OCTOBER 25, 2006
8:52 p.m. EDT
DECEMBER 15, 2006
JANUARY 21, 2007
NASA spacecraft reunites with Earth after 17-year trip around the sun
STEREO-A passed between the sun and the Earth for the first time since its launch in 2006, NASA announced. The flyby marked a milestone for the spacecraft and the team that has monitored its progress - and a chance for STEREO-A to prove its relevance almost two decades later.
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NASA Establishes Contact With STEREO Mission
On Aug. 21, 2016, contact was reestablished with one of NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories, known as the STEREO-B spacecraft, after communications were lost on Oct. 1, 2014.
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STEREO Captures Sun's Eruption
The APL-built and -operated STEREO "A" spacecraft captured a large and powerful solar prominence that erupted and remained above the sun's surface for 30 hours.
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APL-developed STEREO animations sizzle on the big screen in “3D Sun,” a digital 3-D film now showing at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, in Washington, D.C.. Mission scientists unveil STEREO’s 3-D images of the sun to help us understand why this fiery ball is so important to us. Moviegoers get a close-up view of auroras over the artic circle and take a ride on a solar blast from the sun’s surface to Earth.

Mystery of the Solar Tsunami�Solved
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Launching to a New Frontier in Solar Research |

Photo credit: Boeing/Carleton Bailie |
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Seeing the Sun in 3-D
Mission Guide
Fact Sheet
Make your own STEREO Spacecraft
Press Briefing Materials
Click here for pre- and post-launch press briefing materials. |