Browse publications from March 22, 2013
- Miscellaneous
- Automobiles:
- Business, general:
- Careers and occupations:
- Fashion and beauty:
- Sports, sporting goods and toys industry:
- Business and Industry
- Advertising, marketing, public relations:
- Aerospace and defense industries:
- Agricultural industry:
- Automobile industry:
- Banking, finance and accounting:
- Economic Quarterly,
- Economic Review (Kansas City),
- European Report,
- Financial Management,
- International Journal of Business,
- M2 Banking & Credit News (BCN),
- Management Accounting Quarterly,
- Russian Banks and Brokers Reports,
- Statistics of Income. SOI Bulletin,
- The International Economy,
- Valuation Magazine,
- Virginia Tax Review;
- Business:
- AI Magazine,
- Air Force Comptroller,
- Airguide Online,
- Airline Industry Information,
- American Economist,
- Armed Forces Comptroller,
- Art Culinaire,
- Canadian Manager,
- Economic Perspectives,
- Economic Review (Kansas City),
- European Report,
- Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- Financial Management,
- Guns & Ammo,
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England),
- Indiana Business Review,
- Inquiry,
- International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives (IJBEP),
- Internet Business News,
- Israel Faxx,
- JCN Newswires,
- Journal of Business Strategies,
- Journal of Consumer Affairs,
- Journal of Managerial Issues,
- Journal of Markets & Morality,
- Journal of Research Administration,
- Labour/Le Travail,
- M & A Navigator,
- M2 Best Books,
- M2 EquityBites (EQB),
- Management Accounting Quarterly,
- Mississippi Business Journal,
- Modern Brewery Age,
- Montana Business Quarterly,
- NBER Reporter,
- New Hampshire Business Review,
- Occupational Outlook Quarterly,
- (Press Releases),
- Progressive Grocer,
- Regulation,
- Romanian Economic and Business Review,
- SAM Advanced Management Journal,
- Statistics of Income. SOI Bulletin,
- Telecomworldwire,
- The Journal (Newcastle, England),
- The Journal of Corporation Law,
- Transportation Journal,
- USPRwire,
- Virginia Tax Review,
- Worldwide Computer Products News;
- Business, international:
- ABN Newswire,
- ACN Newswire,
- African Manager,
- AmCham Egypt Tenders Alert Service (TAS),
- ArmInfo - Business Bulletin,
- ClickPress,
- European Report,
- Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England),
- International Journal of Business,
- International Journal of Business, Accounting and Finance (IJBAF),
- Labour/Le Travail,
- Nordic Business Report,
- Pakistan Development Review,
- The Journal (Newcastle, England);
- Business, regional:
- Computers and office automation:
- Fashion, accessories and textiles:
- Food and beverage industries:
- Health care industry:
- Human resources and labor relations:
- Publishing industry:
- Real estate industry:
- Retail industry:
- Sport, sporting goods and toys industry:
- Transportation industry:
- Travel industry:
- Communications
- Mass communications:
- News, opinion and commentary:
- 7 Days (Dubai, United Arab Emirates),
- Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP),
- Agency Tunis Afrique Press,
- Al Bayane (Al Dar Al Bayda', Morocco),
- Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia),
- Arutz Sheva/Israel National News Opinions (Beit El, Israel),
- Asian News International,
- Aswat al-Iraq (Erbil, Iraq),
- Auto Business News (ABN),
- Bahrain News Agency,
- Balochistan Times (Baluchistan Province, Pakistan),
- Birmingham Mail (England),
- Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire,
- ClickPress,
- Coventry Evening Telegraph (England),
- Cyprus Mail (Cyprus),
- Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL),
- Daily News Egypt (Egypt),
- Daily Post (Conwy, Wales),
- Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland),
- Dar Al Hayat, International ed. (Beirut, Lebanon),
- Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan),
- Democratic Voice of Burma,
- Derby Telegraph (Derby, England),
- Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- FARS News Agency,
- Friday Times of Pakistan (Lahore, Pakistan),
- Global Banking News (GBN),
- Gulf Daily News (Manama, Bahrain),
- Gulf Times (Doha, Qatar),
- Herizons,
- Horizons (Algiers, Algeria),
- Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England),
- International Resource News (IRN),
- Iran Times International (Washington, DC),
- Khaleej Times (Dubai, United Arab Emirates),
- Kuwait News Agency (KUNA),
- Le Progres Egyptien (Cairo, Egypt),
- Leicester Mercury (Leicester, England),
- Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England),
- Mail Today (New Delhi, India),
- Manchester Evening News (Manchester, United Kingdom),
- Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia),
- National Iraqi News Agency,
- National News Agency Lebanon (NNA),
- News Central Asia (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan),
- Oman News Agency,
- Palestine News Network (West Bank, Palestine),
- Philippines Daily Inquirer (Makati City, Philippines),
- Qatar Tribune (Doha, Qatar),
- Saudi Press Agency (SPA),
- Sofia News Agency,
- South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales),
- Sudan News Agency,
- Sudan Tribune (Sudan),
- Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA),
- Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA),
- The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon),
- The Frontier Star (Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan),
- The Journal (Newcastle, England),
- The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan),
- The News Today (Dhaka, Bangladesh),
- The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR),
- The Tripoli Post (Tripoli, Libya),
- Times of Oman (Muscat, Oman),
- Today's Zaman (Istanbul, Turkey),
- TradeArabia (Manama, Bahrain),
- Travel Business Review (TBR),
- USPRwire,
- Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales),
- Yemen News Agency (SABA);
- Telecommunications industry:
- Entertainment/The Arts
- Arts and entertainment industries:
- Arts, visual and performing:
- Motion pictures:
- Music:
- General Interest/Informational
- General interest:
- 7 Days (Dubai, United Arab Emirates),
- Agency Tunis Afrique Press,
- Al Bayane (Al Dar Al Bayda', Morocco),
- Arab News (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia),
- Art Business News,
- Arutz Sheva/Israel National News Opinions (Beit El, Israel),
- Asian News International,
- Aswat al-Iraq (Erbil, Iraq),
- Auto Business News (ABN),
- Bahrain News Agency,
- Balochistan Times (Baluchistan Province, Pakistan),
- Birmingham Mail (England),
- Combat Edge,
- Coventry Evening Telegraph (England),
- Daily Financial Post (Karachi, Pakistan),
- Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL),
- Daily News Egypt (Egypt),
- Daily Post (Conwy, Wales),
- Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland),
- Dar Al Hayat, International ed. (Beirut, Lebanon),
- Dawn (Karachi, Pakistan),
- Democratic Voice of Burma,
- Derby Telegraph (Derby, England),
- Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England),
- Financial Mirror (Cyprus),
- Friday Times of Pakistan (Lahore, Pakistan),
- Girls' Life,
- Global Banking News (GBN),
- Gulf Daily News (Manama, Bahrain),
- Gulf News (United Arab Emirates),
- Gulf Times (Doha, Qatar),
- Horizons (Algiers, Algeria),
- International Resource News (IRN),
- Khaleej Times (Dubai, United Arab Emirates),
- Le Progres Egyptien (Cairo, Egypt),
- Leicester Mercury (Leicester, England),
- Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England),
- Mail Today (New Delhi, India),
- Manchester Evening News (Manchester, United Kingdom),
- Manila Bulletin,
- Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia),
- National Iraqi News Agency,
- News Central Asia (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan),
- Oman News Agency,
- Palestine News Network (West Bank, Palestine),
- Philippines Daily Inquirer (Makati City, Philippines),
- Qatar Tribune (Doha, Qatar),
- Sofia News Agency,
- South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales),
- Sudan News Agency,
- Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA),
- The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon),
- The Frontier Star (Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan),
- The Mirror (London, England),
- The Nation (Karachi, Pakistan),
- The News Today (Dhaka, Bangladesh),
- The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR),
- The Tripoli Post (Tripoli, Libya),
- Times of Oman (Muscat, Oman),
- Today's Zaman (Istanbul, Turkey),
- TradeArabia (Manama, Bahrain),
- Travel Business Review (TBR),
- Travel Warnings & Alerts,
- Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales),
- Yemen News Agency (SABA);
- Zoology and wildlife conservation:
- Health
- Food/cooking/nutrition:
- Health, general:
- Alcohol Research: Current Reviews,
- American Journal of Health Studies,
- Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis,
- CARING Newsletter,
- Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association,
- Contemporary Drug Problems,
- FOCUS: Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine,
- Guttmacher Policy Review,
- Health Law Review,
- Health Matrix,
- Human Ecology,
- Info Nursing,
- InterAction,
- International Journal of Men's Health,
- Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy,
- Journal of Health and Human Services Administration,
- Journal of Heart Centered Therapies,
- Journal of Law and Health,
- Journal of the National Society of Allied Health,
- Michigan Journal of Counseling,
- Momentum,
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,
- National Institutes of Health: News and Events,
- Optometry Today,
- The Pulse;
- Psychology and mental health:
- Humanities
- History:
- Alberta History,
- Baptist History and Heritage,
- California History,
- Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal,
- Canadian Journal of History,
- Helios,
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society,
- Kritika,
- Literature & History,
- Manitoba History,
- Nine,
- Seventeenth-Century News,
- Soundings,
- Teaching History: A Journal of Methods,
- The Baseball Research Journal,
- The Historian,
- The Loyalist Gazette,
- World History Bulletin;
- Humanities, general:
- Literature, writing, book reviews:
- American Journalism Review,
- Atlanta Review,
- Best Books for Kids & Teens,
- Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire,
- Canadian Children's Book News,
- Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal,
- Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America,
- Claremont Review of Books,
- Colorado Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature,
- Confrontation,
- Conradiana,
- D.H. Lawrence Review,
- Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment,
- Evelyn Waugh Studies,
- Gateway Journalism Review,
- Helios,
- Interactions,
- Intertexts,
- Irish Literary Supplement,
- James Dickey Review,
- Journal of Caribbean Literatures,
- Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts,
- Kola,
- Literature & History,
- Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,
- M2 Best Books,
- Mythlore,
- Nathaniel Hawthorne Review,
- Nineteenth-Century Prose,
- Papers on Language & Literature,
- Philological Quarterly,
- Prairie Schooner,
- Queen's Quarterly,
- Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature,
- Seventeenth-Century News,
- Southwest Review,
- Studies in American Jewish Literature,
- The Carolina Quarterly,
- The German Quarterly,
- The Hemingway Review,
- The Review of Contemporary Fiction,
- Theatre Research in Canada,
- Twentieth Century Literature,
- Tydskrif vir Letterkunde,
- Victorian Poetry,
- Walt Whitman Quarterly Review,
- Writing Center Journal,
- Yeats Eliot Review;
- Philosophy and religion:
- Baptist History and Heritage,
- Conscience,
- Faulkner Law Review,
- Humanist Perspectives,
- Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies,
- Journal of Ecumenical Studies,
- Journal of Markets & Morality,
- Journal of Psychology and Christianity,
- Journal of Psychology and Theology,
- Journal of Thought,
- Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,
- Mythlore,
- Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly,
- Shofar,
- The Objective Standard;
- Women's issues/gender studies:
- Law/Government/Politics
- Government:
- Canadian Parliamentary Review,
- Diplomatic List,
- Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table,
- German Policy Studies,
- Guttmacher Policy Review,
- Journal of Health and Human Services Administration,
- National Civic Review,
- Public Administration Quarterly,
- Public Finance and Management,
- Regulation,
- Strategic Studies Quarterly,
- U.S. Department of Defense Speeches;
- International relations:
- Denver Journal of International Law and Policy,
- Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,
- Earth Island Journal,
- German Policy Studies,
- Houston Journal of International Law,
- Journal of International Affairs,
- Journal of Third World Studies,
- Middle East Quarterly,
- Naval War College Review,
- Notes and Abstracts in American and International Education,
- Peace and Freedom,
- Ploughshares Monitor,
- Uluslararasi Iliskiler / International Relations,
- Washington University Global Studies Law Review,
- YaleGlobal Online;
- Law:
- Air Force Law Review,
- Albany Law Review,
- Antitrust Bulletin,
- Argumentation and Advocacy,
- Attorneys for the Rights of the Child Newsletter,
- Ave Maria Law Review,
- British Journal of Community Justice,
- Canada-United States Law Journal,
- Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,
- Case Western Reserve Law Review,
- Columbia Journal of Gender and Law,
- Constitutional Commentary,
- Constitutional Forum,
- Contemporary Drug Problems,
- Denver Journal of International Law and Policy,
- Directors & Boards,
- Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum,
- Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,
- Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy,
- Environmental Law,
- Faulkner Law Review,
- Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy,
- Harvard Journal of Law & Technology,
- Health Law Review,
- Health Matrix,
- Houston Journal of International Law,
- Journal of Appellate Practice and Process,
- Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology,
- Journal of Health & Biomedical Law,
- Journal of International Affairs,
- Journal of Law and Health,
- Law and Contemporary Problems,
- Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law,
- Loyola Law Review,
- Loyola Maritime Law Journal,
- Missouri Law Review,
- Ottawa Law Review,
- Queen's Law Journal,
- Regulation,
- Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal,
- South Dakota Law Review,
- St. Thomas Law Review,
- Stanford Law & Policy Review,
- Suffolk University Law Review,
- The Journal of Corporation Law,
- University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review,
- Washington University Global Studies Law Review,
- Washington University Journal of Law & Policy,
- Yale Journal of Law & Technology;
- Recreation and Leisure
- Sports and fitness:
- Travel, recreation and leisure:
- Science and Technology
- Biological sciences:
- Chemistry:
- Computers and Internet:
- Earth sciences:
- Economics:
- American Economist,
- Economic Perspectives,
- Economic Quarterly,
- Economic Review (Kansas City),
- European Report,
- Independent Review,
- International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives (IJBEP),
- NBER Reporter,
- Romanian Economic and Business Review,
- The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies,
- The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics,
- Virginia Tax Review;
- Electronics:
- Environmental issues:
- High technology industry:
- Library and information science:
- Mathematics:
- Military and naval science:
- Science and technology, general:
- Social Sciences
- Anthropology, archeology, folklore:
- Education:
- Argumentation and Advocacy,
- ATEA Journal,
- Australian Mathematics Teacher,
- Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom,
- Canadian Music Educator,
- Community College Enterprise,
- Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly,
- Democracy & Education,
- Education,
- Education Next,
- ERIC: Reports,
- Exceptional Children,
- Health Educator,
- Issues in Teacher Education,
- Journal of Social Work Education,
- Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council,
- Journal of Thought,
- Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning,
- Michigan Journal of Counseling,
- Middle Grades Research Journal,
- Multicultural Education,
- Notes and Abstracts in American and International Education,
- Phi Kappa Phi Forum,
- Quarterly Review of Distance Education,
- Reading Improvement,
- School Librarian,
- South Dakota Law Review,
- Taboo,
- Teacher Education Quarterly,
- Teaching and Learning,
- Teaching History: A Journal of Methods,
- TESL Canada Journal,
- VAHPERD Journal,
- Vitae Scholasticae,
- Writing Center Journal,
- Writing Program Administration;
- Ethnic, cultural, racial issues:
- Afro-Hispanic Review,
- Australian Aboriginal Studies,
- Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire,
- Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal,
- CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies,
- Confluencia: Revista Hispanica de Cultura y Literatura,
- Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment,
- Diversite urbaine,
- Ethnologies,
- inFOCUS,
- Kola,
- Multicultural Education,
- Peace and Freedom,
- Shofar,
- Studies in American Jewish Literature,
- Tablet Magazine,
- The Black Scholar,
- The German Quarterly,
- The Western Journal of Black Studies,
- Voices: The Journal of New York Folklore;
- Family and marriage:
- Languages and linguistics:
- Political science:
- Anarchist Studies,
- Claremont Review of Books,
- Denver Journal of International Law and Policy,
- Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy,
- Gallup Poll News Service,
- German Policy Studies,
- Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy,
- Independent Review,
- Insight Turkey,
- Journal of International Affairs,
- Middle East Quarterly,
- National Civic Review,
- NotiSur - South American Political and Economic Affairs,
- Public Administration Quarterly,
- Public Finance and Management,
- Renewal,
- Soundings,
- Synthesis/Regeneration,
- The Cato Journal,
- Uluslararasi Iliskiler / International Relations,
- YaleGlobal Online;
- Regional focus/area studies:
- California History,
- Canadian Journal of History,
- Iran Times International (Washington, DC),
- Journal of Third World Studies,
- Middle East Quarterly,
- Ploughshares Monitor,
- The Black Scholar,
- The German Quarterly,
- The Loyalist Gazette,
- The Tibet Journal,
- Urban History Review;
- Social sciences, general:
- Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature,
- Attorneys for the Rights of the Child Newsletter,
- Diversite urbaine,
- Education Next,
- Helios,
- Herizons,
- Human Ecology,
- Humanist Perspectives,
- Humanitas,
- Independent Review,
- inFOCUS,
- International Productivity Monitor,
- International Social Science Review,
- Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law,
- Newfoundland and Labrador Studies,
- Pakistan Development Review,
- Ploughshares Monitor,
- Synthesis/Regeneration,
- The Journal of Men's Studies,
- The Wilson Quarterly,
- Urban History Review;
- Sociology and social work:
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