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Image of Apolon
Title Disciple, Hand of Courage
Gender Male
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 51-60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Ascended
Location Bastion
Status Active

Apolon is an Ascended kyrian located in Bastion. Artemede refers to Apolon as her brother. During Bastion storyline, he appears as Disciple Apolon.


  • Spell holy sealofblood Peerless Strikes â€” The caster's melee attacks have a chance to inflict Bleeding Wounds on an enemy.


Bastion storyline
Path of Ascension
Maw Assault



Elysian Hold

You and your soulbinds walk in the footsteps of many before you. There is no greater honor or tradition than participating in the Path of Ascension!

Gossip How do I capture new memories?

When you have new memories to capture, Dactylis will let you know. For each memory you will have to craft its specific lure and a soul mirror, which she can help you with as well. Once you give these to Dactylis, she will give you further instructions to bring this memory back to the coliseum for your soulbinds' training.
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip How do I fight higher difficulty memories?

The first step to challenging more difficulty memories is to empower the soul mirror to draw out stronger memories. You can do this by upgrading your covenant sanctum.
Secondly, some trials are harder than others. You will need to prove yourself against enough bosses in order to take on a tougher challenge.
And of course, you cannot challenge a higher difficulty of a memory if you have not defeated the less powerful versions of that memory first.
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip What are Medallions of Service, and where can I get them?

The Path of Ascension holds glory and honor, but we must balance it with acts of humility. Medallions of Service are proof of such service, and are used to challenge the Path.
These medallions can be earned by fulfilling your duty to Bastion. The best ways to gather them are by participating in callings, treasure hunting, and taking care of rare enemies. Of course, if you are in need of more, you can always donate materials through Dactylis to earn medallions.
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip I am having trouble finding materials.

If you are struggling to find a material, refer to Dactlyis. Each blueprint lists its materials, and the material lists store information that will help you uncover where to collect them.
Remember that these materials are spread across the realms of the Shadowlands. You may have to leave Bastion to find them.
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip Where can I find new blueprints?

New blueprints can be found by defeating memories in the coliseum. Once you bring them back to Dactylis, you will be able to craft new lures, charms, and equipment. Try to collect them all and experiment with all of your choices.
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip What is equipment?

Sometimes you may encounter a challenge that your soulbind may not be prepared to face on their own--that is where equipment comes in. Equipment can give your soulbinds an extra active ability in combat, such as a dash.
Once you craft a piece of equipment, you can use it forever. Simply talk to Paolone in the coliseum to outfit your soulbind. You may only have one equipped ata time, so make sure you choose the best one to help your soulbind in the problem they face.
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip What are charms?

Unlike equipment, which is active, charms passively strengthen your soulbinds. They can only be used once before the power inside is expended, so be sure to craft multiple!
While you can only have one of each charm equipped at a time, you can use as many different types of charms as you wish. Feel free to mix and match to your own desires.
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip What do I do if I'm struggling against a memory?

Some soulbinds may have an advantage over a particular memory than another. One option is to have another soulbind attempt the fight.
Try equipping your soulbind with equipment and charms. Equipment will grant your soulbinds an active ability, while charms are passive buffs. Both can truly turn the tide of a fight. I can tell you ore about those if you would like!
Lastly, as you increase your renown with our covenant, your soulbinds get passively stronger. If you are struggling with a memory, perhaps give it time and focus on increasing your renown and strengthening your soulbind before trying again.
Gossip What is equipment?
Gossip What are charms?
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.

Gossip What should I do next?

Pursue crafting new items with Dactylis that you have never crafted before. Perhaps you have more memories to capture or new equipment to try!
If you have never defeated a certain memory or difficulty of that boss before, push yourself to overcome that trial to earn a reward. Crafting and utilizing charms can help give your soulbinds the extra edge they may need.
Lastly, push yourself for new challenges. Nearby are many vendors with incredible rewards that you can only earn by overcoming certain challenges in the Path of Ascension. Try to collect them all!
Gossip I'd like to ask another question.



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