Browse Berg, Rebecca
1-39 out of 39 article(s)
Title |
Type |
Date |
Words |
Bed bugs: the pesticide dilemma. |
Jun 1, 2010 |
3370 |
Sustainability and urban redevelopment: the St. Louis Case. |
Apr 24, 2010 |
4680 |
The intern, or: a tale of the economy. |
Mar 1, 2010 |
1686 |
Generating new fees in Shiawassee County, Michigan. |
Jan 1, 2010 |
1709 |
Lead in adults: the lesser concern rears its head. |
Report |
Dec 1, 2009 |
4030 |
Swine flu: environmental health gets a patient's-eye view. |
Nov 1, 2009 |
704 |
Can food safety go green? A discussion in three scenes. |
Report |
Oct 1, 2009 |
3408 |
Pace in Florida: fomenting leadership in hard times. |
Sep 1, 2009 |
5351 |
Responding out loud to budget disaster: the case of El Paso County, Colorado. |
Jul 1, 2009 |
3015 |
Autism--an environmental health issue after all? |
Jun 1, 2009 |
3231 |
Getting serious about light pollution. |
May 1, 2009 |
1894 |
"Green building" and "healthy housing": still not quite synonyms. |
May 1, 2009 |
420 |
Eating out: the business and the pleasure. |
Apr 1, 2009 |
1261 |
Amanda Stevens, somewhere in the Southeast. |
Interview |
Mar 1, 2009 |
810 |
Stephanie Mineau, environmental health technician, Oneida nation of Wisconsin. |
Interview |
Mar 1, 2009 |
526 |
Tamara Adkins, researcher, grant writer, doctoral student. |
Interview |
Mar 1, 2009 |
392 |
Jeannette Sutton, Denver environmental health. |
Interview |
Mar 1, 2009 |
336 |
Anonymous environmental health inspector, somewhere in the middle of the country. |
Interview |
Mar 1, 2009 |
417 |
Of lice and library: the tale of an e-mail. |
Jan 1, 2009 |
1660 |
Salmonella Saintpaul: what went wrong? |
Dec 1, 2008 |
2432 |
"I just don't want them doing that to my food": the backlash against science and its implications for environmental health. |
Report |
Nov 1, 2008 |
13877 |
The future of children's environmental health: coping with global warming. |
Oct 1, 2008 |
2179 |
The Alamosa Salmonella outbreak; A gumshoe investigation. |
Sep 1, 2008 |
1673 |
Drugs in the drinking water: in fiery hearing, senators urge U.S. EPA to shift its paradigm. |
Jul 1, 2008 |
2411 |
A day in the life of environmental health: cross-connections in colon hydrotherapy. |
Jun 1, 2008 |
718 |
Goodbye--and hello: our staff reporter introduces herself. |
May 1, 2008 |
4000 |
Profiles in leadership, Part II: the 15 faces of environmental health leadership. |
Cover story |
Jan 1, 2007 |
20632 |
Profiles in leadership, Part I: JEH goes on a quest. |
Editorial |
Dec 1, 2006 |
9175 |
Environmental Health and the media, Part 3: make noise, make the news. |
Jan 1, 2006 |
4287 |
Environmental health and the media, Part 2: beyond get the message out/put the fires out. |
Dec 1, 2005 |
8758 |
Environmental health and the media, part 1: overcoming shark phobias. |
Nov 1, 2005 |
9297 |
Mean street, USA: the problem of abuse and violence in the field. |
May 1, 2005 |
11877 |
Bridging the great divide: environmental health and the environmental movement. |
Jan 1, 2005 |
12014 |
Terrorism response and the Environmental Health role: the million-dollar (and some) question. |
Cover story |
Sep 1, 2004 |
10581 |
When science crosses politics, II: getting down to earth in the great wastewater disputes. |
Jul 1, 2004 |
10367 |
When science crosses politics, I: the case of naturally occurring asbestos. |
Jun 1, 2004 |
7989 |
Food safety in the dark. |
Jan 1, 2004 |
5333 |
Beyond general fund: environmental health revenues in a down economy. |
Dec 1, 2003 |
5242 |
Practicing environmental health in a down economy: "put on your superman cape". |
Nov 1, 2003 |
4842 |
| |