Empty places of worship: readers' pictures
Have you stumbled across an open church with no worshippers in it or discovered that it’s actually a redundant Anglican church for sale? We asked you to share your photos of empty places of worship via GuardianWitness. Here’s a selection of our favourites from around the world
Abandoned Synagogue
A closed Synagogue, Northern EnglandPhotograph: Fragglehunter/GuardianWitness
Greek Orthodox church
St Paul’s churchPhotograph: ID8718302/GuardianWitness
Free Presbyterians
The curiously plush interior of the Free Presbyterian church in Stockinish, South Harris. The back of the pulpit is painted on the wallPhotograph: RichardDenyer/GuardianWitness
Salt Mine Chapel
An underground chapel in the Wieliczka salt mine in PolandPhotograph: Bill McKelvie/GuardianWitness
Mosque interior
A country mosque near Fethiye in TurkeyPhotograph: Bill McKelvie/GuardianWitness
Hallowed, still
Recently deconsecrated, Spaca Moskalyk was constructed in 1924 and served the needs of Ukrainian Catholic settlers who farmed or homesteaded east of Edmonton, Canada. Spas’ foundation is shifting, and efforts are underway to preserve and restore the churchPhotograph: ID6287751/GuardianWitness
Satsang Hall of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram in Rishikesh
The abandoned site of the Ashram that the Beatles visited in the 60’s. The Satsang hall was a place where the Guru would teach his followers and lead them in communal worshipPhotograph: Guy Atkinson/GuardianWitness
The church of St Caradec
Above Christ you will see a fissure. It is seen as sign that the walls are moving. In fact the fissure is over 100 years old. The real fissures cannot be seen. We are trying to save the church which was the centre of our communityPhotograph: thierrytt1/GuardianWitness
Church of the Monastery of St.Clare, Yarze Baabda, Lebanon
The church overlooks the gardens. The hole on the side of the church was caused by mortar fire during fighting in the area. Mass is held every Sunday at 10.30 am and is open to the publicPhotograph: johannamifsud/GuardianWitness
Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs VA
As weekend activities wind down and families return to their homes, the outdoor shrine is quiet.Photograph: sandandearthwoman/GuardianWitness
Inside a Buddhist monastery
Before the bustling crowd settles in for a mediative silence, here is a view of the monastery...Photograph: DeepinderLamba/GuardianWitness
Abbey of Valmagne, Languedoc, 26 July 2014
Interior of the nave of this former Cistercian Abbey, that from 1791 was used as a wine store, and is now used for concertsPhotograph: RichardBush/GuardianWitness
Armenian stone cross (Khachkar)
One of many old churches to be seen in Armenia or Nagorno-Karabakh, Pilgrims would scratch crosses in the walls, representing family members they wished to be blessedPhotograph: viennawoods/GuardianWitness
Church of Our Lady of Grace, on the Promontory of Sagres, Portugal
This cool and quiet church where i rested my legs from walking and my eyes from the blinding sun is well worth the 3euro entry fee. The alter is of ceramic tile, a decoration to be seen everywhere in Portugal, and the sombre Lady takes prominence, holding the child ChristPhotograph: thechief81/GuardianWitness
Cromarty Old Church
Now preserved by the Scottish Redundant Churches Trust you can read the history of religion from the walls; the early rituals of the mass, mixed in with the patronage of the rich, replaced by a focus on the pulpit and The Word of God. Faith is not contained by buildings, but this one stands like a monument to what once wasPhotograph: thisfragiletent/GuardianWitness
Church in Dillingen, Germany
Beautiful over the top decorationPhotograph: 66bayern/GuardianWitness
Quinchao, Chiloé, Chile
The church at Quinchao, in the Chiloé archipelago is an example of early religious architecture in southern ChilePhotograph: LuisBusta/GuardianWitness
La Sainte-Chapelle, Paris
This originally stood at the heart of the royal palace of the Kings of France on the Île de la Cité. Louis IX had purchased the Crown of Thorns and wanted somewhere to keep it so he had this built. It’s usually full of people but I stuck around so I could take a photo of it empty. Oh and it’s my favourite building on EarthPhotograph: broink/GuardianWitness
King’s College London Chapel
Quiet afternoon during the school break and no one was in. Took a picture since it’s open!Photograph: depthcharge101/GuardianWitness
Chapel of the Holy Blood, Bruges
The chapel preserves a silver and glass phial, supposedly containing the blood of Christ. It is paraded around the city in a big procession at the end of May each year. Normally the chapel is packed with pilgrims and touristsPhotograph: dabver/GuardianWitness