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Articles from Sudan News Agency (September 8, 2013)

1-25 out of 25 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
ADB affirms its support to implementation of short-term developemnt projects in Darfur. 176
Al-Jaz dirige vers la Russie. 184
Cambodian Opposition Readies Parliament Boycott. 228
China Releases Prominent Dissident Early, Says Rights Group. 403
Employment of 950 Graduates of Medicine and Dentistry Faculties. 119
Exchange Rates. 176
First Plane of South Sudan Airline Company Arrives at Khartoum Air Port. 247
JICA affirme son souci de renforcer les relations entre le Japon et le Soudan. 221
JICA Affirms its Keenness to Boost Relations between Japan and Sudan. 192
Kerry: Syrian Gas Attack Crossed 'Global Red Line'. 775
Manchettes de la Presse locale. 342
Militants Attack Afghan Intelligence Bureau. 205
Minister of Defence Receives Japan and Pakistan Ambassadors to Khartoum. 229
Mohamed Yousif Ali Takes Oath as State Minister at Ministry of Finance. 111
National Election Commission holds preparatory workshop for elections of year 2015. 137
Pope Calls for End to Illegal Arms Traffic. 270
Stabilite de la situation sanitaire dans toutes les localites de l'Etat du Nil Blanc. 209
Stability of health situation at all White Nile State localities affirmed. 177
Sudan Regards ICC Blackmail to Kenya as Affirming to Rightness of Sudanese Position. 361
Taha appelle a un accomplissement rapide de la loi de main-d'oeuvre etrangere. 114
Taha appelle a un accomplissement rapide de la loi de main-d'oeuvre etrangere. 110
Taha Calls for Quick Accomplishment of Foreign Labor Act. 101
Talks between Gedarif and Amhara Region Held in Bahir Dar on Issues of Mutual Concern. 138
US Undecided on Seeking New Syria UN Vote. 604
US, UN Urge Congolese, Rwandan Restraint. 449

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