Ability warrior colossussmash Eradication Deadly â€” Smashes the ground, inflicting 9260000 Physical damage and knocking back targets within 60 yards. Damage decreases the further targets are from the point of impact.
  • Ability demonhunter empowerwards Empowered â€” After Apocalypse Drive, the fel reaver empowers all weapon systems, increasing damage inflicted by 20% per stack.
  • Ability golemthunderclap Carnage Important â€” Continuously smashes the ground when not engaged in melee combat, inflicting 855000 to 945000 Fire damage to everyone every 1 sec for 10 sec.
  • Decimator â€” Destroy this weapon to remove its abilities from the encounter.
    • Ability mage firestarter Decimation â€” Hurls fel energy at random enemies. Upon expiring, the enemy destination is bombarded with missiles, inflicting 3800000 to 4200000 Fire damage to enemies within 12 yards and 351000 to 390000 Fire damage to everyone.
    • Spell shaman staticshock Haywire Mythic Difficulty â€” While haywire, the Fel Reaver's decimation targets random enemies and stuns them. Upon expiring, the enemy destination is bombarded with missiles, inflicting 3800000 to 4200000 Fire damage to enemies within 12 yards, 95000 to 105000 Fire damage to everyone and an additional 410400 to 453600 Fire damage every 1 sec for 10 sec to all enemies.
  • Annihilator â€” Destroy this weapon to remove its abilities from the encounter.
    • Ability warlock backdraftgreen Annihilation â€” The Fel Reaver calls annihilation missiles down, inflicting 2850000 to 3150000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards. Impacts that are not absorbed inflict 1900000 to 2100000 Fire damage to everyone.
    • Spell shaman staticshock Haywire Mythic Difficulty â€” While haywire, the Fel Reaver's annihilation impacts the target area twice. The primary blast inflicts 2850000 to 3150000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards and knocks them back. The secondary blast hurls shrapnel that inflicts 2850000 to 3150000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards and knocks them back. Impacts from either explosion that are not absorbed inflict 1900000 to 2100000 Fire damage to everyone.


Stub Please add any available information to this section.


Item Type
Inv misc enggizmos 05 [Spurting Reaver Heart] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Blood Artifact Relic
Creatureportrait infernal ball 02 [Doomfire Dynamo] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Fel Artifact Relic
Item sparkofragnoros [Hellfire Ignition Switch] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Fire Artifact Relic
Spell yorsahj bloodboil blue [Viscous Reaver-Coolant] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Frost Artifact Relic
Inv helm cloth raidpriest s 01 [Crown of Relentless Annihilation] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Cloth helmet
Inv leather raidrogue s 01 shoulder [Shoulderpads of the Demonic Blitz] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Leather Shoulders
Inv cape raidmagemythic s 01 [Cloak of the Burning Vanguard] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Cloak
Inv chest plate raiddeathknight s 01 [Soul-Tempered Chestplate] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Plate Chest
Inv glove mail raidshamanraid s 01 [Heedless Eradication Gauntlets] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Mail gauntlets
Enhanced Worldscorcher Clinch (LFR Â· H Â· M) Cloth belt
Inv pant mail raidshamanraid s 01 [Battalion-Shattering Leggings] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Mail leggings
Inv pant leather raiddruid s 01 [Breach-Blocker Legguards] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Leather leggings
Inv boot plate raiddeathknight s 01 [Doomwalker Warboots] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Plate boots
Inv misc enggizmos 06 [Garothi Feedback Conduit] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Healer trinket
Ability rogue cannonballbarrage [Prototype Personnel Decimator] (LFR Â· H Â· M) Caster DPS trinket

Related Achievements[]


Garothi Worldbreaker says: Enemy contact. Deploying arsenal.
High Exarch Turalyon yells: We're gaining ground! Press the attack!
Garothi destroys the forces of the Army of the Light.
High Exarch Turalyon yells: Lightforged, fall back!
High Exarch Turalyon yells: Champions, bring that monstrosity down!
Enemy combatants detected. Threat level nominal.
  • Targets acquired for decimation.
  • Targets acquired.
  • Leave none alive.
  • Apocalypse drive engaged.
  • Systems re-engaged, rerouting power. Weapons primed.
  • Cannon primed for annihilation.
  • Weapon system primed, target locked.
Killed a player
  • Exterminated.
  • Threat terminated.
  • Hostile destroyed.
  • Targets cleared.
  • Enemy combatants neutralized.
  • No hostile targets remaining. Continuing patrol.
  • Critical system failure...
  • Power core... rupturing...
  • Termination imminent...
Alleria Windrunner yells: Turalyon, I've started my assault on the northern front. I'll keep their forces occupied so you can hit the priority targets.
High Exarch Turalyon yells: Our forces are moving towards Legion high command. Buy us all the time you can, Alleria.
Unused quote
Suppressive systems engaged.


  • The Garothi Worldbreaker has unique reinforced plating on its head not seen on any other fel reaver. This could have been added due to the way Varian Wrynn destroyed another fel reaver on the Broken Shore.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]
