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Type City; Stronghold
Leader(s) IconSmall FrostDwarf Male Velog Icebellow
  Formerly IconSmall Muradin Yorg Stormheart
Race(s) Frost dwarfFrost dwarf Frost dwarf
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
HumanHuman Human
Language(s) Dwarven, Common
Affiliation(s) Frostborn, Alliance Vanguard, Valiance Expedition
Organizations Explorers' League
Location Storm Peaks, [29, 73]VZ-Storm PeaksBlip
Status Active

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Undone Anvil & Forge

Undone Bank       Undone Auctions
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone Mass-transit
Undone Portal(s)

Frosthold is an Alliance town aligned with the Frostborn in southwestern Storm Peaks, south of the Temple of Storms and northwest of K3, on the same mountain as Stormcrest. It is home to the whole frost dwarf race. The settlement is located in and around a large pit of ice atop a massive mountain. There is no accessible method of reaching Frosthold from foot; requiring one to fly. From depictions within World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, and the fact that none of the buildings are accessible in game, it appears there is a larger city present within the mountain that is simply inaccessible to players; similar to Aerie Peak.

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard came to Frosthold, where the Frostborn were glad to see Muradin Bronzebeard. After the presentations and a feast, they spent the night drinking and sharing stories. During the night, Muradin told Velog that he had no doubt he left the Frostborn in the right hands, and with the help of the historian of Frosthold, he learned the story of the meeting between Mina Stormsmith and the Frostborn, 500 years ago.[1]


Neutral Bouldercrag's Refuge
Neutral Brann's Base-Camp
Neutral K3
Neutral Ulduar


Vendors and services[]


Additional Characters[]

  • IconSmall Human Female Alliance Imogen <Explorers' League>


Ways to reach Frosthold
  • Under normal circumstances, this town can only be reached by using a flying mount.
  • Alliance-players can get the follow-up quest When All Else Fails from K3. This quest includes a rocket that will fly the player up to Frosthold where the quest can be turned in.
  • It is possible to uncover this map segment without the use of flying by walking through Rohemdal Pass and strategically dying, and then resurrecting at a higher ledge. It appears to be impossible to actually get into the town using this method alone, but you will at least be able to get the Money achievement Explore Storm Peaks achievement.

Patch changes[]


External links[]
