Checklist of the Sesiidae of the world (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia)
P�hringer, F. & Kallies,
A. (2004): Provisional checklist of the Sesiidae of the world (Lepidoptera:
Ditrysia). – Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzkammergut
4, 1-85;
updated by F. P�hringer.
(� Dr. Franz P�hringer, H�usern 4, A-4817 St. Konrad, Austria;
� Dr. Axel Kallies, University of Melbourne, School of BioSciences, Parkville,
3000 Victoria, Australia)
Latest update: 19-Feb-2025
(currently valid are: 174 genera, 1582 species, and 46 subspecies [except
nominate subspecies])
This checklist does not comply with gender
agreement any more, in line with Sommerer (2002) and Nieukerken et al. (2019).
{gender-compliant names are however added in curly
The last version of the checklist respecting gender
agreement can be accessed
. It is however outdated (17-Apr-2021), and will not be updated any more.
Sesiidae Boisduval
1828:29 [Sesia Fabricius 1775]
Boisduval 1828:29 [Sesia Fabricius 1775]
Stephens 1828:136 [Aegeria [Fabricius in Illiger] 1807]
Westwood 1843:32 [Trochilium Scopoli 1777]
Tinthiinae Le Cerf
1917:148 [Tinthia Walker [1865]]
MacKay 1968:11 [Zenodoxus Grote & Robinson 1868]
Tinthiini Le Cerf 1917:148 [Tinthia
Walker [1865]]
MacKay 1968:11 [Zenodoxus Grote & Robinson 1868]
Bartel 1912:414 [Sphinx tineiformis Esper [1789], original designation]
brosiformis (H�bner [1813]: pl. 25: fig. 116), Sphinx
____________dorsalis (Le Cerf 1914b:272), Zenodoxus
obscura (Le Cerf 1914b:274), Zenodoxus
tineiformis (Esper [1789]:9), Sphinx
____________aselliformis (Rossi 1794:16), Sesia
Walker [1865]:23 [Tinthia varipes Walker [1865], by monotypy]
Moore 1877:83 [Soronia cuprealis Moore 1877, by monotypy]; preoccupied by
Erichson 1843 (Coleoptera)
beijingana Yang 1977:120
P____Tinthia mianjangalica Laštuvka
P,O__Tinthia cuprealis (Moore 1877:84),
O____Tinthia brachythyra
1919:118), Trichocerota72
O____Tinthia cupreipennis (Walker
[1865]:11), Aegeria72
O____Tinthia varipes Walker [1865]:24
A____Tinthia ruficollaris (Pagenstecher
1900:21), Paranthrene
A____Tinthia xanthospila Hampson 1919:115
Walker 1856:60 [Sophona halictipennis Walker 1856, by monotypy]
Le Cerf 1917:374 [Myrmecosphecia lemoulti Le Cerf 1917, original
Meyrick 1930a:260 [Bombosceles cyanomyia Meyrick 1930, by monotypy]
Clarke 1962:383 [Ficivora leucoteles Clarke 1962, by monotypy]
greenfieldi Eichlin 1986:347
snellingi Eichlin 1986:349
NL___Sophona albibasilaris Eichlin
NL___Sophona canzona Eichlin 1986:337
NL___Sophona ceropaliformis (Walker
1856:52), Aegeria
NL___Sophona cyanomyia (Meyrick
1930a:260), Bombosceles
NL___Sophona ezodda Eichlin 1986:338
NL___Sophona flavizonata Zukowsky
NL___Sophona fusca Eichlin 1986:346
NL___Sophona galba Eichlin 1986:341
NL___Sophona gilvifasciatus Eichlin
1986:337 {gilvifasciata}
NL___Sophona halictipennis Walker 1856:60
NL___Sophona hoffmanni Eichlin 1986:342
NL___Sophona hondurasensis Eichlin
NL___Sophona lemoulti (Le Cerf 1917:375),
NL___Sophona leucoteles (Clarke
1962:387), Ficivora
NL___Sophona ludtkei Eichlin 1986:348
NL___Sophona manoba (Druce 1889:82),
NL___Sophona panzona Eichlin 1986:339
NL___Sophona pedipennula Kallies &
Riefenstahl 1999:32
NL___Sophona piperi Kallies & Riefenstahl
NL___Sophona tabogana (Druce 1883:31),
NL___Sophona xanthocera Eichlin 1986:341
NL___Sophona xanthotarsis Eichlin
NL___Sophona yucatanensis Eichlin
NL___Sophona zukowskyi Eichlin 1986:334
Grote & Robinson 1868:183 [Zenodoxus maculipes Grote & Robinson 1868, by
canescens Edwards 1881:205
____________f. (race) sidae Engelhardt 1946:199
heucherae Edwards 1881:205
____________potentillae Edwards 1881:205
maculipes Grote & Robinson 1868:184
N,NL_Zenodoxus mexicanus Beutenm�ller
N,NL_Zenodoxus palmii (Neumoegen
1891:108), Larunda
____________palmiana (Dalla Torre 1925:160), Paranthrene; unnecessary
replacement name for Larunda palmii Neumoegen 1891
Engelhardt 1946:195
(race) sphaeralceae Engelhardt 1946:198
(race) incanae Engelhardt 1946:198
rubens Engelhardt 1946:200
____________f. (race) bexari Engelhardt 1946:200
sidalceae Engelhardt 1946:196
Strand [1913]:71 [Conopsia terminiflava Strand 1913, original designation]
bicolor (Le Cerf 1917:372), Zenodoxus
E____Conopsia flavimacula Kallies
E____Conopsia lambornella (Durrant
1914:513), Tinthia
E____Conopsia phoenosoma (Meyrick
1930c:4), Trichocerota
puehringeri S�fi�n & Bartsch 2018:148
E____Conopsia terminiflava Strand
Le Cerf 1911c:302 [Paranthrenopsis harmandi Le Cerf 1911 (= Tinthia
editha Butler 1878), by monotypy]
Strand [1916]:49 [Oligophlebiella polishana Strand [1916], by monotypy]
editha (Butler 1878:61), Tinthia
____________harmandi Le Cerf 1911c:302
flavitaenia Wang & Yang 2002:14
O____Paranthrenopsis flaviventris Kallies
& Arita 2001:198
O____Paranthrenopsis polishana (Strand
[1916]:49), Oligophlebiella
sichuanensis Gorbunov 2022c:56
O____Paranthrenopsis siniaevi Gorbunov &
Arita 2000b:247
O____Paranthrenopsis taiwanellus
(Matsumura 1931a:1018), Zenodoxus {taiwanella}
Bryk 1947:102 [Entrichella pogonias Bryk 1947, original designation]
constricta (Butler 1878:61), Tinthia
(Matsumura 1931a:1018), Zenodoxus
(Matsumura 1931a:1016), Paranthrene [nec Bembecia pernix Leech
[1889]]; misdetermination (unavailable)
esakii (Yano 1960:235), Zenodoxus
P,O__Entrichella pogonias Bryk 1947:103
P____Entrichella yakushimaensis (Arita
1993:77), Trichocerota
O____Entrichella erythranches (Meyrick
1926:269), Trichocerota
O____Entrichella fuscus (Xu & Liu
1992:731), Zenodoxus {fusca}
O____Entrichella gorapani (Arita &
Gorbunov 1995a:195), Trichocerota
O____Entrichella hreblayi Petersen
O____Entrichella issikii (Yano 1960:236),
O____Entrichella leiaeformis (Walker
1856:58), Aegeria
O____Entrichella linozona (Meyrick
1926:269), Trichocerota
O____Entrichella meilinensis (Xu & Liu
1993:3), Zenodoxus
O____Entrichella simifuscus (Xu & Liu
1993:4), Zenodoxus {simifusca}
O____Entrichella tricolor Kallies & Arita
O____Entrichella trifasciatus (Yano
1960:237), Zenodoxus {trifasciata}
O____Entrichella woodstocki (Liang & Hsu
2017:415), Ceratocorema112
Gorbunov 2001:139 [Paranthrena [sic] myrmosaeformis
Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846], original designation]
efetovi Gorbunov 2019b:304
hoplisiformis (Mann 1864:176), Paranthrene
P____Negotinthia myrmosaeformis
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:59), Paranthrena [sic]
myrmosaeformis myrmosaeformis
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846])
(Staudinger 1856:336), Paranthrene; incorrect emendation
myrmosaeformis cingulata
(Staudinger 1870:100), Paranthrene39,78
Hampson [1893a]:199 [Trichocerota ruficincta Hampson [1893], original
alectra (Arita & Gorbunov 1995a:194), Tinthia
O____Trichocerota antigama Meyrick
O____Trichocerota diplotima Meyrick
O____Trichocerota formosana Arita &
Gorbunov 2002a:241
O____Trichocerota fulvistriga Hampson
O____Trichocerota intervenata Hampson
O____Trichocerota melli Kallies & Arita
O____Trichocerota proxima Le Cerf
O____Trichocerota radians Hampson
O____Trichocerota rubripectus (Xu & Liu
1993:3), Zenodoxus
O____Trichocerota ruficincta Hampson
O____Trichocerota spilogastra (Le Cerf
1916b:11), Tinthia
O____Trichocerota tianpingensis (Xu & Liu
1993:4), Zenodoxus
O____Trichocerota univitta Hampson
Hampson 1919:114 [Aegeria gravis Walker [1865], original designation]
Bryk 1947:106 [Paranthrenina myrmekomorpha Bryk 1947, original
gravis (Walker [1865]:12), Aegeria
____________pieli Lieu 1935:19094
O____Paradoxecia beibengensis Yu &
Kallies 2019:264
chura Arita, Kimura & Owada 2009:189
O____Paradoxecia dizona (Hampson
1919:117), Trichocerota
O____Paradoxecia fukiensis Gorbunov &
Arita 1997b:65
O____Paradoxecia karubei Kallies & Arita
kishidai Yu & Arita 2019:262
O____Paradoxecia luteocincta Kallies &
Arita 2001:217
O____Paradoxecia myrmekomorpha (Bryk
1947:106), Paranthrenina
____________myrmecomorpha Bryk 1947:pl. 1 (legend); incorrect original spelling (unavailabale)
polyzona Yu & Kallies 2019:263
O____Paradoxecia radiata Kallies 2002:207
O____Paradoxecia similis Arita & Gorbunov
O____Paradoxecia taiwana Arita & Gorbunov
O____Paradoxecia tristis Kallies & Arita
O____Paradoxecia tuzovi
Gorbunov 2021d:329
O____Paradoxecia vietnamica Gorbunov &
Arita 1997b:62
Bryk 1947:103 [Rectala asyliformis Bryk 1947, original designation]
asyliformis Bryk 1947:104
O____Rectala magnifica Kallies & Arita
Walker 1862:83 [Tyrictaca apicalis Walker 1862, by monotypy]
Hampson [1893a]:200 [Ceratocorema postcristatum Hampson [1893], original
Hampson 1919:115 [Neotinthia semihyalina Hampson 1919, original
antiphanopa Meyrick 1927:37271
apicalis Walker 1862:84
cymbalistis (Meyrick
1926:268), Tinthia71
hyalina (Kallies &
Arita 2001:191), Ceratocorema71
mesatma (Meyrick
1926:269), Tinthia71
postcristatum (Hampson
[1893a]:200), Ceratocorema71
pulchra Gorbunov 2022a:126
semihyalina (Hampson
1919:115), Neotinthia71
O____Tyrictaca yoshiyasui (Kallies &
Arita 2001:194), Ceratocorema71
Bryk 1947:104 [Caudicornia xanthopimpla Bryk 1947, original designation]
aurantia (Hampson 1919:118), Zenodoxus
O____Caudicornia flavicincta (Hampson
1919:119), Zenodoxus
O____Caudicornia flavus (Xu & Liu
1992:730) {flava}
O____Caudicornia tonkinensis Kallies &
Arita 2001:202
O____Caudicornia xanthopimpla Bryk
Arita & Gorbunov 2003b:131 [Bidentotinthia borneana Arita & Gorbunov
2003, original designation]
borneana Arita & Gorbunov 2003b:133
Arita & Gorbunov 2003b:136 [Tarsotinthia albogastra Arita & Gorbunov
2003, original designation]
albogastra Arita & Gorbunov 2003b:137
Pennisetiini Naumann 1971:55 [Pennisetia
Dehne 1850]
Niculescu 1964:34 [Bembecia sensu Bartel 1912 (= Pennisetia Dehne]
Dehne 1850:28 [Pennisetia anomala Dehne 1850 (= Sesia hylaeiformis
Laspeyres 1801), by monotypy]
Swinhoe 1892:35 [Sphecia contracta Walker 1856, original designation]
auct. (sensu Bartel 1912:381) [nec Bembecia H�bner [1819]]
bohemica Kr�l�cek & Povoln� 1974:165
P____Pennisetia fixseni (Leech
[1889]a:591), Sphecia90
________Pennisetia fixseni fixseni (Leech
________Pennisetia fixseni admirabilis
Arita 1992b:456
P____Pennisetia hylaeiformis (Laspeyres
1801:14), Sesia
________Pennisetia hylaeiformis hylaeiformis
(Laspeyres 1801)
____________apiformis (H�bner 1796: pl. 8: fig. 48), Sphinx [nec [Sphinx]
apiformis Clerck 1759]; junior primary homonym of [Sphinx]
apiformis Clerck 1759
Dehne 1850:28
hylaeiformis assimilis
Arita 1992b:450
P____Pennisetia insulicola Arita
P____Pennisetia pectinata (Staudinger
1887c:167), Bembecia
N____Pennisetia marginatum (Harris
1839:309), Trochilium {marginata}
____________pleciaeformis (Walker 1856:40), Aegeria
(Walker 1856:42), Aegeria
(Riley 1874:111), Aegeria
(Hulst 1881:76), Sesia
albicoma (Hulst 1883:9), Bembecia
eucheripennis (Boisduval [1875]:384), Bembecia
O____Pennisetia contracta (Walker
1856:11), Sphecia
O____Pennisetia fujianensis Wang & Yang
O____Pennisetia kumaoides Arita &
Gorbunov 2001:154
O____Pennisetia unicingulata Arita &
Gorbunov 2001:150
Kallies & Arita 2001:226 [Corematosetia naumanni Kallies & Arita 2001,
original designation]
minuta Kallies & Arita 2006:375
O____Corematosetia naumanni Kallies &
Arita 2001:227
parvimaculata Liang & Hsu 2023:431
Paraglosseciini Gorbunov &
Eitschberger 1990:289 [Paraglossecia Gorbunov & Eitschberger 1988,
original designation]
Oligophlebia Hampson [1893a]:201 [Oligophlebia nigralba
Hampson [1893], original designation]
Meyrick 1926:268 [Amphithales episcopopa Meyrick 1926, by monotypy]
Gorbunov 1988b:46 [Paraglossecia micra Gorbunov 1988, original
Yang & Wang 1989b:236 [Heliodinesesia ulmi Yang & Wang 1989, original
micra (Gorbunov 1988b:47), Paraglossecia
P____Oligophlebia ulmi (Yang & Wang
1989b:236), Heliodinesesia
____________oliveri (Gorbunov & Eitschberger 1990:290), Paraglossecia
amalleuta Meyrick 1910:219
O____Oligophlebia cristata Le Cerf
O____Oligophlebia episcopopa (Meyrick
1926:268), Amphithales
O____Oligophlebia fortis
(Diakonoff [1968]:234), Bembecia46
hibiscivora Yu, Kallies & Arita 2022:70
minor Xu & Arita 2014:708
O____Oligophlebia nigralba Hampson
O____Oligophlebia subapicalis Hampson
insurgia Kallies 2020:20
Meyrick 1935:601 [Thamnoscelis prisciformis Meyrick 1935, by monotypy];
replacement name for Thamnoscelis Meyrick 1935
Meyrick 1935:558 [Thamnoscelis prisciformis Meyrick 1935, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Meyrick 1928 (Sesiidae)
prisciformis (Meyrick 1935:558), Thamnoscelis
Arita & Gorbunov 2001:156 [Cyanophlebia mandarina Arita & Gorbunov 2001,
original designation]
mandarina Arita & Gorbunov 2001:157
Turner 1917:78 [Lophocnema eusphyra Turner 1917, by monotypy]
eusphyra Turner 1917:79
mackeyi Kallies 2020:15
Turner 1917:79 [Sesia igniflua Lucas 1894, by monotypy]
Hampson 1919:113 [Sesia igniflua Lucas 1894, original designation];
junior objective synonym of Diapyra Turner 1917
igniflua (Lucas 1894:133), Sesia
Hampson 1919:113 [Micrecia methyalina Hampson 1919, original designation]
methyalina Hampson 1919:113
capillaria Kallies 2020:16
hawkei Kallies 2020:18
kuukuyau Kallies 2020:16
Similipepsini Špatenka,
Laštuvka, Gorbunov, Toševski & Arita 1993:86 [Similipepsis
Le Cerf 1911]
Similipepsis Le Cerf 1911c:304 [Similipepsis violaceus Le Cerf
1911, by monotypy]
Strand [1913]:70 [Vespaegeria typica Strand 1913, original designation]
E____Similipepsis ekisi Wang 1984:86
E____Similipepsis eumenidiformis Bartsch
gansoni Gorbunov
E____Similipepsis maromizaensis Bartsch
murzini Gorbunov
E____Similipepsis osuni Bakowski &
Kallies 2008:792
E____Similipepsis typica (Strand
[1913]:71), Vespaegeria
E____Similipepsis violaceus Le Cerf
1911c:304 {violacea}
O____Similipepsis helicellus Kallies &
Arita 2001:230 {helicella}
Gorbunov & Arita 1995b:382 [Similipepsis takizawai Arita & Špatenka 1989,
original designation]116
(Arita & Špatenka 1989:61),
P____Milisipepsis yunnanensis
& Arita 1992:104),
O____Milisipepsis bicingulata
(Gorbunov & Arita 1995e:71), Similipepsis117
O____Milisipepsis lasiocera
(Hampson 1919:114),
Similipepsis117 {lasiocerus}
O____Milisipepsis taiwanensis
Arita & Gorbunov 2001:145117
unicinctus Gorbunov 2022:412
Gorbunov 2023c:306 [Similipepsis aurea Gaede
original designation]
aurea (Gaede 1929:536),
kapanga Gorbunov 2023c:309
Arita & Gorbunov 2003a:12 [Gasterostena vietnamica Arita & Gorbunov 2003,
original designation]
funebris Kallies & Arita 2006:374
O____Gasterostena ikedai Arita & Gorbunov
O____Gasterostena rubricincta Kallies &
Arita 2006:372
O____Gasterostena vietnamica Arita &
Gorbunov 2003a:13
Sesiinae Boisduval
1828:29 [Sesia Fabricius 1775]
Stephens 1828:136 [Aegeria [Fabricius in Illiger] 1807]
Le Cerf 1917:148 [Melittia H�bner [1819]]
Niculescu 1964:38 [Paranthrene H�bner [1819]]
Niculescu 1964:34 [Synanthedon H�bner [1819]]
Sesiini Boisduval 1828:29 [Sesia
Fabricius 1775]
Stephens 1828:136 [Aegeria [Fabricius in Illiger] 1807]
Fischer 2006c:328 [Afrokona Fischer 2006]; replacement name for Euthrenini
Fischer 2006
Fischer 2006b:219 [Afrokona Fischer 2006]; unavailable (art. 29.1 ICZN)
Fabricius 1775:547 [[Sphinx] apiformis Clerck 1759, subsequent
designation by Latreille 1810:440]
Oken 1815:749; rejected name (Opinion Nr. 417 ICZN)
Meigen 1829:103; incorrect emendation
Meigen 1829:115; incorrect original spelling (unavailabale)
Scopoli 1777:414 [Sphinx apiformis Linnaeus 1761 (= [Sphinx]
apiformis Clerck 1759), subsequent designation by Curtis 1831]; junior
objective synonym of Sesia Fabricius 1775
Speyer & Speyer 1858:327; incorrect emendation; preoccupied by Dujardin 1841
[Fabricius in Illiger] 1807a:288 [[Sphinx] apiformis Clerck 1759 {incorrect
type species: Sphinx culiciformis Linnaeus 1758 (Curtis 1825:53), not
originally included in Aegeria and not linked with one of the originally
included nominal species}, subsequent designation by Westwood 1840:89]; junior
objective synonym of Sesia Fabricius 1775
H�bner [1819]:127 [Sphinx crabroniformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775 (=
[Sphinx] apiformis Clerck 1759) {incorrect type species: Sphinx
crabroniformis Lewin 1797 (Bartel 1912:378), not originally included in
Sphecia and not linked with one of the originally included nominal species},
subsequent designation by Hampson 1919:80]
apiformis (Clerck 1759: pl. 9: fig. 2), [Sphinx] [nec Sphinx
apiformis Linnaeus 1761; nec Sphinx apiformis H�bner 1796]
____________apiformis (Linnaeus 1761:289), Sphinx [nec Sphinx apiformis
H�bner 1796]
([Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775:44), Sphinx [nec Sesia crabroniformis
Fabricius 1793; nec Sphinx crabroniformis Lewin 1797; nec Sesia
crabroniformis Laspeyres 1801]
(Esper 1782:208), Sphinx
(Esper 1782:209), Sphinx
(Retzius 1783:33), Sphinx; incorrect emendation
brunneipes (Turati 1913:339), Trochilium
brunnea (Caflisch 1890:269), Trochilum [sic]; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
caflischii (Standfuss 1892:369), Trochilium; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
rhodani (Mouterde 1955:24), Aegeria; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
(Hufnagel 1766:184), Sphinx [nec Sphinx vespiformis Linnaeus
[1760]]; misdetermination (unavailable)
bembeciformis (H�bner [1803-1806]: pl. 20: fig. 98), Sphinx
____________crabroniformis (Lewin 1797:2), Sphinx [nec Sphinx crabroniformis
[Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775; nec Sesia crabroniformis Fabricius 1793;
nec Sesia crabroniformis Laspeyres 1801]; junior primary homonym of
Sphinx crabroniformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775
(Walker 1856:12), Sphecia
bredanensis (Heylaerts 1883:xl), Trochilium20
(L�fqvist 1922:82), Aegeria
orophila (Zukowsky 1929a:20), Sphecia
incognita (Strand [1927]:282), Aegeria; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
fumosa (Lempke 1961:175), Sphecia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
flavicollis (Hampson [1893a]:190), Sphecodoptera
gielisi Garrevoet & Wangdi 2022:148
P____Sesia gloriosa (Le Cerf 1914d:421),
____________mandarina (Le Cerf 1916b:13), Sphecia
himachalensis Kallies & de Freina 2009:169
huaxica Xu 1995:6
ladakhensis Špatenka 1990:72
nirdhoji Petersen & Lingenh�le 1998:42
P____Sesia oberthueri (Le Cerf
1914d:422), Aegeria
P____Sesia przewalskii (Alpheraky
1882:18), Trochilium
P____Sesia ruficollis Petersen &
Lingenh�le 1998:44
P____Sesia siningensis (Hsu 1981:181),
P____Sesia solitera Špatenka & Arita
P____Sesia tibetensis Arita & Xu
P____Sesia timur (Grum-Grshimailo
1893:385), Trochilium
P____Sesia yezoensis (Hampson 1919:81),
____________asamaensis (Hampson 1919:81), Sphecia
ignicolle (Hampson [1893a]:189), Trochilium {ignicollis}
P____Sesia ommatiaeformis (Moore
1891:16), Sphecia
____________shugnana (Sheljuzhko 1943:79), Sphecia
augeri L. Handfield & N. Handfield 2024:91
N____Sesia pacificum (Edwards
1881:180), Trochilium {pacifica}123
(Neumoegen 1891:108), Trochilium
(Neumoegen 1891:108), Trochilium
dyari (Cockerell 1908:330), Aegeria
anonyma (Strand 1925:124), Aegeria
N____Sesia spartani Eichlin & Taft
N____Sesia tibiale (Harris 1839:309),
Trochilium {tibialis}
____________flavitibia (Walker 1856:67), Melittia; unnecessary replacement
name for Trochilium tibiale Harris 1839
melanoformis (Engelhardt 1946:178), Aegeria
Moore 1879b:9 [Trilochana scolioides Moore 1879, by monotypy]
Butler 1885:370 [Scoliomima insignis Butler 1885, by monotypy]
scolioides Moore 1879b:10
____________megascolioides Arita 1989:11
Yang & Wang 1989b:23324
O____Trilochana chalciptera Hampson
____________ab. pseudoinsignis (Strand [1917b]:89), Scoliomima;
infrasubspecific (unavailable)
illustris Kallies & Arita 1998:251
O____Trilochana insignis (Butler
1885:371), Scoliomima
O____Trilochana nagaii Arita & Kallies
O____Trilochana oberthueri Le Cerf
____________var. boulleti Le Cerf 1917:355
O____Trilochana triscoliopsis Rothschild
A____Trilochana smaragdina Diakonoff
Gorbunov & Arita 1995e:74 [Cyanosesia tonkinensis Gorbunov & Arita 1995,
original designation]
borneensis Kallies 2003:161
O____Cyanosesia clavicornis (Walker
[1865]:14), Aegeria74
O____Cyanosesia cyanolampra (Diakonoff
[1968]:229), Sura
O____Cyanosesia cyanosa Kallies & Arita
O____Cyanosesia formosana Arita &
Gorbunov 2002b:234
O____Cyanosesia hypochalcia (Hampson
1919:60), Synanthedon
O____Cyanosesia javana Gorbunov & Kallies
O____Cyanosesia leleji Gorbunov & Arita
O____Cyanosesia litseavora Kallies &
Arita 2004a:85
O____Cyanosesia meyi Kallies & Arita
ormosiae Kallies 2011:152
O____Cyanosesia panorpaeformis (Boisduval [1875]:393), Sesia22
O____Cyanosesia pelocroca (Diakonoff
[1968]:225), Glossosphecia
O____Cyanosesia philippina Gorbunov &
Kallies 1998:458
O____Cyanosesia tonkinensis Gorbunov &
Arita 1995e:77
O____Cyanosesia treadawayi Kallies &
Arita 1998:246
tuzovi Gorbunov 2020b:188
O____Cyanosesia vietnamica Gorbunov &
Arita 1995e:79
Bartsch 2017:426 [Hyleina kaphetea Bartsch 2017, original
kaphetea Bartsch 2017:427
Hampson 1910b:93 [Sphecosesia pedunculata Hampson 1910, original
Heppner 2010:179 [Vespisesia vespiformis Heppner 2010, original designation]8
ashinaga Kallies & Arita 2004a:91
O____Sphecosesia aterea Hampson 1919:77
O____Sphecosesia bruneiensis Kallies
O____Sphecosesia pedunculata Hampson
O____Sphecosesia rhodites Kallies & Arita
O____Sphecosesia vespiformis
(Heppner 2010:180), Vespisesia8
Felder &
1874:9, pl. 75 [Sesia longipes Felder 1861, original
O____Teinotarsina andrepiclera
1910b:94), Lepidopoda73
O____Teinotarsina aurantiaca
Yagi, Hirowatari & Arita 2016:144
flavicincta (Arita & Gorbunov 2002b:237), Cyanosesia
O____Teinotarsina litchivora (Yang & Wang
1989b:230), Sphecosesia
O____Teinotarsina longipes (Felder
1861:26), Sesia
O____Teinotarsina longitarsa Arita &
Gorbunov 2002b:223
O____Teinotarsina lushanensis (Xu & Liu
1999:3), Sphecosesia
O____Teinotarsina luteopoda Kallies &
Arita 2004a:93
O____Teinotarsina melanostoma (Diakonoff
[1968]:219), Sphecosesia
O____Teinotarsina micans (Diakonoff
[1968]:226), Glossosphecia
O____Teinotarsina nonggangensis (Yang &
Wang 1989b:232), Sphecosesia
sapphirina Eda & Arita 2015:128
A____Teinotarsina rubripes (Pagenstecher
1900:22), Sesia
Kallies & Arita 2014b:582 [Tinthia
variegata Walker [1865], original
Kallies & Arita 2014b:584
leucozona (Hampson
1919:63), Gaea88
O____Laetosphecia variegata (Walker
[1865]:24), Tinthia88
Walker 1856:71 [Trochilium ashtaroth Westwood 1848, by monotypy]
ashtaroth (Westwood 1848:14), Trochilium
____________tonkiniana Le Cerf 1927:149
Arita 1989:12
Le Cerf 1916b:13 [Aegerosphecia calliptera Le Cerf 1916, subsequent
designation by Le Cerf 1917:364]
calliptera Le Cerf 1916b:13
O____Aegerosphecia cyanea Hampson 1919:80
O____Aegerosphecia fasciata (Walker
1862:83), Melittia
O____Aegerosphecia fumoptera Kallies &
Arita 2004a:76
O____Aegerosphecia myanmarensis Kallies &
Arita 2004a:73
A____Aegerosphecia fulviventris Le Cerf
A____Aegerosphecia mysolica (Walker
[1865]:18), Melittia
A____Aegerosphecia rufea Kallies 2020:22
Kallies & Arita 2004a:76 [Lamellisphecia haematinea Kallies & Arita 2004,
original designation]
champaensis Kallies & Arita 2004a:80
O____Lamellisphecia haematinea Kallies &
Arita 2004a:77
minwangi Arita & Kallies 2019:478
O____Lamellisphecia sumatrana Fischer
O____Lamellisphecia wiangensis Kallies &
Arita 2004a:80
xerampelina Kallies 2011:154
A____Lamellisphecia sanguinea Kallies
Kallies 2011:157 [Trochilium pugnax Meyrick 1926, original
designation]; replacement name for
Clavigera Kallies & Arita 2004
Kallies & Arita 2004a:81 [Trochilium pugnax Meyrick 1926, original
designation]; preoccupied by
Hector 1879 (Brachiopoda)
chrysoptera (Hampson 1919:82), Aegeria
O____Clavisphecia pugnax (Meyrick 1926:266),
Le Cerf 1937b:106 [Sesia pimplaeformis Oberth�r 1872, original
P____Eusphecia melanocephala
(Dalman 1816:217), Sesia6
____________laphriaeformis (H�bner [1824-1825]: pl. 35: fig. 156-159), Sphinx
pimplaeformis (Oberth�r 1872:486, pl. 21), Sesia
____________maculiferum (Staudinger 1895a:290), Trochilium
Hampson [1893a]:189 [Sphecia repanda Walker 1856, original designation]
Matsumura 1931a:1017; incorrect subsequent spelling.
Matsumura 1931a:1017 [Scasiba taikanensis Matsumura 1931, by monotypy]5
okinawana Matsumura 1931a:1017, Spherodoptera [sic]5
repanda (Walker 1856:11), Sphecia5
1926:267), Synanthedon7
P____Sphecodoptera rhynchioides (Butler
1881:589), Sphecia5
P____Sphecodoptera scribai (Bartel 1912:379),
____________molybdoceps (Hampson 1919:82), Aegeria
sheni (Arita & Xu 1994a:61), Sesia5
____________caryavora Xu & Arita 1994:2
(Shen 1988:23), Aegeria [nec Aegeria molybdoceps Hampson 1919];
misdetermination (unavailable)
difficilis (Kallies & Arita 2004a:89),
O____Sphecodoptera taikanensis (Matsumura
O____Sphecodoptera tenuimarginatum (Hampson
[1893a]:193), Sciapteron5 {tenuimarginata}
A____Sphecodoptera cupreifascia (Miskin
1892:58), Trochilium63
hiltoni Kallies 2020:24
________Sphecodoptera hiltoni hiltoni
Kallies 2020
________Sphecodoptera hiltoni hibernia
Kallies 2020:25
Le Cerf 1916b:13 [Callisphecia oberthueri Le Cerf 1916, subsequent
designation by Le Cerf 1917:367]
bicincta Le Cerf 1916b:13
E____Callisphecia oberthueri Le Cerf
Viette 1982:51 [Callisphecia puera Viette 1957, original designation]
griveaudi (Viette 1982:50), Sura
E____Madasphecia puera (Viette 1957:92),
Bartsch 2009:14 [Melittosesia
flavitarsa Bartsch 2009, original designation]
flavitarsa Bartsch 2009:15
P�hringer & S�fi�n 2011:231 [Barbasphecia
hephaistos P�hringer & S�fi�n 2011, original designation]
ares P�hringer
& S�fi�n 2011:234
hephaistos P�hringer & S�fi�n 2011:231
Le Cerf 1916b:14 [Proaegeria vouauxi Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]
vouauxi Le Cerf 1916b:14
murzini Gorbunov 2023a:40
Fischer 2006b:220 [Afrokona aerea Fischer 2006, original designation]
aerea Fischer 2006b:221
Le Cerf 1957:99 [Sesia donckieri Le Cerf 1912, original designation]
donckieri (Le Cerf 1912a:55), Sesia
Le Cerf 1957:97 [Lenyra heckmanniae Aurivillius 1909, original
heckmanniae (Aurivillius 1909:342), Lenyra
Holland 1893:182 [Cicinnoscelis longipes Holland 1893, original
Le Cerf 1916b:13 [Megalosphecia gigantipes Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]12
, 119
callosoma (Hampson 1919:78),
flavipes Bartsch 2013:7
grandiosus Bartsch & S�fi�n 2023a:74
krooni Bartsch 2013:7
longipes Holland 1893:18314
____________gigantipes Le Cerf 1916b:13119
____________var. obscura Le Cerf 1916b:13119
Walker 1856:62 [Alonina rygchiiformis Walker 1856, by monotypy]12
Bartsch 2013:12
E____Alonina rygchiiformis Walker 1856:63
____________difformis Hampson 1919:78
____________rhynchiiformis Hampson 1919:78; incorrect emendation
luteopunctata (de
Freina 2011a:217),
pyrethra (Hampson
1910a:154), Sciapteron15
pyrocraspis (Hampson
1910a:153), Sciapteron15
rufa Bartsch 2013:11
Meyrick 1934:454 [Gymnosophistis thyrsodoxa
Meyrick 1934, by monotypy]76
Bartsch 2018:148
thyrsodoxa Meyrick 1934:454
Wallengren 1863:138 [Anaudia felderi Wallengren 1863, by monotypy]12
felderi Wallengren 1863:138
Bartsch 2013:15
Austrosetia Felder & Felder 1874:2, pl. 82 [Austrosetia
semirufa Felder &
1874, by monotypy]12
Felder & Felder 1874:2, pl. 82
Naumann 1971:17 [Trochilina candescens Felder &
1874, by monotypy];
replacement name for Trochilina Felder &
Felder & Felder 1874:9, pl. 82 [Trochilina candescens Felder
& Felder 1874, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Gray 1868 (Mollusca)
E____Felderiola candescens (Felder
& Felder
1874:9, pl. 82), Trochilina14
karooensis Bartsch 2013:20
E____Felderiola xanthogaster
Bartsch 2013:22
Wallengren 1859:135 [Monopetalotaxis wahlbergi Wallengren 1859 (=
Aegeria doleriformis Walker 1856), original designation]12
E____Monopetalotaxis doleriformis (Walker
1856:56), Aegeria [nec Sesia doleriformis Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]]
____________wahlbergi Wallengren 1859:135
(Druce 1899:204), Aegeria
Hagnogyna Bartsch 2013:25 [Homogyna
sanguicosta Hampson 1919, original
E____Hagnogyna bartschi
(de Freina 2011a:213), Homogyna16
E____Hagnogyna sanguicosta
Coccophila Bartsch 2015:433 [Aegeria pythes
Druce 1899, original designation]
E____Coccophila pythes (Druce 1899:204),
Microsesia Bartsch
2015:428 [Microsesia nana
Bartsch 2015, original designation]
Bartsch 2015:429
Le Cerf 1917:329 [Vespanthedon cerceris Le Cerf 1917, original
cerceris Le Cerf 1917:330
1919:59), Monopetalotaxis17
Cissuvorini Duckworth & Eichlin
1977c:13 [Cissuvora Engelhardt 1946]
Walker [1865]:19 [Toleria abiaeformis Walker [1865], by monotypy]
Strand [1916]:46 [Chimaerosphecia aegerides Strand [1916], by monotypy]58
abiaeformis Walker [1865]:20
____________sangaica (Zukowsky 1932:316), Aegeria
O____Toleria aegerides
(Strand [1916]:46), Chimaerosphecia
aritai Ogane & Kallies 2020:125
O____Toleria colochelyna
1947:98), Chimaerosphecia
ilana Arita & Gorbunov 2001:185
O____Toleria sinensis (Walker
[1865]:1), Sphecia59
vietnamica Gorbunov & Arita 2020a:350
Hampson 1919:83 [Sphecia contaminata Butler 1878, original designation]
contaminata (Butler 1878:59), Sphecia
P____Glossosphecia romanovi (Leech
[1889]a:591), Sphecia [nec Sesia romanovi Bartel 1902]90
O____Glossosphecia huoshanensis (Xu
1993:7), Cissuvora
O____Glossosphecia melli (Zukowsky
1929b:34), Aegeria
O____Glossosphecia sherpa (Bartsch
2003:150), Toleria
O____Glossosphecia sinensis (Wang & Yang
2002:17), Cissuvora60
Hampson 1919:79 [Sphecia bombyliformis Rothschild 1911, original
O____Dasysphecia bombyliformis
(Rothschild 1911:45), Sphecia
O____Dasysphecia bombylina Arita &
Kallies 2005:87
O____Dasysphecia ursina Kallies & Arita
Heppner & Taft 2024:117 [Eichlinsesia bombus
Heppner & Taft 2024, original
NL___Eichlinsesia bombus
Heppner & Taft 2024:118
Engelhardt 1946:134 [Cissuvora ampelopsis Engelhardt 1946, original
ampelopsis Engelhardt 1946:134
Osminiini Duckworth & Eichlin 1977c:26
[Osminia Le Cerf 1917]
Sazonia Gorbunov & Arita 2001b:365 [Sazonia gorodinskii Gorbunov & Arita
2001, original designation]
subgenus Miniosa
Gorbunov & Arita 2001b:370 [Sesia fenusaeformis Herrich-Sch�ffer 1852,
original designation]
(Miniosa) fenusaeformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1852]:48),
____________fenusiformis (Staudinger 1856:283), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:73), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:74), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:74), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:73), Sesia [nec Sphinx leucopsiformis Esper
1800]; misdetermination (unavailable)
Gorbunov & Arita 2001
(Sazonia) gorodinskii
Gorbunov & Arita 2001b:367
(Sazonia) vietnamica Gorbunov & Arita 2018b:596
Le Cerf 1917:327 [Osminia ferruginea Le Cerf 1917, original designation]
Engelhardt 1946:131 [Carmenta ruficornis Edwards 1881, original
donahueorum Duckworth & Eichlin 1983:7
N,NL_Osminia ruficornis (Edwards
1881:184), Carmenta
____________minuta (Edwards 1881:185), Carmenta
(Edwards 1882c:123), Aegeria
(Druce 1889:81), Tarsopoda
albipilosa Eichlin 1998:25
NL___Osminia bicornicolis Duckworth &
Eichlin 1983:5
NL___Osminia colimaensis Duckworth &
Eichlin 1983:6
NL___Osminia exigua Eichlin 1998:25
NL___Osminia ferruginea Le Cerf 1917:328
NL___Osminia fisheri Eichlin 1987:532
NL___Osminia heitzmani Eichlin 1998:27
NL___Osminia phalarocera Duckworth &
Eichlin 1983:8
NL___Osminia rubrialvus Eichlin 1998:25
E____Osminia namibiana Kallies 2004:186
Le Cerf 1916b:12 [Chamanthedon hypochroma Le Cerf 1916, subsequent
designation by Le Cerf 1917:287]
Niculescu 1969:33 [Synanthedon chrysostetha Diakonoff 1968, original
designation]; preoccupied by Kiriakoff 1953 (Thyretidae)
Fletcher 1982:63 [Synanthedon chrysostetha Diakonoff 1968, original
designation]; replacement name for Diakonoffia Niculescu 1969
albicincta Hampson 1919:65
O____Chamanthedon aurigera (Bryk
1947:108), Conopia
O____Chamanthedon bicincta Arita &
Gorbunov 2000c:208
O____Chamanthedon chrysostetha (Diakonoff
[1968]:221), Synanthedon
O____Chamanthedon flavipes (Hampson
1893b:60), Aegeria [nec Sesia flavipes Hulst 1881]
O____Chamanthedon hypochroma Le Cerf
O____Chamanthedon melanoptera Le Cerf
O____Chamanthedon quinquecincta (Hampson
[1893a]:196), Sesia
O____Chamanthedon suisharyonis (Strand
[1917a]:152), Microsphecia
O____Chamanthedon xanthopleura Le Cerf
____- species incertae sedis (excluded from
Chamanthedon by Arita & Gorbunov 1998):
NL___Chamanthedon aurantiibasis
(Rothschild 1911:46), Aegeria
NL___Chamanthedon gaudens (Rothschild
1911:46), Aegeria
E____Chamanthedon amorpha Hampson 1919:67
auronitens (Le Cerf
1913b:212), Sesia115
E____Chamanthedon brillians (Beutenm�ller
1899a:172), Sesia
E____Chamanthedon chrysopasta Hampson
E____Chamanthedon fulvipes (Hampson
1910c:506), Lepidopoda
E____Chamanthedon leucocera Hampson
E____Chamanthedon striata Gaede 1929:523
E____Chamanthedon tropica (Beutenm�ller
1899a:172), Sesia
Viette [1955]:94 [Microsynanthedon ambrensis Viette [1955], original
ambrensis Viette [1955]:94
E____Microsynanthedon setodiformis
(Mabille 1891:174), Sesia
E____Microsynanthedon tanala Minet
Beutenm�ller 1899b:256 [Pyrrhotaenia coccinea Beutenm�ller 1898, original
coccinea (Beutenm�ller 1898:241), Pyrrhotaenia
Le Cerf 1912b:291 [Aenigmina aenea Le Cerf 1912, by monotypy]
aenea Le Cerf 1912b:291
E____Aenigmina albiapex Bartsch 2016a:238
E____Aenigmina critheis (Druce 1899:202),
E____Aenigmina latimargo Le Cerf
de Freina 2008:164 [Cabomina monicae de Freina 2008, original
chalypsa (Hampson
1919:67), Chamanthedon28
dracomontana de Freina 2008:167
E____Cabomina flavivertex
Bartsch 2016a:236
E____Cabomina heliostoma (Meyrick
1926:267), Chamanthedon
E____Cabomina hilariformis (Walker
1856:57), Aegeria28
E____Cabomina leucopleura (Hampson
1919:67), Chamanthedon28
E____Cabomina monicae de Freina 2008:164
E____Cabomina ruthmuellerae
Bartsch 2016a:234
E____Cabomina tiresa (Druce 1899:202),
tsomoana de Freina 2011a:216
Hampson 1919:110 [Pyranthrene flammans Hampson 1919, original designation]
flammans Hampson 1919:110
E____Pyranthrene hypocalla
(Le Cerf
1937d:409), Tipulamima99
(Hampson 1919:57), Tipulamima99
Le Cerf 1911c:303 [Homogyna alluaudi Le Cerf 1911, by monotypy]
alluaudi Le Cerf 1911c:303
dukei Bartsch 2016a:262
fenestra Bartsch & S�fi�n 2025:577
E____Homogyna ignivittata Hampson
nama Bartsch 2016a:260
E____Homogyna pygmaeum (Rebel 1899:360),
Sciapteron11 {pygmaea}
E____Homogyna sanguipennis (Meyrick
1926:267), Paranthrene
xanthomelaena Bartsch 2016a:262
E____Homogyna xanthophora (Hampson
1910a:150), Tinthia
____- species incertae sedis (excluded from
Homogyna by Gorbunov & Arita 1998):
E____Homogyna spadicicorpus Prout
de Freina 2011b:48 [Noctusphecia
de Freina 2011, original designation]
kgalagadia Bartsch 2016a:239
puchneri de Freina 2011b:49
rubra Bartsch 2016a:240
Hampson [1893a]:200 [Aschistophleps lampropoda Hampson 1893, original
argentifasciata Skowron Volponi & Volponi 2018:280
O____Aschistophleps cruentata (Swinhoe
1896:359), Adixoa
lampropoda Hampson [1893a]:200
O____Aschistophleps longipoda Arita &
Gorbunov 2000b:62
O____Aschistophleps nahinensis Gorbunov
O____Aschistophleps xanthocrista Gorbunov
& Arita 1995e:81
zamesovi Gorbunov 2021c:388
Nepyrophleps Gorbunov
2021e:5 [Aschistophleps haematochrodes Le Cerf 1912, original
O____Nepyrophleps bicella (Xu &
Arita 2015:149), Pyrophleps95
O____Nepyrophleps cucphuonganae (Arita &
Gorbunov 2000b:70), Pyrophleps95
O____Nepyrophleps haematochrodes
(Le Cerf
1912a:54), Aschistophleps95
Arita & Gorbunov 2000b:64 [Pyrophleps nigripennis
Arita & Gorbunov 2000, original designation]51,92
O____Pyrophleps ellawi
Skowron Volponi 2017:130
nigripennis Arita &
Gorbunov 2000b:65
vitripennis Arita & Gorbunov 2000b:68
O____Pyrophleps zamesovi Gorbunov 2021b:169
Scarlata Skowron Volponi 2022:584 [Scarlata
nirvana Skowron Volponi 2022:584, original designation]
O____Scarlata ignisquamulata
(Kallies & Štolc 2018:596), Aschistophleps108
O____Scarlata guichardii Skowron
Volponi 2022:586
namsanam Gorbunov
O____Scarlata nirvana Skowron Volponi
Malayomelittia Skowron
Volponi 2022:580 [Heterosphecia pahangensis Skowron 2015, original designation]
pahangensis (Skowron 2015:427), Heterosphecia107
ruficrista (Rothschild
1912:122), Aegeria107
Heterosphecia Le Cerf 1916b:9 [Heterosphecia myticus Le Cerf
1916 (= Aschistophleps melissoides Hampson [1893]), by monotypy]
Gorbunov 1988a:193 [Vietomelittia soljanikovi Gorbunov 1988, original
Hampson 1919:96 [Hypomelittia hyaloptera Hampson 1919, original
Meyrick 1928:466 [nec Thamnoscelis Meyrick 1935] [Thamnoscelis
inclemens Meyrick 1928, by monotypy]
O____Heterosphecia hyaloptera (Hampson
1919:96), Hypomelittia
____________bantanakai (Arita & Gorbunov 2000b:56), Vietomelittia109
O____Heterosphecia indica Kallies 2003:35
O____Heterosphecia melissoides (Hampson
[1893a]:201), Aschistophleps
____________myticus Le Cerf 1916b:9
(Meyrick 1928:466), Thamnoscelis
robinsoni Kallies 2003:35
O____Heterosphecia soljanikovi (Gorbunov
1988a:193), Vietomelittia
O____Heterosphecia tawonoides Kallies
O____Heterosphecia zamolodchikovi
Le Cerf 1916b:10 [Melanosphecia atra Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]
ambigua (Snellen 1900:36), Melittia65,70
____________auricollis (Rothschild 1912:123), Melittia66
____________bouvieri Le Cerf 1917:24766
O____Melanosphecia funebris (Rothschild
1911:46), Melittia
paolo Skowron Volponi 2019:296
atra Le Cerf 1916b:10
dohertyi Hampson 1919:96
Skowron Volponi 2020:2 [Aurantiosphecia piotrii Skowron Volponi 2020, original designation]
O____Aurantiosphecia metachryseis Hampson
1895:282, Aschistophleps77
O____Aurantiosphecia murzini Gorbunov &
Arita 2002:193, Aschistophleps77
piotrii Skowron Volponi 2020:4
Gorbunov & Arita 1995d:17 [Akaisphecia melanopuncta Gorbunov & Arita
1995, original designation]
melanopuncta Gorbunov & Arita 1995d:19
Le Cerf 1916b:9 [Callithia oberthueri Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]
oberthueri Le Cerf 1916b:9
Halictina Bartsch 2016a:257 [Melittia andraenipennis
Walker 1856, original designation]
andraenipennis (Walker 1856:69), Melittia27
Meyrick 1933:415 [Erismatica erythropis Meyrick 1933, by monotypy]26
E____Erismatica endopyra (Hampson
1910a:151), Tinthia29
___________erythropis Meyrick 1933:41530
Le Cerf 1917:240 [Pseudomelittia berlandi Le Cerf 1917, original
E____Pseudomelittia berlandi Le Cerf
Spatenkana Bartsch 2022:2 [Albuna dybowskii Le Cerf 1917, original designation]
E____Spatenkana africana (Le Cerf
1917:325), Albuna110
dybowskii (Le Cerf
1917:324), Albuna110
Hampson 1919:97 [Tinthia vitrifasciata Hampson 1910, original designation]
khomasana de Freina 2011a:212
vitrifasciata (Hampson 1910a:150), Tinthia
Melittiini Le Cerf 1917:148 [Melittia
H�bner [1819]]
Premelittia Le Cerf 1916b:9 [Premelittia rufescens Le Cerf
1916, by monotypy]57
NL___Premelittia rufescens
Le Cerf 1916b:9
Neosphecia Le Cerf 1916b:9 [Neosphecia combusta Le Cerf
1916, by monotypy]57
cecidogena Moreira & Gorbunov 2019:47
NL___Neosphecia combusta
Le Cerf 1916b:9
Melittina Le Cerf 1917:239 [Melittina
nigra Le Cerf 1917, original designation]57
NL___Melittina nigra
Le Cerf 1917:239
2024:121 [Bembicimelittia guyane
2024, original designation]
brabanti (Le Cerf
1917:212), Melittia
guyane Heppner 2024:124
(Le Cerf 1916b:8),
superba (Rothschild 1909:132),
[nec Melittia superba Barnes & Lindsey 1922]
xanthopus (Le Cerf 1916b:9),
Eichlinia Gorbunov 2020c:277 [Aegeria
cucurbitae Harris 1828, original designation]
N _Eichlinia calabaza
(Duckworth &
Eichlin 1973b:151), Melittia
N,NL_Eichlinia cucurbitae (Harris
1828:33), Aegeria
____________satyriniformis (H�bner [1827-1831]:17), Melittia
(Westwood 1848:62), Trochilium
(Edwards 1882a:53), Melittia
N ___Eichlinia eichlini
(Friedlander 1986:278),
N ___Eichlinia faulkneri
(Eichlin 1992:141),
N ___Eichlinia gilberti
(Eichlin 1992:140), Melittia
___Eichlinia gloriosa
(Edwards 1880:71), Melittia
____________superba (Barnes & Lindsey 1922:122), Melittia [nec Melittia superba
Rothschild 1909]; junior primary homonym of Melittia superba Rothschild
(Dalla Torre 1925:138); replacement name for Melittia superba Barnes &
Lindsey 1922
(Barnes & Benjamin 1925:14); replacement name for Melittia superba Barnes
& Lindsey 1922
___Eichlinia grande (Strecker 1881:156),
Trochilium [nec Melittia grandis
Hampson [1893]] {grandis}
____________beckeri (Druce 1892:276), Melitta [sic]
hermosa (Engelhardt 1946:186), Melittia grandis
(?)N,NLEichlinia khmer
(Le Cerf 1917:161), Melittia
____________chmer (Hampson 1919:93); incorrect emendation
___Eichlinia magnifica
(Beutenm�ller 1900a:151), Melittia
NL___Eichlinia pulchripes
(Walker 1856:67), Melittia
pulchripes pulchripes (Walker 1856)
____________satyriniformis auct. [nec H�bner [1827-1831]]
Brethes 1920:284, Melittia
pulchripes dangeloi (K�hler 1941:10), Melittia
snowii (Edwards 1882a:53)
H�bner [1819]:128 [Melittia anthedoniformis H�bner [1819] (= Sesia
chalciformis Fabricius 1793), by monotypy]
Wallengren 1859:84 [Eumallopoda laniremis Wallengren 1859, original
Wallengren 1863:137 [Parasa aureosquamata Wallengren 1863, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Moore [1860] (Limacodidae)
Wallengren 1865:9 [Parasa aureosquamata Wallengren 1863, by monotypy];
replacement name for Parasa Wallengren 1863
Felder 1874:4, pl. 75 [Eublepharis ruficincta Felder &
1874]; by monotypy;
preoccupied by Gray 1827 (Reptilia)
Dalla Torre 1925:149 [Eublepharis ruficincta Felder & Felder 1874, by
monotypy]; replacement name for Eublepharis Felder & Felder 1874
Boisduval [1875]:468 [Melittia anthedoniformis H�bner 1819 (= Sesia
chalciformis Fabricius 1793)]; unavailable by publication in synonymy
eurytion (Westwood 1848:62), Trochilium
eurytion eurytion (Westwood 1848)
P,O______Melittia eurytion formosana
Matsumura 1911:8643
____________ab. microfenestrata Strand [1916]:45; infrasubspecific
____________nagaii Arita & Gorbunov 1997:3344
inouei Arita & Yata 1987:164
P,O__Melittia sangaica Moore 1877:84
O________Melittia sangaica sangaica Moore
____________humerosa Swinhoe 1892:38
sangaica nipponica Arita & Yata 1987:158
NL___Melittia arcangelii
Giacomelli 1911:29
NL___Melittia bergii Edwards 1883:157
NL___Melittia butleri Druce 1883:32
NL___Melittia chimana Le Cerf 1916b:9
NL___Melittia cyaneifera Walker 1856:67
____________var. reducta Le Cerf 1917:218
NL___Melittia funesta Le Cerf 1917:164
NL___Melittia hervei Le Cerf 1917:166
NL___Melittia imperator Rothschild
NL___Melittia lagopus Boisduval
NL___Melittia latimargo Butler 1874:410
NL___Melittia louisa Le Cerf 1916b:9
NL___Melittia oberthueri Le Cerf 1916b:9
NL___Melittia pauper Le Cerf 1916b:9
NL___Melittia powelli Le Cerf 1917:210
____________var. chrysescens Schade 1939:230
NL___Melittia rugia Druce 1910b:180
NL___Melittia scoliiformis Schade
NL___Melittia smithi Druce 1889:81
NL___Melittia sulphureopyga Le Cerf
NL___Melittia tayuyana Bruch 1941:163
NL___Melittia umbrosa Zukowsky 1936b:1251
E____Melittia abyssiniensis Hampson
E____Melittia acosmetes Hampson 1919:86
E____Melittia ambo Gorbunov
E____Melittia aureosquamata (Wallengren
1863:137), Parasa
E____Melittia auriplumia Hampson 1910c:506
E____Melittia aurociliata (Aurivillius
1879:47), Pansa
E____Melittia azrael Le Cerf 1914a:61
E____Melittia boulleti Le Cerf 1917:222
E____Melittia chalconota Hampson
E____Melittia chrysobapta Hampson 1919:86
E____Melittia congoana Le Cerf 1916b:8
E____Melittia ectothyris Hampson 1919:94
E____Melittia endoxantha Hampson 1919:85
E____Melittia fiebigi Bartsch 2016b:110
E____Melittia gephyra Gaede 1933:23011
____________gephyra Amsel 1933:25; nomen nudum
E____Melittia houlberti Le Cerf 1917:233
E____Melittia hyaloxantha Meyrick
E____Melittia ignidiscata Hampson
E____Melittia laboissierei Le Cerf
E____Melittia laniremis (Wallengren
1859:84), Eumallopoda
E____Melittia lentistriata Hampson
E____Melittia mida Bartsch & S�fi�n
E____Melittia moni de Freina 2007:5211
E____Melittia oedipoides
Strand [1913]:6836
E[A] _Melittia oedipus Oberth�r 1878:30
thoracalis Strand [1917c]:11; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
pyropis Hampson 1919:84
E____Melittia ruficincta (Felder & Felder
1874:4, pl. 75), Eublepharis
E____Melittia rufodorsa Hampson 1910a:150
E____Melittia simonyi Rebel 1899:361
E____Melittia tibialis (Drury 1773:49,
index page 1), Sphinx
E____Melittia usambara Le Cerf 1917:231
E____Melittia xanthogaster Hampson
O____Melittia afonini Gorbunov & Arita
O____Melittia amboinensis Felder 1861:28
____________batchiana Le Cerf 1917:190
astarte (Westwood 1848:61), Trochilium
O____Melittia bella Arita & Gorbunov
O____Melittia binghamii Niceville 1900:174
O____Melittia burmana Le Cerf 1916b:8
O____Melittia callosoma Hampson 1919:92
O____Melittia celebica Le Cerf 1916b:8
O____Melittia chalciformis (Fabricius
1793:382), Sesia
____________bombyliformis (Stoll 1782:248 [index]), Sphinx [nec Sphinx
bombyliformis Linnaeus 1758]; junior primary homonym of Sphinx
bombyliformis Linnaeus 1758 (Sphingidae)
H�bner [1819]:128; replacement name for Sphinx bombyliformis Stoll
(in Cramer) 1782
Boisduval [1875]:473
Meyrick 1918:181
(Stoll 1782:241), Sphinx; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
chrysogaster Walker [1865]:16
O____Melittia congruens Swinhoe 1890:169
____________dorsatiformis Hampson 1891:43
cristata Arita & Gorbunov 2002b:202
O____Melittia cucphuongae Arita &
Gorbunov 2000a:256
____________phuonga Arita & Gorbunov 2000a:254; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
dichroipus Hampson 1919:90
O____Melittia distincta Le Cerf 1916b:8
O____Melittia distinctoides Arita &
Gorbunov 2000a:267
O____Melittia ferroptera Kallies & Arita
O____Melittia flaviventris Hampson
O____Melittia fulvipes Kallies & Arita
O____Melittia gigantea Moore 1879a:413
O____Melittia gorochovi Gorbunov
O____Melittia hampsoni Beutenm�ller
1894b:365; replacement name for Melittia grandis Hampson 1893
____________grandis Hampson [1893a]:203 [nec Trochilium grandis Strecker
1881]; junior secondary homonym of Trochilium grandis Strecker 1881
indica Butler 1874:411
____________bombyliformis Walker 1856:69 [nec Sphinx bombyliformis Stoll [in
Cramer] 1782]; misdetermination (unavailable)
javana Le Cerf 1916b:8
O____Melittia kulluana Moore 1888:392
O____Melittia leucogaster Hampson 1919:90
O____Melittia lombok Gorbunov
O____Melittia luzonica Gorbunov & Arita
O____Melittia madureae Le Cerf 1916b:7
O____Melittia necopina Kallies & Arita
O____Melittia nepalensis Gorbunov & Arita
O____Melittia nepcha Moore 1879b:10
____________var. asiatica Le Cerf 1917:197
Gorbunov 1988a:195
newara Moore 1879b:10
O____Melittia nilgiriensis Gorbunov &
Arita 1999b:204
O____Melittia notabilis Swinhoe 1890:168
O____Melittia pellecta Swinhoe 1890:169
O____Melittia pijiae Arita & Kallies
O____Melittia phorcus (Westwood 1848:62),
O____Melittia proxima Le Cerf 1917:186
O____Melittia romieuxi Gorbunov & Arita
O____Melittia rutilipes Walker [1865]:16
____________moluccaensis Hampson 1919:8961
O____Melittia senohi Arita & Gorbunov
Arita & Gorbunov 2000a:270
siamica Walker [1865]:18
O____Melittia staudingeri Boisduval
____________indica Le Cerf 1916b:8 [nec Melittia indica Butler 1874];
misdetermination (unavailable)
strigipennis Walker [1865]:17
O____Melittia sukothai Arita & Gorbunov
O____Melittia sumatrana Le Cerf 1916b:8
____________marangana Le Cerf 1916b:8
suzukii Gorbunov & Arita 1999b:200
O____Melittia tabanus Le Cerf 1916b:9
O____Melittia taiwanensis Arita &
Gorbunov 2002b:210
tao Liang & Hsu 2017:419
O____Melittia uenoi Arita & Gorbunov
O____Melittia volatilis Swinhoe 1890:170
A____Melittia chalybescens Miskin 1892:59
____________proserpina Hampson 1919:92
doddi Le Cerf 1916b:8
____________thaumasia Turner 1917:81
A____Melittia erythrina Diakonoff
A____Melittia flanneryi Kallies
A____Melittia meeki Le Cerf 1916b:8
A____Melittia propria Kallies & Arita
A____Melittia pyroptella Kallies 2020:33
A____Melittia tigripes Diakonoff 1954:187
A____Melittia xanthodes Diakonoff
Felder &
1874:4, pl. 75 [Desmopoda bombiformis Felder &
1874, by monotypy]
bombiformis Felder & Felder
1874:4, pl. 75
Meyrick 1931:51 [Agriomelissa gypsospora Meyrick 1931, by monotypy]
aethiopica (Le Cerf 1917:227), Melittia
E____Agriomelissa amblyphaea (Hampson
1919:86), Melittia
E____Agriomelissa brevicornis
(Aurivillius 1905:43), Melittia
E____Agriomelissa gypsospora Meyrick
E____Agriomelissa malagasy (Viette
1982:48), Melittia
E____Agriomelissa ursipes (Walker
1856:68), Melittia
____________hirtipes (Boisduval [1875]:475), Poderis; unavailable by
publication in synonymy
victrix (Le Cerf 1916b:9), Melittia
Gorbunov & Arita 1997a:312 [Melittia occidentalis Le Cerf 1917, original
aenescens (Butler 1896:134), Melittia
E____Afromelittia caerulea Bartsch 2016b:113
gruschwitzi Bartsch & Weitzel 2022:49
E____Afromelittia haematopis
(Fawcett 1916:736), Melittia37
E____Afromelittia iridisquama (Mabille
1890:34), Melittia
E____Afromelittia natalensis (Butler
1874:411), Melittia
E____Afromelittia occidentalis (Le Cerf
1917:167), Melittia
Gorbunov & Arita 1995a:149 [Cephalomelittia tabaniformis Gorbunov & Arita
1995, original designation]
tabaniformis Gorbunov & Arita 1995a:151
Hampson 1919:84 [Melittia longipes Moore 1877, original designation]
japona (Hampson 1919:91), Melittia
____________eurytion (Bartel 1912:379), Melittia [nec Melittia eurytion
(Westwood 1848)]; misdetermination (unavailable)
longipes (Moore 1877:84), Melittia
O________Macroscelesia longipes longipes
(Moore 1877)
P________Macroscelesia longipes yamatoensis
Arita 1992a:221
amamiana Arita &
Yata 2016:185
O____Macroscelesia aritai Kallies &
Garrevoet 2001:14
O____Macroscelesia diaphana Gorbunov &
Arita 1995a:155
O____Macroscelesia elaea (Hampson
1919:89), Melittia
O____Macroscelesia formosana Arita &
Gorbunov 2002b:219
okinawana Arita &
Kimura 2016:188
O____Macroscelesia owadai Arita &
Gorbunov 2000a:284
perlucida Kallies &
Arita 2016:166
O____Macroscelesia sapaensis Kallies &
Arita 2004b:205
O____Macroscelesia vietnamica Arita &
Gorbunov 2000a:287
O____Macroscelesia yaeyamana Arita &
Nagase 2016:191
Paranthrenini Niculescu 1964:34 [Paranthrene
H�bner [1819]]
Matsumura 1931b:7 [Paranthrene yezonica Matsumura 1931 (= Sciapteron
ferale Leech [1889] [nec regale Butler 1878])75, original designation]
Bryk 1947:100 [Leptocimbicina aurivena Bryk 1947, original designation]
Nakamura 2009:75 [Bembecia pernix Leech [1889], original designation]21
aurivena (Bryk 1947:100), Leptocimbicina
P,O__Nokona bicincta (Walker [1865]:12),
P,O__Nokona chinense (Leech 1889b:121),
Sciapteron {chinensis}
____________regale (Leech [1889]a:591), Sciapteron [nec Sciapteron
regale Butler 1878]; misdetermination (unavailable)
P____Nokona coreana Toševski & Arita 1993:260
P____Nokona ferale (Leech [1889]a:591),
Sciapteron90 {feralis}
____________daisensis (Matsumura 1931a:1016), Paranthrene
____________yezonica (Matsumura 1931a:1017), Paranthrene75
P,O__Nokona iridina (Bryk 1947:107), Paranthrene
P____Nokona michinoku Kishida,
Kudo & Kudo 2014:6
pernix (Leech [1889]a:592),
____________hirayamai (Matsumura 1931a:1016), Paranthrene
P,O__Nokona pompilus (Bryk 1947:101), Paranthrene
P____Nokona purpurea (Yano 1965:6),
P,O__Nokona regale (Butler 1878:60),
Sciapteron {regalis}
____________yezonica sensu Yano 1965 (nec Matsumura 1931a)
O____Nokona acaudata Arita & Gorbunov
bractea Kallies & Arita 2014a:189
O____Nokona christineae Fischer 2003:139
cucphuongae Gorbunov & Arita 2020c:6
O____Nokona cupreivitta (Hampson [1893a]:193), Sciapteron21
O____Nokona davidi (Le Cerf 1917:259),
O____Nokona formosana Arita & Gorbunov
O____Nokona henrici Le Cerf 1916b:10,
O____Nokona heterodesma (Diakonoff
[1968]:230), Paranthrene
mahawu Gorbunov 2016:162
O____Nokona metallicum (Hampson [1893a]:193), Sciapteron21 [nec Sciapteron
metallicum van Eecke 1915] {metallica
O____Nokona metaxantha
1919:109), Paranthrene21
O____Nokona minuta (Swinhoe
1890:171), Pramila21
O____Nokona nigra Arita, Kimura & Owada 2009:190
O____Nokona noblei (Swinhoe
1890:166), Sciapteron21
____________jucunda (Swinhoe 1890:167), Sciapteron
onoderai Gorbunov & Arita 2020b:196
opaca Kallies & Wang 2014:189
O____Nokona palawana Kallies & Arita
O____Nokona pilamicola (Strand
[1916]:47), Paranthrene
____________chrysoidea (Zukowsky 1932:317), Paranthrene45
____________inexpectata Arita & Gorbunov 2001:18145
O____Nokona poecilocephala
[1968]:232), Paranthrene21
O____Nokona powondrae (Dalla Torre
1925:161), Paranthrene; replacement name for Paranthrene tricincta
Wileman & South 1918
____________tricincta (Wileman & South 1918:169), Paranthrene
pryeri (Druce 1882:15), Sara
rubra Arita & Toševski 1992:620
semidiaphana (Zukowsky 1929b:36), Paranthrene
O____Nokona sikkima (Moore 1879b:9),
____________siccima (Hampson 1919:109), Paranthrene; incorrect emendation
O____Nokona sulawesiensis Gorbunov &
Arita 2015:2
O____Nokona tristis
(Le Cerf 1917:261),
vietnamica Gorbunov & Arita 2020c:2
O____Nokona zoneiventris (Le Cerf
1916b:10), Paranthrene21
bipora Kallies 2020:38
A____Nokona carulifera (Hampson
1919:108), Paranthrene
____________caerulifera (Turner 1922:62), Paranthrene; incorrect emendation
coracodes (Turner 1922:61), Trochilium
A____Nokona cyanopis
1915:166), Paranthrene64
A____Nokona hyalochrysa
1954:190), Paranthrene64
A____Nokona kungkay Kallies 2020:37
Arita & Gorbunov 2001:165 [Taikona matsumurai Arita & Gorbunov 2001,
original designation]
O____Taikona actinidiae
(Yang & Wang
O____Taikona extraordinaria Yu,
Kallies &
gaoligongshana Yu, Arita & Kallies 2024:136
ikedai Gorbunov & Arita 2019:138
matsumurai Arita & Gorbunov 2001:167
O____Taikona polevoyi
Gorbunov 2018b:294
Kallies & Arita 1998:259 [Sura tetrapora Diakonoff 1968, original
baliensis Gorbunov 2021a:94
O____Scoliokona cyanea
(Hampson 1919:99), Sura23
cyanogama Meyrick
heptapora Kallies & Arita 1998:264
O____Scoliokona hyalina Arita & Gorbunov
O____Scoliokona jailolo Gorbunov 2022d:184
O____Scoliokona kalliesi Arita &
Riefenstahl 2004:116
nanlingensis Kallies & Arita 2014a:195
O____Scoliokona phoenicia (Hampson 1919:99),
O____Scoliokona shimentai
Kallies & Wu 2014:195
O____Scoliokona spissa Kallies
& Arita 2014a:200
stroehlei (Fischer 2002:141),
O____Scoliokona tetrapora (Diakonoff
[1968]:228), Sura
O____Scoliokona uncariae (Schneider 1940:116),
Fortikona Bartsch & S�fi�n 2023b:80 [Sciapteron
Hampson 1910, original designation]
aethiopica Bartsch & S�fi�n 2023b:83
E____Fortikona callipleura (Meyrick
dalaba S�fi�n & Bartsch 2023b:86
E____Fortikona lampadura
(Meyrick 1935:558), Sura121
E____Fortikona porphyractis (Meyrick
E____Fortikona rhynchiformis
S�fi�n & Bartsch 2023b:81
E____Fortikona xanthopyga (Hampson 1919:101),
E____Fortikona xanthosoma (Hampson
2007:361 [Rubukona svetlanae
Fischer 2007, original designation]
cuprescens (Hampson 1919:106), Paranthrene
Bartsch & S�fi�n 2024:440 [Afranthrene
Bartsch & S�fi�n 2024, original designation]
cinerea Bartsch & S�fi�n 2024:441
Hampson [1893a]:198 [Aegeria alterna Walker [1865], original designation]
alterna (Walker [1865]:10), Aegeria
O____Adixoa leucocyanea (Zukowsky
1929b:36), Synanthedon
O____Adixoa pyromacula Fischer 2011:207
O____Adixoa tomentosa Schultze 1908:28
O____Adixoa trizonata (Hampson 1900:43),
____________tricincta (Moore 1879b:8), Aegeria [nec Aegeria tricincta
Harris 1839]; junior primary homonym of Aegeria tricincta Harris 1839
Le Cerf 1916b:10
(Heppner & Duckworth 1981:32), Synanthedon; replacement name for
Aegeria tricincta Moore 1879
Moore 1879b:9 [Pramila atkinsoni Moore 1879, by monotypy]
atkinsoni Moore 1879b:9
____________atcinsoni (Hampson 1919:102), Paranthrene; incorrect emendation
Engelhardt 1946:151 [Aegeria polistiformis Harris 1854, original
cupressi (Edwards 1881:183), Sciapteron
N____Vitacea polistiformis (Harris
1854:216), Aegeria
____________seminole (Neumoegen 1894:330), Sciapteron
huron Engelhardt 1946:154
scepsiformis (Edwards 1881:183), Sciapteron
N,NL_Vitacea admirandus (Edwards
1882a:54), Sciapteron {admiranda}
Walker [1865]:22 [Tirista argentifrons Walker 1865, by monotypy]
argentifrons Walker [1865]:22
NL___Tirista praxila Druce 1896:325
Paranthrene H�bner [1819]:128 [Sphinx asiliformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775 (=
Sphinx tabaniformis Rottemburg 1775), subsequent designation by Newman in
Westwood 1840:89]
Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:58; incorrect emendation
Newman 1832a:53 [Sphinx vespiformis Newman 1832 (= Sphinx tabaniformis
Rottemburg 1775) [nec Sphinx vespiformis Linnaeus [1760]], subsequent
designation by Beutenm�ller 1901:246]
Staudinger 1854:43 [Sphinx asiliformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775 (=
Sphinx tabaniformis Rottemburg 1775), by monotypy]; junior objective
synonym of Paranthrene H�bner [1819]
Bartel 1912:376; incorrect emendation
Walker 1856:61 [Tarsa bombyciformis Walker 1856 (= Sesia asilipennis
Boisduval in Guerin-Meneville [1832]), by monotypy]
Edwards 1882b:97 [Trochilium denudatum Harris 1839 (= Sesia
asilipennis Boisduval in Guerin-Meneville [1832]), original designation];
preoccupied by Dejean [1835] (Coleoptera)
diaphana Dalla Torre & Strand 1925:166
____________diaphana Schawerda 1922:165; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
flammans (Hampson [1893a]:191), Sciapteron [nec Pyranthrene
flammans Hampson 1919]
P____Paranthrene insolitus Le
Cerf 1914d:422 {insolita}
________Paranthrene insolitus insolitus Le
Cerf 1914 {insolita}
____________aurantiacum (Rebel 1917:274), Sciapteron
insolitus hispanica
Špatenka & Laštuvka 1997:20
insolitus mardina
Špatenka & Laštuvka 1997:17
________Paranthrene insolitus polonica
Schnaider [1939]:140
____________novaki Toševski 1987:178
P,N__Paranthrene tabaniformis
(Rottemburg 1775:110), Sphinx
________Paranthrene tabaniformis tabaniformis
(Rottemburg 1775)
____________asiliformis ([Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775:305), Sphinx [nec
Sphinx asiliformis Rottemburg 1775]; junior primary homonym of Sphinx
asiliformis Rottemburg 1775
(Gmelin 1790:2389), Sphinx
(H�bner 1790:89), Sphinx
(Laspeyres 1801:11), Sesia [nec Sesia crabroniformis Fabricius
1793; nec Sphinx crabroniformis Lewin 1797]; junior primary homonym of
Sesia crabroniformis Fabricius 1793
(Harris 1839:310), Aegeria [nec Aegeria tricincta Moore 1879; nec
Paranthrene tricincta Wileman & South 1918]
(Freyer 1842:130), Sesia
(Edwards 1882a:55), Albuna
sangaica Bartel 1912:380
annulifera Closs 1920:13
oslari Engelhardt 1946:140
(Newman 1832a:1), Sphinx [nec Sphinx vespiformis Linnaeus [1760]];
misdetermination (unavailable)
tabaniformis kungessana (Alpheraky 1882:20), Sciapteron
P________Paranthrene tabaniformis
synagriformis (Rambur [1866]:148), Sesia
____________var. intermedia Le Cerf 1916a:16
P____Paranthrene tsugaru Kudo, Kudo &
Kishida 2019:127
asilipennis (Boisduval in Guerin-Meneville [1832]: pl. 84: Fig. 3), Sesia
____________denudatum (Harris 1839:310), Trochilium
(Walker 1856:61), Tarsa
(Herrich-Sch�ffer 1854:57), Trochilium
(Druce 1883:29), Sphecia
dollii (Neumoegen 1894:330), Sciapteron
____________var. castaneum (Beutenm�ller 1897:213), Sciapteron
fasciventris Engelhardt 1946:142
fenestrata Barnes & Lindsey 1922:122
gilaensis Smith, Taft & Cognato 2024b:17
hilairemontis L. Handfield & N. Handfield 2021:253
N____Paranthrene oasis Smith, Taft &
Cognato 2024b:14
N____Paranthrene pellucida Greenfield &
Karandinos 1979:499
N,NL_Paranthrene robiniae (Edwards
1880:72), Sciapteron
____________perlucida (Busck 1915a:80), Memythrus
palescens Engelhardt 1946:144
simulans (Grote 1881:78), Trochilium (Sciapteron)
____________palmii (Edwards 1887:145), Fatua
(Edwards 1891:108), Trochilium
N____Paranthrene sogaardi Taft &
Smith 2024a:4
dolens (Druce 1899:205), Melittia
NL___Paranthrene karli Eichlin 1989:179
NL___Paranthrene rufocorpus Eichlin
E____Paranthrene anthrax Le Cerf 1916b:11
E____Paranthrene chalcochlora Hampson
E____Paranthrene dukei Bartsch 2008:270
E____Paranthrene mesothyris Hampson
E____Paranthrene propyria Hampson
E____Paranthrene thalassina Hampson
O____Paranthrene aureoviridis Petersen
O____Paranthrene auricollum (Hampson
[1893a]:198), Adixoa
O____Paranthrene aurifera Hampson
O____Paranthrene chrysochloris (Hampson
1897:283), Trilochana
____________metallica (van Eecke 1915:276), Sciapteron [nec Sciapteron
metallicum Hampson 1893]; junior primary homonym of Sciapteron metallicum
Hampson [1893]
O____Paranthrene dominiki Fischer 2006a:53
O____Paranthrene gracilis (Swinhoe
1890:168), Sciapteron
rubomacula Kallies & Owada 2014:187
sesiiformis Moore 1858:285
Felder 1861:28 [Pseudosesia insularis Felder 1861, by monotypy]
Felder 1861:27 [Conopyga metallescens Felder 1861, by monotypy]66
Butler 1882:237 [Phlogothauma scintillans Butler 1882, by
Meyrick 1932:338 [Augangela xanthomias Meyrick 1932, by monotypy]66
O____Pseudosesia affinis (Rothschild
1911:46), Paranthrene65
albifrons (Hampson 1919:103), Paranthrene
andamana (Le Cerf 1916b:10), Paranthrene70
O____Pseudosesia caeruleimicans (Hampson
[1893a]:192), Sciapteron
cambodialis (Walker
[1865]:15), Sannina65
____________xanthomias (Meyrick 1932:338), Augangela
O____Pseudosesia canarensis (Hampson
1919:103), Paranthrene
O____Pseudosesia croconeura (Meyrick
1926:267), Paranthrene
O____Pseudosesia grotei Moore 1879a:414
O____Pseudosesia insularis Felder 1861:28
(Le Cerf 1916b:10),
O____Pseudosesia lecerfi
(Hampson 1919:109), Paranthrene; replacement name for Paranthrene
oberthueri Le Cerf 191665
____________oberthueri (Le Cerf 1916b:10, fig. 3153),
Paranthrene; junior secondary homonym of Phlogothauma
oberthueri Le Cerf 1916
O____Pseudosesia limpida (Le Cerf
1916b:10), Paranthrene
O____Pseudosesia metallescens
(Felder 1861:27), Conopyga65
O____Pseudosesia opalescens (Hampson
1919:104), Paranthrene
O____Pseudosesia productalis (Walker
[1865]:19), Melittia
____________celebica (Le Cerf 1916b:10), Paranthrene66
O____Pseudosesia pulchripennis (Walker
1862:82), Sannina65
O____Pseudosesia rangoonensis (Swinhoe
1890:165), Aegeria
O____Pseudosesia rufifinis (Walker 1862:82), Sannina65
A____Pseudosesia charlesi (Le Cerf
1916b:10), Paranthrene
dohertyi (Rothschild
1911:47), Ichneumenoptera65
A____Pseudosesia flavifrons (Hampson
1919:103), Paranthrene
A____Pseudosesia isozona (Meyrick
1887:689), Sesia
A____Pseudosesia leucocera Hampson
1919:107, Paranthrene65
A____Pseudosesia meeki (Druce 1898:207), Sciapteron65
____________meeci Hampson 1919:108; incorrect emendation
A____Pseudosesia microthyris Hampson
1919:108, Paranthrene65
A____Pseudosesia muyuae Kallies 2020:45
A____Pseudosesia oberthueri (Le Cerf
1916b:10, fig. 3141), Phlogothauma
____________terribile (Turner 1917:81), Sciapteron
A____Pseudosesia pentazonata (Hampson
1919:102), Paranthrene
A____Pseudosesia scintillans Butler 1882:238, Phlogothauma65
A____Pseudosesia sepikensis Kallies
A____Pseudosesia sumoensis
Kallies 2020:49
zoniota (Turner 1922:62), Paranthrene
Edwards 1881:186 [Aegeria hylotomiformis Walker 1856 (= Aegeria
pyramidalis Walker 1856), original designation]
Edwards 1882a:54 [Harmonia morrisoni Edwards 1882 (= Carmenta fraxini
Edwards 1881), subsequent designation by Kirby in Rye 1883:184]; preoccupied by
Mulsant 1846 (Coleoptera), Haswell 1879 (Crustacea), and Hartmann 1881
Beutenm�ller 1894a:89 [Harmonia morrisoni Edwards 1882 (= Carmenta
fraxini Edwards 1881), subsequent designation by Kirby in Rye 1883:184];
replacement name for Harmonia Edwards 1882
beutenmuelleri Skinner 1903:12638
fraxini (Edwards 1881:185), Carmenta
____________morrisoni (Edwards 1882a:55), Harmonia
vitriosa Engelhardt 1946:169
pyramidalis (Walker 1856:40), Aegeria
____________hylotomiformis (Walker 1856:43), Aegeria
(Boisduval 1869:63), Sesia
Edwards 1881:188
Edwards 1881:188
Edwards 1881:188
Edwards 1881:189
Edwards 1881:189
(Hulst 1881:76), Sesia
bicaudata Eichlin 1989:192
NL___Albuna polybiaformis Eichlin
NL___Albuna rufibasilaris Eichlin
Edwards 1881:180 [Euhagena nebraskae Edwards 1881, by monotypy]
Edwards 1881:182 [Larunda solituda Edwards 1881 (= Aegeria
emphytiformis Walker 1856), by monotypy]; preoccupied by Leach 1815
(Crustacea), and H�bner [1823] (Geometridae)
Beutenm�ller 1896:115 [Larunda solituda Edwards 1881 (= Aegeria
emphytiformis Walker 1856), by monotypy]; replacement name for Larunda
Edwards 1881
palariformis (Lederer 1858:141), Sesia
________Euhagena palariformis palariformis
(Lederer 1858)
____________dioctriiformis (Romanoff 1884:74), Sesia
rubrescens (Staudinger 1887b:29), Sesia
(Rebel 1917:275), Sesia
palariformis nazir
(Le Cerf 1938:103), Dipsosphecia
____________f. rubefacta (Le Cerf 1938:103), Dipsosphecia
emphytiformis (Walker 1856:43), Aegeria [nec Sesia emphytiformis
Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]]
____________solituda (Edwards 1881:182), Larunda
nebraskae Edwards 1881:181
____________coloradensis (Beutenm�ller 1893:25), Pyrrhotaenia
mormoni Engelhardt 1946:171
intensa Engelhardt 1946:172
Walker 1856:61 [Sincara eumeniformis Walker 1856, by monotypy]
eumeniformis Walker
Hampson 1919:97 [Lepidopoda obliquizona Hampson 1910, original
adumbrata Bartsch 2008:272
E____Thyranthrene albicincta (Hampson
1919:112), Homogyna
E____Thyranthrene capensis de Freina
E____Thyranthrene metazonata Hampson
E____Thyranthrene obliquizona (Hampson
1910c:506), Lepidopoda
E____Thyranthrene pyrophora (Hampson
1919:111), Homogyna
xhosarum de Freina 2011c:53
Walker 1856:65 [Sura xylocopiformis Walker 1856, by monotypy]
ellenbergeri (Le Cerf 1917:319), Episannina
E____Sura melanochalcia (Le Cerf
1917:319), Episannina
E____Sura pyrocera Hampson 1919:98
E____Sura ruficauda (Rothschild 1911:46),
E____Sura rufitibia Hampson 1919:98
E____Sura xylocopiformis Walker 1856:65
____________bicolor Le Cerf 1917:271
____- species incertae sedis (excluded from
Sura by Gorbunov & Ivanov 2024a, probably Sesiini):
chalybea Butler 1876:309
____________coeruleonitens (Rothschild 1912:122), Sphecia
O____Sura ignicauda (Hampson
[1893a]:191), Trilochana
Archaeosesia Kallies 2020:40 [Kallies 2020, by monotypy]
milleri Kallies 2020:40
Synanthedonini Niculescu 1964:34 [Synanthedon
H�bner [1819]]
auct. (sensu Naumann 1971:81) [Aegeria sensu Curtis 1825 (nec [Fabricius
in Illiger] 1807) = Synanthedon
H�bner [1819]]
Kr�l�cek & Povoln� 1977:103 [Thamnosphecia Spuler 1910]
H�bner [1819]:129 [Sphinx oestriformis Rottemburg 1775 (= Sphinx
vespiformis Linnaeus [1760]), subsequent designation by Newman in Westwood
H�bner [1819]:129 [Sphinx stomoxiformis H�bner 1790 {incorrect type
species: Sphinx culiciformis Linnaeus 1758 (Newman in Westwood 1840:89),
not originally included in Conopia and not linked with one of the
originally included nominal species}, subsequent designation by Bartel 1912:376]
auct. (sensu Curtis 1825:53) [nec Aegeria [Fabricius in Illiger] 1807] [Sphinx
culiciformis Linnaeus 1758]
Grote 1875:174 [Pyrrhotaenia floridensis Grote 1875 (= Aegeria
sapygaeformis Walker 1856), by monotypy]
Beutenm�ller 1894a:87 [Bembecia sequoiae Edwards 1881, original
Beutenm�ller 1896:126 [Aegeria exitiosa Say 1823, subsequent designation
by Beutenm�ller 1901:266]
Spuler 1910:308 [Sphinx culiciformis Linnaeus 1758, original designation]
Dampf 1930:179 [Montezumia cardinalis Dampf 1930, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Saussure 1852 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Engelhardt 1946:22 [Sesia bibionipennis Boisduval 1869, original
Engelhardt 1946:77 [Trochilium acerni Clemens 1860, original designation]
Kr�l�cek & Povoln� 1977:82 [[Sphinx] tipuliformis Clerck 1759,
original designation]122
P____Synanthedon altaica Gorbunov 2018a:264
andrenaeformis (Laspeyres 1801:20), Sesia
________Synanthedon andrenaeformis
andrenaeformis (Laspeyres 1801)
____________andraeniformis (Westwood 1841:40), Trochilium; incorrect emendation
(Staudinger 1861:17), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Esper 1800:29), Sphinx; rejected name (Opinion Nr. 1287 ICZN)
(Newman 1832b:79), Trochilium
Garrevoet & Vanholder 1996:141
(Esper 1800: pl. 44: fig. 1-2), Sphinx; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
(Boisduval 1840:42), Sesia; nomen nudum
andrenaeformis tenuicingulata
Špatenka 1997b:44
aurivillii (Lampa 1883:127), Sesia
____________rufibasalis (Bartel 1906a:190), Sesia
P____Synanthedon bastak Gorbunov &
Koshkin 2023:21
P____Synanthedon bicingulata (Staudinger
1887c:165), Sesia
P____Synanthedon castanevora Yang & Wang
P____Synanthedon caucasicum Gorbunov
1986:938 {caucasica}
P____Synanthedon cephiformis
(Ochsenheimer 1808:169), Sesia
____________gaderensis (Kr�l�cek & Povoln� 1977:83), Aegeria
fumosa Sch�tze 1919:120; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
(Heppner & Duckworth 1981:29), Sesia; unavailable by publication in
cerskisi Gorbunov 1994d:307
P____Synanthedon codeti (Oberth�r
1881:67), Sesia
____________puigi (Oberth�r 1881:67), Sesia
Le Cerf 1916a:16
Le Cerf 1916a:16
maroccana Le Cerf 1920:543
almohades Le Cerf 1920:544
Rungs 1972:671
atavus Le Cerf 1920:542; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
colchidensis Špatenka & Gorbunov 1992:382
P____Synanthedon conopiformis (Esper
[1782]: pl. 31: fig. 1-2), Sphinx
____________syrphiformis (H�bner 1796: pl. 8: fig. 50), Sphinx
(Laspeyres 1801:27), Sesia [nec Sphinx nomadaeformis H�bner
lucasi Dalla Torre & Strand 1925:18
lucasi Le Cerf 1922b:19; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
cruciati Bettag & Bl�sius 2002:5
P,N__Synanthedon culiciformis (Linnaeus
1758:493), Sphinx128
____________culex (Retzius 1783:33), Sphinx; incorrect emendation
americana (Beutenm�ller 1896:136), Sesia
(Mosley 1896:20), Aegeria
biannulata Dalla Torre & Strand 1925:22
bianulata (Bartel 1902:317), Sesia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
flavocingulata (Spuler 1910:311), Trochilium; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
triannulata (Spuler 1910:311), Trochilium; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
albocingulata (Cockayne 1955:3), Aegeria; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
elaeagnus Zheng, Zhan & Yang
P____Synanthedon flaviventris (Staudinger
1883:177), Sesia
____________ab. fulva Turner 1928:165; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
formicaeformis (Esper [1783]:216), Sphinx
____________formiciformis (Staudinger 1856:146), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Esper 1782: pl. 30: fig. 3), Sphinx [nec Sphinx tenthrediniformis
[Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775]; junior primary homonym of Sphinx
tenthrediniformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775
(H�bner [1803-1806]: pl. 19: fig. 90), Sphinx [nec Sesia nomadaeformis
Laspeyres 1801]; junior secondary homonym of Sesia nomadaeformis
Laspeyres 1801
duplex Schnaider 1942:111
uniformis (Marquardt 1959:196), Sesia [nec Sesia uniformis
Snellen 1900]; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
([Haworth] 1802:6), Sesia; nomen nudum
fukuzumii Špatenka & Arita 1992:103
P____Synanthedon geranii Kallies 1997:60
haitangvora Yang
P____Synanthedon hector (Butler 1878:60),
P____Synanthedon heilongjiangana
Zhang 1987:24, nomen nudum (art. 16 ICZN)
herzi Špatenka & Gorbunov 1992:378111
P____Synanthedon hippophae Xu 1997a:77
P____Synanthedon hongye Yang 1977:122
P____Synanthedon loranthi (Kr�l�cek
1966:231), Aegeria
____________cryptica (Kr�l�cek & Povoln� 1977:85), Aegeria
losmanovi Gorbunov & Ivanov 2024b:484
martjanovi Sheljuzhko 1918:104
(Bremer [1870]:6), Sesia; nomen nudum1, 42
P____Synanthedon melliniformis (Laspeyres
1801:19), Sesia
____________dioctriaeformis (Meigen 1830:122), Setia [sic]
Le Cerf 1922b:17
(Kr�l�cek 1975:1), Aegeria
Kranjcev 1979:27
mesiaeformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:65, 74), Sesia
____________mesiiformis (Staudinger 1856:200), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Meigen 1830:120), Setia [nec Sesia masariformis Ochsenheimer
moupinicola Strand 1925:30
P____Synanthedon multitarsus Špatenka &
Arita 1992:96
P____Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkhausen
1789:169), Sphinx
________Synanthedon myopaeformis myopaeformis
(Borkhausen 1789)
____________myopiformis (Staudinger 1856:204), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Donovan 1797:35, pl. 195), Sphinx [nec Sphinx zonata Drury 1770]
(Laspeyres 1801:26), Sesia; unnecessary replacement name for Sphinx myopaeformis
Borkhausen 1789
(Lederer 1861:150), Sesia
Gorbunov 1991a:128
bicingulata (Rebel 1910b:466), Sesia [nec Sesia bicingulata
Staudinger 1887]; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
myopaeformis typhiaeformis
(Borkhausen 1789:174), Sphinx
____________tiphiaeformis (H�bner [1806]:87), Sphinx; incorrect emendation
(Staudinger 1856:146), Sesia; incorrect emendation
myopaeformis cruentata
(Mann 1859:91), Sesia
____________ab. lugubris Ragusa 1923:213; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
myopaeformis graeca
(Staudinger 1870:92), Sesia39
________Synanthedon myopaeformis luctuosa
(Lederer 1853:82), Sesia
____________mesoreaca Fischer & Lewandowski 2003:299
nashivora Naka & Yano, 2019:132
pamphyla Kallies 2003:38128
P____Synanthedon polaris (Staudinger
1877:175), Sesia
producta (Matsumura 1931a:1014), Conopia [nec Aegeria producta
Walker [1865]]
____________subproducta Inoue 1982:201; unnecessary replacement name for Conopia
producta Matsumura 1931
pseudoscoliaeforme Špatenka & Arita 1992:101 {pseudoscoliaeformis}128
P____Synanthedon quercus (Matsumura
1911:86), Sesia
____________nihonica Bartel 1912:388
(Matsumura 1931a:1013), Conopia
(Matsumura 1931a:1013), Conopia
P____Synanthedon rubiana Kallies,
Petersen & Riefenstahl 1998:57
scoliaeformis (Borkhausen 1789:173), Sphinx
________Synanthedon scoliaeformis
scoliaeformis (Borkhausen 1789)
____________scoliiformis (Staudinger 1856:199), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Laspeyres 1801:21), Sesia
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:65, 75), Sesia [nec Aegeria emphytiformis
Walker 1856]
(Staudinger 1887c:166), Sesia
Căpușe 1973a:109
aurea P�hringer 1998:310; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
aura P�hringer 1998:310; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
scoliaeformis japonicum
Špatenka & Arita 1992:101 {japonica}
P____Synanthedon serica (Alpheraky
1882:21), Sesia
P____Synanthedon sodalis P�ngeler
P____Synanthedon soffneri Špatenka
P____Synanthedon spatenkai Gorbunov
P____Synanthedon spheciformis ([Denis &
Schifferm�ller] 1775:306), Sphinx
____________sphegiformis (Fabricius 1787:99), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Borkhausen 1789:131), Sphinx [nec Sphinx ichneumoniformis [Denis
& Schifferm�ller] 1775]; junior primary homonym of Sphinx ichneumoniformis
[Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775
triannulata Pazsiczky 1941:113; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
spuleri (Fuchs 1908:33), Sesia
____________schwarzi (Kr�l�cek & Povoln� 1977:91), Aegeria
stomoxiformis (H�bner 1790:93), Sphinx
________Synanthedon stomoxiformis
stomoxiformis (H�bner 1790)
____________stomoxyformis (H�bner [1806]:87), Sphinx; incorrect emendation
(Scopoli 1763:188), Sphinx [nec Sphinx culiciformis Linnaeus
1758]; misdetermination (unavailable)
stomoxiformis riefenstahli
Špatenka 1997b:43
________Synanthedon stomoxiformis amasina
(Staudinger 1856:209), Sesia130
________Synanthedon stomoxiformis levantina
de Freina & Lingenh�le 2000:76130
P____Synanthedon syriaca Špatenka 2001:75
P____Synanthedon talischensis (Bartel
1906b:169), Sesia128
P____Synanthedon tenuis (Butler 1878:60),
____________chosensis (Matsumura 1931a:1013), Conopia
theryi Le Cerf 1916a:16
____________pistarcha (Meyrick 1931:50), Aegeria
tipuliformis (Clerck 1759: pl. 9: fig. 1), [Sphinx]
[N,A] _______tipula (Retzius 1783:33), Sphinx; incorrect emendation
(Linnaeus 1758:493), Sphinx; rejected name (Opinion Nr. 1288 ICZN)
(H�bner [1813]: pl. 27: fig. 127), Sphinx
tosevskii Špatenka 1987:22
P____Synanthedon ulmicola Yang & Wang
P____Synanthedon unocingulata Bartel
P____Synanthedon uralensis (Bartel
1906b:169), Sesia
P____Synanthedon velox (Fixsen 1887:323),
P____Synanthedon vespiformis (Linnaeus
[1760]:289), Sphinx
____________asiliformis (Rottemburg 1775:108), Sphinx [nec Sphinx
asiliformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775]
(Rottemburg 1775:109), Sphinx
(Esper 1783:214), Sphinx
(Donovan 1795:21), Sphinx
hadjina Le Cerf 1920:550
polycincta Dalla Torre & Strand 1925:59
quadriannulata Schnaider 1942:110
rufimarginata Schnaider 1942:110
rufimarginata (Spuler 1910:310), Trochilium; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
polycincta Le Cerf 1922b:19; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
yanoi Špatenka & Arita 1992:99
N____Synanthedon acerni (Clemens
1860:14), Trochilium
____________acericolum (Germadius 1874:57), Trochilium
(Edwards 1881:203), Pyrrhotaenia
(race) buscki (Engelhardt 1946:79), Sylvora
acerrubri Engelhardt 1925a:64
N____Synanthedon albicornis (Edwards
1881:201), Aegeria
N____Synanthedon alleri (Engelhardt
1946:124), Thamnosphecia
N____Synanthedon arctica (Beutenm�ller
1900c:208, 377), Sesia
N____Synanthedon arizonensis
(Beutenm�ller 1916:372), Gaea
N____Synanthedon arkansasensis Duckworth
& Eichlin 1973b:154
N,NL_Synanthedon bibionipennis (Boisduval
1869:64), Sesia
____________rutilans (Edwards 1881:186), Albuna
(Edwards 1881:192), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:192), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:193), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:194), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:197), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:197), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:198), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:201), Aegeria
bolteri (Edwards 1883:155), Aegeria
N____Synanthedon canadensis Duckworth &
Eichlin 1973b:157
N____Synanthedon castaneae (Busck
1913b:102), Sesia
N____Synanthedon chrysidipennis
(Boisduval 1869:64), Sesia
____________tacoma (Beutenm�ller 1898:240), Sesia
(race) wallowa (Engelhardt 1946:30), Ramosia
decipiens (Edwards 1881:197), Aegeria
____________imperfecta (Edwards 1881:198), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:202), Aegeria
(Kellicott 1892b:211), Aegeria
dominicki Duckworth & Eichlin 1973b:158
N,NL_Synanthedon exitiosa (Say 1823:216),
____________persica (Thomas 1824:37), Apis
(H�bner [1827-1831]:32), Paranthrene
(Boisduval [1875]:409), Sesia
(Edwards 1881:183), Sciapteron
(Edwards 1881:199), Aegeria
(Riley 1891:393), Sannina
fitchii (Edwards 1882a:55), Aegeria
luminosa (Neumoegen 1894:331), Sannina
edwardsii (Beutenm�ller 1900b:160), Sanninoidea
barnesii (Beutenm�ller 1900d:254), Sanninoidea
fatifera Hodges 1963:139
N____Synanthedon fulvipes (Harris
1839:312), Aegeria128
N,NL_Synanthedon geliformis (Walker
1856:46), Aegeria
N____Synanthedon helenis (Engelhardt
1946:50), Carmenta
N____Synanthedon kathyae Duckworth &
Eichlin 1977a:193
N____Synanthedon mellinipennis (Boisduval
1836: pl. 14: fig. 12), Sesia
____________artemisiae (Edwards 1881:187), Albuna
(Edwards 1881:198), Aegeria
novaroensis (Edwards 1881:199), Aegeria
____________piceae (Dyar 1904:106), Parharmonia
(Busck 1914:143), Sesia
pictipes (Grote & Robinson 1868:182), Aegeria
____________inusitata (Edwards 1881:201), Aegeria
pini (Kellicott 1881:5), Aegeria
N,NL_Synanthedon polygoni (Edwards
1881:202), Pyrrhotaenia
____________fragariae (Edwards 1881:202), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1881:203), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1881:203), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1881:204), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1881:203), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1881:204), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1882c:123), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1882b:98), Aegeria
(Edwards 1883:156), Pyrrhotaenia
(Edwards 1885:49), Pyrrhotaenia
semipraestans (Cockerell 1908:329), Sesia
proxima (Edwards 1881:201), Aegeria
____________modesta (Kellicott 1892a:46), Albuna [nec Aegeria modesta
Butler 1874]; junior secondary homonym of Aegeria modesta Butler 1874
pyri (Harris 1830:2), Aegeria128
refulgens (Edwards 1881:199), Aegeria128
____________seminole (Beutenm�ller 1899b:255), Sesia
(Beutenm�ller 1899b:254), Sesia
resplendens (Edwards 1881:186), Albuna
N____Synanthedon rhododendri
(Beutenm�ller 1909:82), Sesia
N____Synanthedon richardsi (Engelhardt
1946:87), Conopia
N____Synanthedon rileyana (Edwards
1881:187), Albuna
____________brunneipennis (Edwards 1881:191), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:195), Aegeria
(Engelhardt 1946:57), Carmenta
rubrofascia (Edwards 1881:191), Aegeria128
N____Synanthedon sapygaeformis (Walker
1856:45), Aegeria
____________floridensis (Grote 1875:174), Aegeria / Pyrrhotaenia
saxifragae (Edwards 1881:190), Aegeria
____________henshawii (Edwards 1882a:56), Aegeria
scitula (Harris 1839:313), Aegeria128
____________gallivorum (Westwood 1854:757), Trochilium
(Walsh 1867:270), Trochilium
(Edwards 1881:193), Aegeria
(Edwards 1883:155), Aegeria
sequoiae (Edwards 1881:181), Bembecia
____________superba (Edwards 1881:181), Bembecia
(Behrens 1889:163), Aegeria
sigmoidea (Beutenm�ller 1897:214), Sesia128
N____Synanthedon viburni Engelhardt
NL___Synanthedon aequalis (Walker
[1865]:9), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon apicalis (Walker
[1865]:8), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon bosqi K�hler 1941:6
NL___Synanthedon caeruleifascia
(Rothschild 1911:47), Ichneumenoptera
NL___Synanthedon cardinalis (Dampf
1930:179), Montezumia
NL___Synanthedon caternaulti Strand
NL___Synanthedon cerceriformis (Walker
1856:49), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon ceres (Druce 1883:31),
NL___Synanthedon cubana (Herrich-Sch�ffer
1866:106), Sesia
NL___Synanthedon dasyproctos (Zukowsky
1936b:1242), Conopia
NL___Synanthedon drucei Heppner &
Duckworth 1981:30; replacement name for Aegeria peruviana Druce 1911
____________peruviana (Druce 1911:292), Aegeria [nec Sanninoidea
peruviana Rothschild 1911]; junior secondary homonym of Sanninoidea
peruviana Rothschild 1911
flavostigma Zukowsky 1936b:1233
NL___Synanthedon glyptaeformis (Walker
1856:51), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon halmyris (Druce
1889:79), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon hela (Druce 1889:79),
NL___Synanthedon hemigymna Zukowsky
NL___Synanthedon hermione (Druce
1889:79), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon hippolyte (Druce
1889:80), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon laticincta (Burmeister
1878:361), Sesia
NL___Synanthedon lecerfi Heppner &
Duckworth 1981:31; replacement name for Synanthedon flavipectus Le Cerf
____________flavipectus Le Cerf 1916b:12 [nec Ichneumenoptera flavipectus
Hampson 1910]; junior secondary homonym of Ichneumenoptera flavipectus
Hampson 1910
lemoulti Zukowsky 1936:1222
Zukowsky 1936:1222; incorrect original spelling
____________lemoulti Le Cerf 1917:316,
nomen nudum
moulti Le Cerf 1917:316,
incorrect original spelling,
nomen nudum
NL___Synanthedon mardia (Druce 1892:275),
NL___Synanthedon martenii Zukowsky
NL___Synanthedon modesta (Butler
1874:408), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon myrmosaepennis (Walker
1856:46), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon nannion Bryk 1953:263
NL___Synanthedon neotropica Heppner &
Duckworth 1981:32; replacement name for Aegeria flava Edwards 1881
____________flava (Edwards 1881:189), Aegeria [nec Aegeria flava
Moore 1879]; junior primary homonym of Aegeria flava Moore 1879
opiiformis (Walker 1856:51), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon peltastiformis (Walker
1856:52), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon peruviana (Rothschild
1911:47), Sanninoidia [sic] [nec Aegeria peruviana Druce 1911]
NL___Synanthedon plagiophleps Zukowsky
NL___Synanthedon proserpina (Druce
1883:31), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon pulchripennis (Walker
[1865]:6), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon romani Bryk 1953:262
NL___Synanthedon rhyssaeformis (Walker
1856:50), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon santanna (Kaye
1925:427), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon scarabitis (Meyrick
1921:444), Sesia
NL___Synanthedon sciophilaeformis (Walker
1856:49), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon scythropa Zukowsky
NL___Synanthedon sellustiformis (Druce
1883:30), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon tetranoma (Meyrick
1932:337), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon tryphoniformis (Walker
1856:48), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon ventralis (Druce
1911:292), Aegeria
NL___Synanthedon xanthonympha (Meyrick
1921:443), Sesia
E____Synanthedon alenicum (Strand
[1913]:70), Trochilium {alenica}
E____Synanthedon angolana de
Freina 2013:125
E____Synanthedon astyarcha (Meyrick
1930b:584), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon aulograpta (Meyrick
1934:455), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon auripes (Hampson
1910a:152), Lepidopoda [nec Ichneumenoptera auripes Hampson 1893]
Heppner & Duckworth 1981:31; unnecessary replacement name for Lepidopoda
auripes Hampson 1910
beutenmuelleri Heppner & Duckworth 1981:29; replacement name for Sesia
albiventris Beutenm�ller 1899
____________albiventris (Beutenm�ller 1899a:171), Sesia [nec Sesia
albiventris Lederer 1853; nec Ichneumenoptera albiventris Le Cerf
1917]; junior primary homonym of Sesia albiventris Lederer 1853
bifenestrata Gaede 1929:521
E____Synanthedon chlorothyris (Meyrick
1935:557), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon chrysonympha (Meyrick
1932:336), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon cingulata Gaede
1929:533, Pseudomelittia31
E____Synanthedon citrura (Meyrick
1927:371), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon cyanescens (Hampson
1910c:505), Ichneumenoptera
E____Synanthedon elymais (Druce
1899:202), Aegeria31
E____Synanthedon erythrogama (Meyrick
1934:455), Aegeria
ethiopica (Hampson 1919:68), Chamaesphecia
____________aethiopica (Dalla Torre & Strand 1925:77), Chamaesphecia;
incorrect emendation
ferox (Meyrick
1929:54), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon flavipectus (Hampson
1910a:155), Ichneumenoptera [nec Synanthedon flavipectus Le Cerf
E____Synanthedon gabuna (Beutenm�ller
1899a:170), Sesia
E____Synanthedon gracilis (Hampson
1910a:155), Ichneumenoptera
E____Synanthedon guineabia (Strand
[1913]:68), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon iris Le Cerf 1916b:12
E____Synanthedon leucogaster (Hampson
1919:76), Conopia; replacement name for Ichneumenoptera albiventris
Le Cerf 1917
____________albiventris (Le Cerf 1917:318), Ichneumenoptera [nec Sesia
albiventris Beutenm�ller 1899]; junior secondary homonym of Sesia
albiventris Beutenm�ller 1899
maculiventris Le Cerf 1916b:12
E____Synanthedon malimba (Beutenm�ller
1899a:172), Sesia100
E____Synanthedon mesochoriformis (Walker
1856:56), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon monozona (Hampson
1910a:156), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon nyanga (Beutenm�ller
1899a:171), Sesia
E____Synanthedon ochracea (Walker
[1865]:10), Aegeria31
E____Synanthedon olenda (Beutenm�ller
1899a:171), Sesia
E____Synanthedon pauper (Le Cerf
1916b:13), Sylphidia
E____Synanthedon peltata (Meyrick
1932:230), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon phaedrostoma
(Meyrick 1934:455), Trilochana
E____Synanthedon platyuriformis (Walker
1856:57), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon rhodia (Druce 1899:203),
E____Synanthedon squamata (Gaede
1929:532), Thyranthrene
E____Synanthedon stenothyris (Meyrick
1933:416), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon tapeina (Hampson 1919:67),
E____Synanthedon trithyris (Meyrick
1926:266), Aegeria
E____Synanthedon xanthopasta (Hampson
1919:66), Chamanthedon31
E____Synanthedon xanthopyga (Aurivillius
1905:45), Sesia
O____Synanthedon anisozona (Meyrick
1918:180), Sesia
O____Synanthedon aurania (Druce
1899:205), Ceratocorema
O____Synanthedon auritincta (Wileman &
South 1918:169), Canopia [sic] [nec Synanthedon auritincta Engelhardt
O____Synanthedon auritinctaoidis Liang &
Hsu 2019:82
O____Synanthedon bellatula
Wang & Yang
O____Synanthedon calamis (Druce
1899:201), Aegeria
ceraunus Liang & Hsu 2015:549
O____Synanthedon cerulipes (Hampson
1900:43), Ichneumenoptera
O____Synanthedon chalybea (Walker
1862:82), Aegeria
Wang & Yang 2002:20
O____Synanthedon cirrhozona Diakonoff
O____Synanthedon concavifascia Le Cerf
esperi Špatenka & Arita 1992:95
O____Synanthedon flavicaudata (Moore
[1887]:559), Aegeria
O____Synanthedon flavicincta (Hampson
[1893a]:195), Ichneumenoptera
O____Synanthedon flavipalpus (Hampson
[1893a]:195), Ichneumenoptera
O____Synanthedon howqua (Moore 1877:83),
____________houqua (Hampson 1919:75), Conopia; incorrect emendation
hunanensis Xu & Liu 1992:729
O____Synanthedon ignifera (Hampson
[1893a]:195), Ichneumenoptera
O____Synanthedon javanus Le Cerf 1916b:13
O____Synanthedon kunmingensis Yang & Wang
O____Synanthedon laticivora (Meyrick
1927:372), Aegeria
magnoliae Xu & Jin 2019:80
O____Synanthedon menglaensis Yang & Wang
O____Synanthedon minplebia
Wang &
Yang 2002:22
O____Synanthedon moganensis Yang & Wang
O____Synanthedon nautica (Meyrick
1932:229), Aegeria
O____Synanthedon orientalis Heppner &
Duckworth 1981:32; replacement name for Sesia unicincta Hampson 1893
____________unicincta (Hampson [1893a]:196), Sesia [nec Sesia unicincta
Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851]; junior primary homonym of Sesia unicincta
Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851
phoenix Liang & Hsu 2015:552
O____Synanthedon pyrodisca (Hampson
1910b:94), Aegeria
O____Synanthedon rhodothictis (Meyrick
1918:179), Sesia
O____Synanthedon sassafras Xu 1997b:1
O____Synanthedon simois (Druce 1899:201),
O____Synanthedon sphenodes Diakonoff
suichangana Xu & Jin 1998:?80
suhua Liang & Hsu 2022:136
O____Synanthedon tenuiventris Le Cerf
O____Synanthedon uranauges (Meyrick
1926:266), Aegeria
O____Synanthedon versicolor Le Cerf
O____Synanthedon xanthosoma (Hampson
[1893a]:195), Ichneumenoptera
O____Synanthedon xanthozonatum (Hampson
1895:282), Sciapteron {xanthozonata}
A____Synanthedon commoni (Duckworth & Eichlin 1974:30), Carmenta67
Gorbunov & Arita 2000a:231 [Vitraria sotchivkoi Gorbunov & Arita 1999,
original designation]; replacement name for Vitraria Gorbunov & Arita
Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:114 [Vitraria sotchivkoi Gorbunov & Arita 1999,
original designation]; preoccupied by Jordan & Evermann 1903 (Pisces)
aurifasciatum (Gorbunov & Arita 1995e:83), Synanthedon {aurifasciata}
O____Ravitria confusa (Gorbunov & Arita
2000c:89), Vitraria
O____Ravitria pyrosema (Hampson 1919:61),
O____Ravitria sotchivkoi (Gorbunov &
Arita 1999a:116), Vitraria
O____Ravitria yunnanensis Gorbunov &
Arita 2001a:245
Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:120 [Kantipuria lyu Gorbunov & Arita 1999,
original designation]
Liang & Hsu 2015:546
____________glansvorax Liang & Hsu 2015:535; incorrect original spelling (unavailabale)
Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:122
Bryk 1947:96 [Kemneriella malaiseorum Bryk 1947, original designation]
malaiseorum Bryk 1947:96
Hampson [1893a]:187 (key), 194 [Ichneumenoptera auripes Hampson [1893],
original designation]
auripes Hampson [1893a]:194
O____Ichneumenoptera caudata Gorbunov &
Arita 1995e:87
O____Ichneumenoptera daidai Gorbunov &
Arita 2000c:103
____________daidaipoda Gorbunov & Arita 2000c:85; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
Liang & Hsu 2015:543
kishidai Yu, Cao & Wang 2019:99
O____Ichneumenoptera punicea Gorbunov &
Arita 2000c:105
O____Ichneumenoptera vietnamica Gorbunov
& Arita 1995e:86
Strand [1916]:47 [Paranthrene formosicola Strand [1916], subsequent
designation by Fletcher 1929:163]
koshiensis Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:124
O____Paranthrenella albipuncta Gorbunov &
Arita 2000c:97
cinnamoma Yu, Gao, Kallies, Arita & Wang, 2021:124
dortmundi Liang & Hsu 2015:537
O____Paranthrenella duporti (Le Cerf 1927:147), Synanthedon33
O____Paranthrenella formosicola (Strand
[1916]:47), Paranthrene
O____Paranthrenella helvola Liang & Hsu
O____Paranthrenella mushana (Matsumura
1931a:1013), Conopia34,81
O____Paranthrenella pensilis
(Swinhoe 1892:36), Aegeria68
1861:26), Sesia68
pinoakula Kim 2024:7
O____Paranthrenella similis Gorbunov &
Arita 2000c:92
(Le Cerf
1916b:11), Synanthedon50,68 {subaurata}
tricincta Gorbunov 2024a:3
weiyui Liang & Hsu 2015:542
A____Paranthrenella auriplena (Walker
[1865]:13), Aegeria68
brandti Kallies 2020:57
(Meyrick 1887:689), Sesia68
____________panyasis (Druce 1899:201), Aegeria
(Druce 1899:202), Aegeria
A____Paranthrenella lelatensis
Kallies 2020:55
melanocera (Hampson 1919:71), Conopia69
A____Paranthrenella terminalia
Kallies 2020:57
A____Paranthrenella xanthogyna (Hampson
1919:54), Lepidopoda68
Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:136 [Anthedonella polyphaga Gorbunov & Arita 1999,
original designation]
flavida Gorbunov & Arita 2000c:101
O____Anthedonella ignicauda (Hampson
1919:74), Conopia
O____Anthedonella jinghongensis (Yang &
Wang 1989a:134), Synanthedon
O____Anthedonella opalizans (Hampson
1919:74), Conopia
O____Anthedonella polyphaga Gorbunov &
Arita 1999a:138
siberutica Gorbunov 2015b:11
O____Anthedonella subtillima (Bryk
1947:108), Conopia
O____Anthedonella theobroma (Bradley
1957:67), Conopia
Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:127 [Schimia flavipennis Gorbunov & Arita 1999,
original designation]
flavipennis Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:129
O____Schimia flava (Moore 1879b:8),
Aegeria [nec Aegeria flava Edwards 1881]
O____Schimia tanakai Gorbunov & Arita
Gorbunov & Arita 1999a:132 [Synanthedon nepalense Arita & Gorbunov 1995,
original designation]
nepalense (Arita & Gorbunov 1995a:205), Synanthedon {nepalensis}
O____Uncothedon aurifera (Hampson
1919:73), Conopia
O____Uncothedon pentazona (Meyrick
1918:180), Sesia
Beutenm�ller 1896:123 [Sciapteron praecedens Edwards 1883, original
praecedens (Edwards 1883:155), Sciapteron
M�schler 1879:246 [Grotea longipes M�schler 1876 (= Aegeria syringae
Harris 1839), by monotypy]; replacement name for Grotea M�schler 1876
M�schler 1876:312 [Grotea longipes M�schler 1876, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Cresson 1864 (Hymenoptera)
aureocincta Purrington & Nielsen 1977:906
N____Podosesia syringae (Harris
1839:311), Aegeria
____________longipes (M�schler 1876:313), Grotea
(Osborn 1881:108), Aegeria;
misdetermination (unavailable)
(Lugger 1891:109), Trochilium
surodes Hampson 1919:63
Walker 1856:63 [Sannina uroceriformis Walker 1856, by monotypy]
Edwards 1882a:57 [Aegeria quinquecaudata Ridings 1862 (= Sannina
uroceriformis Walker 1856), original designation]; preoccupied by Rafinesque
1815 (Ctenophora), and Mulsant 1846 (Coleoptera)
Edwards 1882b:97 [Aegeria quinquecaudata Ridings 1862 (= Sannina
uroceriformis Walker 1856), original designation]; preoccupied by
Reichenbach 1854 (Aves); replacement name for Sospita Edwards 1882
uroceriformis Walker 1856:64
____________quinquecaudata (Ridings 1862:277), Aegeria
(Boisduval [1875]:465), Saunina [sic]; unnecessary
replacement name for Sannina uroceriformis Walker 1856
Le Cerf 1914c:336 [Nyctaegeria rohani Le Cerf 1914, by monotypy]
nobilis (Druce 1910a:401), Aegeria
____________rohani Le Cerf 1914c:336
Edwards 1881:184 [Aegeria pyralidiformis Walker 1856, original
Philippi 1859:1095 [Rhipidura aurora Philippi 1859, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Vigors & Horsfield 1827 (Aves)
Le Cerf 1916b:11 [Parasesia cristallina Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]
Le Cerf 1916b:11 [Teleosphecia bibio Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]
Naumann 1971:25 [Rhipidura aurora Philippi 1859, by monotypy];
replacement name for Rhipidura Philippi 1859
albociliata (Engelhardt 1925a:67-69), Synanthedon
N____Carmenta anthracipennis (Boisduval
[1875]:392), Sesia
____________sanborni Edwards 1881:185
(Edwards 1881:196), Aegeria
apache Engelhardt 1946:54
N____Carmenta arizonae (Beutenm�ller
1898:240), Sesia
N,NL_Carmenta armasata (Druce 1892:275),
N____Carmenta auritincta (Engelhardt
1925a:67-69), Synanthedon [nec Canopia auritincta Wileman & South
N____Carmenta bassiformis (Walker
1856:39), Aegeria
____________lustrans (Grote 1880:213), Trochilium
(Edwards 1880:72), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:191), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:193), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:194), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:195), Aegeria
(Edwards 1881:196), Aegeria
brachyclados Sterling & Lees 2024:211
chromolaenae Eichlin 2009:42
corni (Edwards 1881:190), Aegeria
____________infirma (Edwards 1881:195), Aegeria
engelhardti Duckworth & Eichlin 1973b:158
N____Carmenta flaschkai Eichlin 1993:265
N,NL_Carmenta giliae (Edwards 1881:200),
____________vitrina (Neumoegen 1891:109), Albuna
(Beutenm�ller 1894a:93), Aegeria
(race) woodgatei Engelhardt 1946:61
Carmenta ithacae (Beutenm�ller 1897:215), Sesia
koebelei (Edwards 1881:196), Aegeria
N____Carmenta laurelae Brown, Eichlin &
Snow 1985:262
N,NL_Carmenta mariona (Beutenm�ller
1900d:254), Sesia
N,NL_Carmenta mimuli (Edwards 1881:200),
____________torrancia Engelhardt 1946:56
odda Duckworth & Eichlin 1977a:195
N____Carmenta ogalala Engelhardt 1946:73
N,NL_Carmenta pallene (Druce 1889:80),
N____Carmenta phoradendri Engelhardt
N,NL_Carmenta prosopis (Edwards
1882b:99), Aegeria
N____Carmenta pyralidiformis (Walker
1856:44), Aegeria
____________nigella (Hulst 1881:75), Sesia
aurantis Engelhardt 1946:47
querci (Edwards 1882b:98), Aegeria
____________comes (Heinrich 1921:79), Podosesia
rubricincta (Beutenm�ller 1909:84), Sesia
N____Carmenta subaerea (Edwards
1883:156), Pyrrhotaenia
N____Carmenta suffusata Engelhardt
N____Carmenta tecta (Edwards 1882a:56),
N____Carmenta texana (Edwards 1881:204),
____________wittfeldii (Edwards 1883:156), Pyrohotaenia
tildeni Eichlin 1995b:114
N____Carmenta verecunda (Edwards
1881:190), Aegeria
____________nigra Beutenm�ller 1894a:95
(Cockerell 1908:330), Sesia
(Engelhardt 1946:172), Euhagena
welchelorum Duckworth & Eichlin 1977b:175
N,NL_Carmenta wellerae Duckworth &
Eichlin 1976:304
N____Carmenta wielgusi Eichlin 1987:533
wildishorum Taft & Cognato 2017:436
NL___Carmenta aerosa (Zukowsky
1936b:1236), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta albicalcarata (Burmeister
1878:361), Sesia
NL___Carmenta alopecura (Zukowsky
1937:1258), Sincara
NL___Carmenta andrewsi Eichlin 1992:145
NL___Carmenta angarodes (Meyrick
1921:443), Sesia
(Zukowsky 1936b:1236), Synanthedon
anomaliformis (Walker 1856:47), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta asema (Zukowsky 1936b:1219)
, Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta aurora (Philippi
1859:1096), Rhipidura
____________rufa (Butler 1883:58), Aegeria
(Zukowsky 1950:23), Gaea
(Ureta 1956:265), Synanthedon
autremonti (Le Cerf 1917:312), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta basalis (Walker [1865]:5),
NL___Carmenta benoisti (Le Cerf
1917:299), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta bibio (Le Cerf 1916b:11),
NL___Carmenta blaciformis (Walker
1856:55), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta buprestiformis (Walker
1856:47), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta ceraca (Druce 1893:280),
NL___Carmenta chrysomelaena (Le Cerf
1916b:11), Pyropteron
NL___Carmenta coccidivora (Duckworth
1969:487), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta confusa (Butler 1874:409),
NL___Carmenta crassicornis (Walker
[1865]:7), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta cristallina (Le Cerf
1916b:11), Parasesia
NL___Carmenta daturae (Busck 1920:83),
NL___Carmenta deceptura (Butler
1874:409), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta deipyla (Druce 1883:30),
NL___Carmenta dimorpha (Le Cerf
1916b:12), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta dinetiformis (Walker
1856:48), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta erici Eichlin 1992:147
NL___Carmenta flavostrigata (Le Cerf
1917:298), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta foraseminis Eichlin
NL___Carmenta fulvopyga (Le Cerf
1911c:301), Sesia
NL___Carmenta germaini (Le Cerf
1916b:12), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta guatemalena (Druce
1883:31), Aegeria
____________melini (Bryk 1953:262), Synanthedon
guayaba Eichlin 2003b:44
NL___Carmenta guyanensis (Le Cerf
1917:301), Synanthedon
____________var. clara (Le Cerf 1917:303), Synanthedon
haematica (Ureta 1956:266), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta heinrichi (Schade
1938:471), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta hipsides (Druce 1889:80),
NL___Carmenta infuscata (Le Cerf
1911c:300), Sesia
NL___Carmenta ischniformis (Walker
1856:53), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta laeta (Walker 1856:59),
NL___Carmenta laticraspedontis (Zukowsky
1936b:1220), Synanthedon
NL___Carmenta leptosoma Eichlin 2002:7
NL___Carmenta lytaea (Druce 1884:33),
NL___Carmenta macropyga (Le Cerf
1911c:299), Sesia
NL___Carmenta maeonia (Druce 1889:81),
NL___Carmenta manilia (Druce 1889:82),
NL[A] Carmenta mimosa Eichlin & Passoa
NL___Carmenta minima (Le Cerf 1916b:12),
NL___Carmenta munroei Eichlin 2003a:42
NL___Carmenta mydaides (Ureta 1956:263),
NL___Carmenta panisciformis (Walker
1856:55), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta panurgiformis (Walker
1856:54), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta phyllis (Druce 1884:33),
NL___Carmenta pittheis (Druce 1899:203),
NL___Carmenta plaumanni Eichlin 2002:12
NL___Carmenta plectisciformis (Walker
1856:49), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta porizoniformis (Walker
1856:54), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta producta (Walker [1865]:4),
Aegeria [nec Conopia producta Matsumura 1931]
NL___Carmenta pyrosoma (Meyrick
1918:180), Sesia
NL___Carmenta ruficaudis (Walker
[1865]:6), Aegeria
NL___Carmenta splendens Eichlin 2002:14
NL___Carmenta surinamensis (M�schler
1878:631), Sesia
____________corporalis (Meyrick 1930a:260), Aegeria
teleta (Le Cerf 1916b:11), Dipsosphecia
NL___Carmenta theobromae (Busck
1910:242), Sesia
NL___Carmenta tucumana (Le Cerf
1911c:300), Sesia
NL___Carmenta unicolor (Walker [1865]:9),
NL___Carmenta votaria (Meyrick 1921:444),
NL___Carmenta wagneri (Le Cerf
1911c:298), Sesia
NL___Carmenta whitelyi (Druce 1899:204),
NL___Carmenta xanthomelanina (Zukowsky
1936b:1241), Conopia
NL___Carmenta xanthoneura (Zukowsky
1936b:1220), Synanthedon
Engelhardt 1946:14 [Aegeria edwardsii Beutenm�ller 1894, original
clarkei Engelhardt 1946:18
N____Penstemonia dammersi Engelhardt
____________brevifolia Engelhardt 1946:21
edwardsii (Beutenm�ller 1894a:92), Aegeria
____________utahensis (Beutenm�ller 1909:83), Sesia
hennei Engelhardt 1946:16
N____Penstemonia pappi Eichlin 1987:534
Kallies 2018:589 [Osmanthedon domaticola Agassiz & Kallies 2018,
original designation]
domaticola Agassiz & Kallies 2018:590
Lolibaia Gorbunov & Gurko 2017:271 [Lolibaia
salimi Gorbunov &
Gurko 2017,
original designation]
salimi Gorbunov & Gurko 2017:272
jurateae Bartsch & S�fi�n 2019:342
triangularis Bartsch & S�fi�n 2019:343
polythyris Bartsch & S�fi�n 2019:345
Strand 1914:48 [Camaegeria auripicta Strand 1914, by monotypy]
aristura (Meyrick 1931:49), Tipulomima [sic]9
____________leptomorpha (Meyrick
1931:50), Aegeria10
____________hadassa (Meyrick
1932:336), Aegeria10
auripicta Strand 1914:49
exochiformis (Walker 1856:58), Aegeria9
E____Camaegeria lychnitis Bartsch & Berg
E____Camaegeria massai Bartsch & Berg
E____Camaegeria monogama
1932:337), Aegeria9
(Meyrick 1935:557), Macrotarsipus10
polytelis Bartsch & Berg 2012:35
sophax (Druce 1899:203), Aegeria9
E____Camaegeria sylvestralis (Viette
[1955]:90), Lepidopoda9
E____Camaegeria viettei Bartsch & Berg
E____Camaegeria xanthomos Bartsch & Berg
E____Camaegeria xanthopimplaeformis
(Viette [1955]:89), Lepidopoda9
Aurivillius 1905:44 [Episannina chalybea Aurivillius 1905, by monotypy]
Le Cerf 1911c:305 [Sylphidia perlucida Le Cerf 1911, by monotypy]
albifrons (Hampson 1910a:151), Lepidopoda
E____Episannina chalybea Aurivillius
____________pulchra (Le Cerf 1916b:13), Sylphidia
flavicincta Hampson 1919:55
E____Episannina lodimanum (Strand
1918:46), Sciapteron {lodimana}
E____Episannina modesta (Le Cerf
1916b:13), Sylphidia
perlucida (Le Cerf
1911c:306), Sylphidia
E____Episannina sylphina (Hampson 1919:55),
E____Episannina zygaenura Meyrick
Le Cerf 1922b:20 [Malgassesia rufescens Le Cerf 1922, original
ankaratralis Viette 1957:91
E____Malgassesia andrianony
1982:45), Chamaesphecia48
E____Malgassesia ferdinandi
Bartsch 2018a:177, replacement name for Chamaesphecia seyrigi Le Cerf,
____________seyrigi (Le Cerf 1957:98), Chamaesphecia;
junior secondary homonym of Malgassesia seyrigi Viette [1955]
E____Malgassesia ivondro
(Viette [1955]:88), Tipulamima101
E____Malgassesia opalimargo (Le Cerf
1913a:167), Sesia101
E____Malgassesia lemur (Le Cerf 1957:99),
E____Malgassesia milloti Viette 1982:39
E____Malgassesia rufescens Le Cerf
____________biedermanni Viette 1982:3547
E____Malgassesia seyrigi Viette [1955]:91
Epitarsipus Le Cerf 1922b:23 [Epitarsipus
rufithorax Le Cerf 1922, original designation]49
E____Epitarsipus rufithorax Le Cerf
Hampson 1919:69 [Lophoceps abdominalis Hampson 1919, original designation]
abdominalis Hampson 1919:69
E____Lophoceps alenicola (Strand
[1913]:67), Aegeria
E____Lophoceps quinquepuncta Hampson
O____Lophoceps cyaniris Hampson 1919:70
O____Lophoceps tetrazona Hampson 1919:70
Holland 1893:183 [Tipulamima flavifrons Holland 1893, original
Meyrick 1933:416 [Uranothyris pterotarsa Meyrick 1933, by monotypy]97
E____Tipulamima flammipes (Hampson
1910a:153), Macrotarsipus
E____Tipulamima flavifrons Holland
E____Tipulamima grandidieri (Le Cerf
1917:341), Macrotarsipodes
E____Tipulamima haugi (Le Cerf 1917:343),
E____Tipulamima hesperia
Bartsch & S�fi�n 2022a:114
E____Tipulamima pterotarsa
(Meyrick 1933:417), Uranothyris98
pyrosoma Hampson 1919:56
E____Tipulamima seyrigi Viette [1955]:88
Nimbamina S�fi�n & Bartsch 2022:89 [Nimbamina
blei S�fi�n & Bartsch 2022:90,
original designation]
blei S�fi�n & Bartsch 2022:90
Gaede 1929:528 [Pedalonina semimarginata
Gaede 1929, by monotypy]106
semimarginata Gaede 1929:528106
Le Cerf 1916b:13 [Macrotarsipodes tricinctus Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]96
leptosceles (Bradley
1968:47), Synanthedon113
E____Macrotarsipodes pedunculata (Hampson
1910a:155), Ichneumenoptera [nec Sphecosesia
pedunculata Hampson 1910b]113
____________brachyptera (Hampson 1919:77), Sphecosesia; unnecessary
replacement name for Ichneumenoptera pedunculata Hampson 1910
rybalovi Gorbunov 2023e:462
sexualis (Hampson
1910a:152), Macrotarsipus113
E____Macrotarsipodes tricinctus
Le Cerf 1916b:13 {tricincta}96
Hampson 1900:44 [Lepidopoda heterogyna Hampson 1900, by monotypy]106
E____Lepidopoda aericincta (Meyrick
1928:466), Aegeria102
____________mercatrix (Meyrick 1931:50), Aegeria97
E____Lepidopoda cyanospira (Meyrick
1928:465), Aegeria102
E____Lepidopoda dasysceles (Bradley
1968:51), Synanthedon102
E____Lepidopoda erythromma (Hampson
1919:60), Synanthedon102
____________pyrostoma (Meyrick 1927:372), Aegeria97
E____Lepidopoda festiva (Beutenm�ller
1899a:170), Sesia102
E____Lepidopoda flavipalpis Hampson
E____Lepidopoda nuba (Beutenm�ller
1899a:172), Sesia102
E____Lepidopoda rubripicta Hampson
1919:61, Synanthedon102
____________rubripalpis (Meyrick
1932:337), Aegeria97
(Le Cerf 1917:341), Macrotarsipodes105
O____Lepidopoda heterogyna Hampson
O____Lepidopoda lutescens Diakonoff
Chlorosphecia Bartsch
& S�fi�n
2022b:90 [Chlorosphecia
bele Bartsch
& S�fi�n
original designation]
Cinctosesia Bartsch 2018a:180 [Cinctosesia
polistiformis Bartsch 2018, original designation]
polistiformis Bartsch 2018a:181
Nesosphecia Bartsch 2018a:183 [Nesosphecia mystica Bartsch
2018, original designation]
mystica Bartsch 2018a:184
Jerbeia Gorbunov 2018:493 [Jerbeia darkovi Gorbunov 2018, original designation]
darkovi Gorbunov 2018:494
Rodolphia Le Cerf 1911b:92 [Rodolphia hombergi Le Cerf
1911, original designation]
hombergi Le Cerf 1911b:92
____________pauliani Viette ([1955]:92), Malgassesia47
Edwards 1882a:53 [Aegeria caudata Harris 1839, original designation]
autumnalis Engelhardt 1946:105
N____Alcathoe carolinensis Engelhardt
____________autumnalis auct. [nec Engelhardt 1946]
caudata (Harris 1839:311), Aegeria
____________f. (race) annettella Engelhardt 1946:103
(Harris 1839:311), Aegeria; unavailable by publication in synonymy
walkeri Neumoegen 1894:331; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
pepsioides Engelhardt 1925b:157
____________var. atra Engelhardt 1925b:158
(race) ferrugata Engelhardt 1946:105
verrugo (Druce 1884:34), Sannina
____________var. corvinus Engelhardt 1946:107
altera Zukowsky 1936b:1247
NL___Alcathoe cuauhtemoci Krogmann &
Riefenstahl 2004:195
NL___Alcathoe helena (Druce 1889:80),
NL___Alcathoe korites (Druce 1884:34),
NL___Alcathoe leucopyga Bryk 1953:264
____________heterogena Bryk 1953:266
melini Bryk 1953:266
Le Cerf 1916b:14 [Pseudalcathoe chatanayi Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]
chatanayi Le Cerf 1916b:14
E____Pseudalcathoe aspetura Meyrick
Hampson [1893a]:194 [Macrotarsipus albipunctus Hampson [1893], original
albipunctus Hampson [1893a]:194
O____Macrotarsipus similis Arita &
Gorbunov 1995b:109
____- species incertae sedis (excluded from
Macrotarsipus by Arita & Gorbunov 1995b):
E____Macrotarsipus africana
(Beutenm�ller 1899a:170), Sesia {africanus}
____________belia (Druce 1910b:181), Aegeria
E____Macrotarsipus microthyris Hampson
Hampson 1919:52 [Grypopalpia iridescens Hampson 1919, original
Meyrick 1934:456 [Idiopogon uranopla Meyrick 1934, by monotypy]
iridescens Hampson 1919:53
E____Grypopalpia uranopla (Meyrick
1934:456), Idiopogon
Engelhardt 1946:98 [Sesia palmii Beutenm�ller 1902, original designation]
palmii (Beutenm�ller 1902:126), Sesia
Butler 1874:409 [Aegeria plumipes Walker [1865], original designation]
Butler 1874:410 [Tarsopoda remipes Butler 1874, by monotypy]
cambyses (Druce 1884:33), Sincara
NL___Euryphrissa chea (Druce 1899:203),
NL___Euryphrissa cladiiformis (Walker
1856:51), Aegeria
NL___Euryphrissa croesiformis (Walker
1856:53), Aegeria
NL___Euryphrissa fasciculipes (Walker
[1865]:5), Aegeria
NL___Euryphrissa homotropha (Meyrick
1921:443), Lepidopoda
NL___Euryphrissa infera (Meyrick
1921:442), Lepidopoda
NL___Euryphrissa plumipes (Walker
[1865]:8), Aegeria
NL___Euryphrissa pomponia (Le Cerf
1911c:297), Melittia
NL___Euryphrissa senta (Druce 1883:30),
NL___Euryphrissa syngenica Zukowsky
NL___Euryphrissa remipes (Butler
1874:410), Tarsopoda
Le Cerf 1916b:11 [Leptaegeria flavocastanea Le Cerf 1916, by monotypy]
axiomnemoneuta Zukowsky 1936b:1242
NL___Leptaegeria cillutincariensis
Zukowsky 1936b:1243
NL___Leptaegeria costalimai K�hler
NL___Leptaegeria flavocastanea Le Cerf
NL___Leptaegeria harti (Druce 1899:204),
NL___Leptaegeria schreiteri K�hler 1941:8
Le Cerf 1917:332 [Aegeria ovinia Druce 1896, original designation]
allotriochora Zukowsky 1936b:1245
NL___Aegerina alomyaeformis Zukowsky
NL___Aegerina laselva Goossens, Meert &
Garrevoet 2018:77
NL___Aegerina mesostenos Zukowsky
NL___Aegerina ovinia (Druce 1896:324),
NL___Aegerina silvai (K�hler 1953:21),
NL___Aegerina vignae Busck 1929:134
Le Cerf 1917:285 [Stenosphecia columbica Le Cerf 1917, original
columbica Le Cerf 1917:286
H�bner [1819]:128 [Sphinx ichneumoniformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775,
subsequent designation by Newman in Westwood 1840:89]
Spuler 1910:316 [Sphinx ichneumoniformis [Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775,
original designation]; junior objective synonym of Bembecia H�bner [1819]
Căpușe 1973a:112 [Scalarignathia kaszabi Căpușe 1973, original
Căpușe 1973b:137 [Sesia tengyraeformis Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851 (= Sesia
sanguinolenta Lederer 1853), original designation]
Căpușe 1973b:147 [Dipsosphecia tenebrosa P�ngeler 1914, original
Căpușe 1973b:149 [Dipsosphecia turcmena Bartel 1912, original designation]
Căpușe 1973b:150 [Dipsosphecia barbara Bartel 1912, original designation]
________- ichneumoniformis-subgroup:
P____Bembecia abromeiti Kallies &
Riefenstahl 2000:359
afghana Bartsch & Špatenka 2010:244
aktashica Gorbunov 2018a:269
P____Bembecia albanensis (Rebel 1918:86),
________Bembecia albanensis albanensis (Rebel
____________corcyrensis (Rebel 1918:86), Sesia
albanensis kalavrytana
(Sheljuzhko 1924:183), Dipsosphecia
________Bembecia albanensis garganica
Bertaccini & Fiumi 2002:74
P____Bembecia alaica (P�ngeler 1912:395),
P____Bembecia aloisi Špatenka 1997a:36
P____Bembecia altyntaghica
Gorbunov, Krupitsky & Marusov 2017:561
auricaudata (Bartel 1912:393), Dipsosphecia
auct. (nec P�ngeler
aye Stalling,
Altermatt, Lingenh�le & Garrevoet 2010:249
P____Bembecia barbara (Bartel 1912:390),
P____Bembecia bestianaeli (Căpușe
1973a:121), Dipsosphecia
P____Bembecia bohatschi (P�ngeler
[1905a]:268), Sesia
bumbureta Toševski 2011c:198
P____Bembecia buxea Gorbunov 1989:143
P____Bembecia ceiformis (Staudinger
1881:395), Sesia
____________tristis (Staudinger 1895b:349), Sesia
(Căpușe 1973a:115), Dipsosphecia
(Căpușe 1973a:119), Dipsosphecia
____________ili (Căpușe 1973a:124), Dipsosphecia
crimeana Gorbunov & Efetov 2018:818
elena Špatenka & Bartsch 2010:43
diamerica Toševski 2011a:39
gobica Špatenka & Lingenh�le 2002:204
P____Bembecia guesnoni Špatenka &
Toševski 1994:313
P____Bembecia handiensis R�misch 1997:73
P____Bembecia hedysari Wang & Yang
P____Bembecia hissorensis Stalling,
Bartsch, Garrevoet, Lingenh�le & Altermatt 2011:169
P____Bembecia ichneumoniformis ([Denis &
Schifferm�ller] 1775:44), Sphinx
____________rhagioniformis (H�bner [1806]:89), Sphinx
(H�bner [1813]: pl. 24: fig. 113), Sphinx
(Dalman 1816:129), Sesia
(Freyer 1836:142), Sesia
(Walker 1856:59), Aegeria
(Oberth�r 1909:186), Sesia83
(Rebel 1910a:5), Sesia
(H�bner 1796: pl. 6: fig. 39-40), Sphinx [nec Sphinx vespiformis
Linnaeus [1760]]; misdetermination (unavailable)
illustris (Rebel 1901:403), Sesia
P____Bembecia insidiosa (Le Cerf
1911b:93), Sesia
P____Bembecia irina Špatenka, Petersen &
Kallies 1997:413
P____Bembecia jakuta (Herz 1903:19),
P____Bembecia joesti Bettag 1997:23
____________karel Herrmann & Hofmann 1997:265
kaabaki Gorbunov 2001:125
khovdensis Gorbunov 2023b:199
P____Bembecia lamai Kallies 1996:368
P____Bembecia lasicera (Hampson
1906:495), Trochilium
lastuvkai Špatenka & Bartsch 2010:44
P____Bembecia lingenhoelei Garrevoet &
P____Bembecia lomatiaeformis (Lederer
1853:89), Sesia
____________gruneri (Staudinger 1856:197), Sciapteron
(Bartel 1912:393), Dipsosphecia
norma (Le Cerf 1914d:423), Dipsosphecia
magnifica Bartsch & Špatenka 2010:246
ningxiaensis Xu & Liu 1998:63
P____Bembecia nivalis Špatenka 2001:77
P____Bembecia oxytropidis Špatenka &
Lingenh�le 2002:203
P____Bembecia pagesi Toševski 1993a:277
pallasi Gorbunov 2020d:556
P____Bembecia pogranzona Špatenka,
Petersen & Kallies 1997:408
P____Bembecia polyzona (P�ngeler
1912:394), Dipsosphecia
P____Bembecia powelli (Le Cerf 1925:211),
P____Bembecia psoraleae Bartsch & Bettag
rubrocingulata (Toševski 2011b:130), Synanthedon124
P____Bembecia rushana Gorbunov 1992b:132
Špatenka 1997a:3318
P____Bembecia salangica Špatenka &
Resh�ft 1989:178
P____Bembecia sareptana (Bartel
1912:395), Dipsosphecia
P____Bembecia senilis (Grum-Grshimailo
1890:515), Sesia
____________lactea (Filipjev 1931:161), Dipsosphecia
sirphiformis (Lucas 1849:367), Sesia
____________tunetana (Le
Cerf 1920:305), Dipsosphecia
____________syrphiformis (Dalla Torre & Strand 1925:67), Dipsosphecia;
incorrect emendation
sophoracola Xu & Jin 1999:9
P____Bembecia stiziformis
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1852]:47; pl. 10: fig. 58), Sesia91
________Bembecia stiziformis stiziformis
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1852])
____________var. melasomon (Staudinger 1871:39), Sciapteron
astyages (Le Cerf 1938:92), Dipsosphecia
(de Freina 1983:74), Paranthrene
(de Freina 1983:75), Paranthrene
stiziformis fervida
(Lederer 1855:182), Sesia
____________var. subfervidum (Staudinger 1891:241), Sciapteron
(de Freina 1983:72), Paranthrene
stiziformis tenebrosa
(P�ngeler 1914:53), Dipsosphecia
________Bembecia stiziformis belouchistanica
Špatenka 2001:79
P____Bembecia strandi (Kozhantshikov
1936:26), Dipsosphecia
P____Bembecia tancrei (P�ngeler
[1905a]:269), Sesia
P____Bembecia tshatkalensis Špatenka &
Kallies 2006:163
P____Bembecia tshimgana (Sheljuzhko
1935:54), Dipsosphecia
____________ninae (Sheljuzhko 1935:53), Dipsosphecia
tsvetajevi Gorbunov 1992a:24956
turanica (Erschoff 1874:26), Sesia
P____Bembecia viguraea (P�ngeler
1912:394), Dipsosphecia
____________wagneri (P�ngeler
1912:395), Dipsosphecia
volgensis Gorbunov 1995a:563
P____Bembecia vulcanica (Pinker 1969:75),
yakovlevi Gorbunov 2023b:202
P____Bembecia zebo Špatenka & Gorbunov
Špatenka 1992a:43335
P____Bembecia zonsteini Gorbunov
________- dispar-subgroup:
P____Bembecia deserticola Špatenka,
Petersen & Kallies 1997:410
P____Bembecia dispar (Staudinger
1891:243), Sciapteron
____________var. oberthueri (Le Cerf 1916a:12), Dipsosphecia
dumonti (Le Cerf 1920:371), Dipsosphecia
(Le Cerf 1934:11), Dipsosphecia
garrevoeti Lingenh�le & Bartsch 2011:163
Špatenka 1997b:5055
kryzhanovskii Gorbunov 2001:129
P____Bembecia pashtuna Špatenka 1997a:31
P____Bembecia pyronigra Špatenka &
Kallies 2001:200
rossica Gorbunov 2019a:396
P____Bembecia syzcjovi Gorbunov 1990:119
________Bembecia syzcjovi syzcjovi
Gorbunov 1990
________Bembecia syzcjovi alborzica
Kallies & Špatenka 2003a:85
P____Bembecia vidua (Staudinger 1889:22),
____- scopigera-group:
aphrodite P�hringer 2024:20
P____Bembecia apyra (Le Cerf 1937b:89),
____________zuvandica Gorbunov 1987a:12
apyra apyra
(Le Cerf 1937)
________Bembecia apyra johannesi
Gorbunov 1995b:97
P____Bembecia fibigeri Laštuvka &
Laštuvka 1994:234
P____Bembecia iberica Špatenka 1992a:429
kreuzbergi Špatenka & Bartsch 2010:41
P____Bembecia martensi Gorbunov 1994b:158
P____Bembecia pavicevici Toševski 1989:85
________Bembecia pavicevici pavicevici
Toševski 1989:85
________Bembecia pavicevici dobrovskyi
Špatenka 1997b:48
P____Bembecia peterseni Špatenka 1997b:46
P____Bembecia priesneri Kallies, Petersen
& Riefenstahl 1998:58
P____Bembecia scopigera (Scopoli
1763:188), Sphinx
____________communis (Le Cerf 1920:320), Dipsosphecia
Gorbunov & Špatenka 2001:67
lugubris (Staudinger 1871:40), Sesia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
P____Bembecia flavida (Oberth�r 1890:24),
____________sirphiformis (Bartel 1912:391), Dipsosphecia [nec Sesia
sirphiformis Lucas 1849]; misdetermination (unavailable)
himmighoffeni (Staudinger 1866:51), Sesia
____________baumgartneri Špatenka 1992a:427
hymenopteriformis (Bellier 1860:681), Sesia
____________var. algeriensis (Le Cerf 1911a:15), Sesia
luticornis (Mariani 1937:8), Dipsosphecia
ducellieri (Le Cerf 1911a:15), Sesia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
fulvusororcula (Zukowsky 1936a:534), Dipsosphecia;
infrasubspecific (unavailable)
uroceriformis (Treitschke 1834:121), Sesia
________Bembecia uroceriformis uroceriformis
(Treitschke 1834)
____________mamertina (Zeller 1847b:404), Sesia
atlantica (Le Cerf 1920:271), Dipsosphecia
nigricornis (Mariani 1937:8), Dipsosphecia
monedulaeformis (Boisduval
[1875]:398), Sesia32
athaliaeformis (Boisduval [1875]:411), Sesia; unavailable by
publication in synonymy
monedulaeformis (Rambur in Boisduval
1840:43), Sesia; nomen nudum32
(Ghiliani 1852:216), Sesia [nec Sesia odyneriformis
Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Rambur 1858[-1866]:146, pl. 2,
fig. 2), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy32
subiti Tautel 2009:37; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
uroceriformis armoricana
(Oberth�r [1907a]:1), Sesia
____- megillaeformis-group:
(Joannis 1909:183), Sesia
auct. [nec
Lucas 1849]
____________igueri Bettag & Bl�sius
bartschi Garrevoet & Lingenh�le 2011:157
P____Bembecia blanka Špatenka 2001:78
P____Bembecia damascena Špatenka &
Pavlicko 2011:150
P____Bembecia eversmanni Gorbunov
P____Bembecia fokidensis Toševski
P____Bembecia gegamica Gorbunov 1991a:131
P____Bembecia megillaeformis (H�bner
[1813]: pl. 24: fig. 114), Sphinx
________Bembecia megillaeformis
megillaeformis (H�bner [1813])
____________megilliformis (Staudinger 1856:146), Sesia; incorrect emendation
megillaeformis luqueti
Špatenka 1992a:434
P____Bembecia molleti Kallies & Špatenka
P____Bembecia parthica (Lederer 1870a:27),
P____Bembecia puella Laštuvka 1989:85
____________daghestanica Gorbunov 1991a:129
Gorbunov & Špatenka 2001:62
sanguinolenta (Lederer 1853:81), Sesia; replacement name for Sesia
tengyraeformis Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851
________Bembecia sanguinolenta
sanguinolenta (Lederer 1853)
____________tengyraeformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851: pl. 10, fig. 59), Sesia [nec
Sesia tengyraeformis Boisduval 1840]; junior primary homonym of Sesia
tengyraeformis Boisduval 1840
(Staudinger 1891:241), Sciapteron2
(Staudinger 1891:242), Sciapteron
miranda (Le Cerf 1914d:423), Dipsosphecia
________Bembecia sanguinolenta turcmena
(Bartel 1912:396), Dipsosphecia3
staryi Špatenka & Gorbunov 1992:386
P____Bembecia stuebingeri Sobczyk,
Kallies & Riefenstahl 2007:24
(Staudinger 1891:242), Sciapteron4
transcaucasicum (Staudinger 1891)
____________romanovi (Bartel 1902:354), Sesia
transcaucasicum drusa
Špatenka & Pavlicko 2011:150
____- kaszabi-group:
P____Bembecia coreacola (Matsumura
1931a:1012), Chamanthedon
P____Bembecia kaszabi (Căpușe 1973a:114),
P____Bembecia sinensis (Hampson 1919:59),
P____Bembecia ussuriensis (Gorbunov &
Arita 1995c:261), Scalarignathia
____- hofmanni-group:
P____Bembecia hofmanni Kallies & Špatenka
____- species incertae sedis (excluded
from Bembecia by
P�hringer & Kallies 2004)
E____Bembecia balkis (Le Cerf 1937a:42),
________Bembecia balkis balkis (Le Cerf
________Bembecia balkis atrocaudata
Wiltshire 1986:267
Newman 1832b:75 [Sphinx chrysidiformis Esper 1782, by monotypy] {chrysidiforme}
Agassiz [1847]:319; incorrect emendation
Căpușe 1973b:166 [Sesia
triannuliformis Freyer 1843, original designation]82
chrysidiformis (Esper 1782:210), Sphinx
________Pyropteron chrysidiformis
chrysidiformis (Esper 1782)
____________crabroniformis (Fabricius 1793:383), Sesia [nec Sesia
crabroniformis Laspeyres 1801]; replacement name for Sphinx
haemorrhoidalis Cyrillus 1787
(Boisduval 1840:41), Sesia
(Staudinger 1856:323), Sesia
(Sand 1879:20), Sesia
joannisi (Le Cerf 1909:118), Sesia
obturata (Le Cerf 1909:118), Sesia
nigripes (Le Cerf 1909:118), Sesia
(Siepi 1909:117), Sesia
castiliana Le Cerf 1922b:29
____________f. fervens Bytinski-Salz [1937]:198
gallica (Bartel 1902:293), Sesia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
infusca (Le Cerf 1909:119), Sesia chrysidiformis ab.
chalcocnemis-infusca; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
chlorotica Le Cerf 1922b:30,
chrysidiformis-obturata; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
lecerfi (Schawerda 1938:584), Chamaesphecia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
margaritosa Le Cerf 1922b:30,
chrysidiformis-obturata; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal,
anthracias Le Cerf 1922b:31,
chrysidiformis-castiliana; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal,
(Cyrillus 1787: pl. 4, fig. 3), Sphinx [nec Sesia haemorrhoidalis
Fabricius 1775]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Cyrillus 1787: pl. 4), Sphinx [nec Sesia haemorrhoidalis
Fabricius 1775]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Godart 1822:91), Sphinx [nec Sphinx chalciformis Esper [1804]];
misdetermination (unavailable)
chrysidiformis sicula
Le Cerf 1922b:27
{chrysidiforme siculum}
melanoxanthia Le Cerf 1922b:28; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
foeniformoides Ragusa 1923:217,
chrysidiformis-sicula; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal,
minianiformis (Freyer 1843:35), Sesia
________Pyropteron minianiformis
minianiformis (Freyer 1843)
____________miniacea (Lederer 1853:89), Sesia [nec Sesia miniacea
Oberth�r 1876]; incorrect emendation
friesei (Niculescu 1960:4), Chamaesphecia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:78), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:78), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:78), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:78), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
pepsiformis (Lederer 1853:90), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
minianiformis destituta
(Staudinger 1894:253), Sesia
____________aphrodite Bartsch 2004:8383
minianiformis xerxes
Bartsch, P�hringer, Lingenh�le & Kallies 2021:27
(Rebel 1916:144), Sesia84
biedermanni Le Cerf 1925:210
P____Pyropteron ceriaeformis
(Lucas 1849:369), Sesia [nec Sesia ceriaeformis Lederer 1853]
____________var. teriolensis (Staudinger 1894:251), Sesia
(Rebel 1901:405), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
xanthia (Le Cerf 1911a:17), Sesia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
auresiana Le Cerf 1916a:14, Pyropteron doryliformis-ceriaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
fatma Le Cerf 1916a:14,
Pyropteron doryliformis-ceriaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
tristis Le Cerf 1916a:14,
Pyropteron doryliformis-ceriaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
melanina Le Cerf 1916a:14,
Pyropteron doryliformis-ceriaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
subceriaeformis Le Cerf 1916a:14,
Pyropteron doryliformis-ceriaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
maghrebica Le Cerf 1920:440;
Pyropteron doryliformis-icteropus; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
doryliformis (Ochsenheimer 1808:141), Sesia
bellieri Le Cerf 1916a:13
chimena Le Cerf 1916a:13
Le Cerf 1916a:13
andalusica Le Cerf 1920:414
chretieni Le Cerf 1920:425
funebris Le Cerf 1916a, Pyropteron doryliformis-tingitana:14; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:66, 79), Sesia [nec Sesia euceraeformis
Ochsenheimer 1816]; misdetermination (unavailable)
euglossaeformis (Lucas 1849:368),
intermedia Le Cerf 1916a:13,
Pyropteron doryliformis-euglossaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
androchroma Le Cerf 1934:11,
Pyropteron doryliformis-euglossaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
flavina Le Cerf 1920:431;
Pyropteron doryliformis-euglossaeformis; infrasubspecific (quadrinominal, unavailable)
(Zeller 1847b:403),
____________miniacea (Oberth�r 1876:31), Sesia [nec Sesia miniacea
Lederer 1853]; misdetermination (unavailable)
unicolor (Ragusa 1904:114), Sesia [nec Aegeria unicolor
Walker [1865]]; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
(Ghiliani 1852:216), Sesia [nec Sesia braconiformis
Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Zeller 1847b:408), Sesia; misdetermination and incorrect emendation of
Sesia schmidtiiformis Freyer 1836 (unavailable)
P____Pyropteron aistleitneri
(Špatenka 1992a:436), Synansphecia
P____Pyropteron kautzi
(Reisser 1930:104), Chamaesphecia
P____Pyropteron leucomelaena
(Zeller 1847a:12), Sesia
________Pyropteron leucomelaena leucomelaena
(Zeller 1847a:12), Sesia
____________therevaeformis (Lederer 1853:83), Sesia
(Rebel 1916:143), Sesia
cyrnea (Le Cerf 1920:506), Chamaesphecia
________Pyropteron leucomelaena blaesii
Bartsch, P�hringer, Lingenh�le & Kallies 2021:40
P____Pyropteron atypica
Kallies & Špatenka 2003a:90 {atypicum}
P____Pyropteron hera (Špatenka
1997b:51), Synansphecia
P____Pyropteron mannii
(Lederer 1853:88), Sesia
____- umbrifera-group:
P____Pyropteron cirgisa
(Bartel 1912:408), Chamaesphecia
____________montandoni (Le Cerf 1922b:37), Chamaesphecia
koshantschikovi (P�ngeler 1914:54), Chamaesphecia
P____Pyropteron umbrifera
(Staudinger 1870:96), Sesia39 {umbriferum}
P____Pyropteron jordanicum Bartsch,
P�hringer, Lingenh�le & Kallies 2021:50
pipiziformis (Lederer
1855:195), Sesia86 {pipiziforme}
(Freyer 1842:35), Sesia
____________braconiformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:68), Sesia
(Bartel 1906b:170), Sesia
(Zukowsky 1929a:21), Chamaesphecia
(Toševski 1986:191), Bembecia (Synansphecia)
Špatenka 1987:14
(Zukowsky 1929a:21), Chamaesphecia; unavailable by publication in
(Assmann 1845:47), Sesia [nec Sesia meriaeformis Boisduval 1840];
misdetermination (unavailable)
(Lederer 1853:87), Sesia [nec Sesia philanthiformis Laspeyres
1801]; misdetermination (unavailable)
____- affinis-group:
P____Pyropteron affinis
(Staudinger 1856:278), Sesia
____________leucospidiformis (Lederer 1853:84), Sesia [nec Sesia
leucospidiformis Staudinger 1854]; misdetermination and incorrect emendation
of Sphinx leucopsiformis Esper 1800 (unavailable)
P____Pyropteron atlantis
(Schwingenschuss 1935:106), Chamaesphecia
P____Pyropteron erodiiphaga
(Dumont 1922:215), Chamaesphecia87 {erodiiphagum}
P____Pyropteron borreyi
(Le Cerf 1922a:133), Chamaesphecia
P�hringer, Lingenh�le & Kallies 2021:61
P____Pyropteron hispanica
(Kallies 1999:92), Synansphecia
P____Pyropteron koschwitzi
(Špatenka 1992a:437), Synansphecia
____________lusohispanica Laštůvka & Laštůvka 2007:8883
P____Pyropteron maroccana
(Kallies 1999:90), Synansphecia {maroccanum}
P____Pyropteron meriaeformis
(Boisduval 1840:42), Sesia
____________meriiformis (Rambur [1866]:152), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Staudinger 1856:274), Sesia
(Joannis 1908:758), Sesia83
(Rambur 1833:53), Sesia [nec Sesia philanthiformis Laspeyres
1801]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Esper 1783:217), Sphinx [nec Sphinx muscaeformis Borkhausen 1789]
____________philanthiformis (Laspeyres 1801:31), Sesia
____________occidentalis (Joannis 1908:758),
(Kr�l�cek 1969:115), Chamaesphecia
Căpușe 1973b:161 [Dipsosphecia roseiventris Bartel 1912, original
altaica Gorbunov 1991b:161
chitrala Toševski 2011d:228
P____Dipchasphecia consobrina (Le Cerf
1938:94), Chamaespehecia [sic]
P____Dipchasphecia intermedia Špatenka
P____Dipchasphecia iskander Gorbunov
P____Dipchasphecia kashgarensis Špatenka
& Kallies 2001:234
P____Dipchasphecia kopica Gorbunov &
Špatenka 2001:71
P____Dipchasphecia krocha Gorbunov
P____Dipchasphecia kurdaica Špatenka,
Petersen & Kallies 1997:417
P____Dipchasphecia lanipes (Lederer
1863:20), Sesia
P____Dipchasphecia ljusiae Gorbunov
P____Dipchasphecia naumanni Gorbunov
P____Dipchasphecia nigra Gorbunov
P____Dipchasphecia pudorina (Staudinger
1881:396), Sesia
P____Dipchasphecia rhodocnemis Gorbunov
P____Dipchasphecia roseiventris (Bartel
1912:393), Dipsosphecia
P____Dipchasphecia sertavula Bartsch &
Špatenka 2002:78
____________servatula Bartsch & Špatenka 2002:78; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
turkmena Gorbunov 1994a:27
Spuler 1910:311 [Sphinx empiformis Esper [1783], original designation]
Yang 1977:121 [Zhuosesia zhuoxiana Yang 1977, original
subgenus Chamaesphecia Spuler 1910
(Chamaesphecia) adelpha Le Cerf 1938:98
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia)
amygdaloidis Schleppnik 1933:24
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) anthracias
Le Cerf 1937b:84
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia)
anthraciformis (Rambur 1832:266), Sesia
____________foeniformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:65, 78), Sesia
(Failla-Tedaldi 1883:250), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:66, 79), Sesia
(Rebel 1901:405), Sesia [nec Sesia oryssiformis Herrich-Sch�ffer
(Walker 1856:16), Aegeria;
unnecessary replacement name for Sesia anthraciformis Rambur 1832
(Staudinger 1856:325), Sesia;
unnecessary replacement name for Sesia anthraciformis Rambur 1832
(Oberth�r 1890:25), Sesia
(P�ngeler 1905b:129), Sesia
(Oberth�r 1907:331), Sesia
(Le Cerf 1915:54), Dipsosphecia
meieri Stauder 1921:31
(Le Cerf 1925:210), Pyropteron
aicha (Le Cerf 1925:211), Pyroptera [sic]
pallipes (Le Cerf 1925:211), Pyropteron
(Rothschild 1925b:336), Pyropteron
(Căpușe 1973b:156), Pyropteron
(Chamaesphecia) astatiformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:64, 70), Sesia
____________thyreiformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:64, 72), Sesia
(Walker 1856:34), Aegeria
(Chamaesphecia) bibioniformis (Esper 1800:30), Sphinx
____________tengyraeformis (Boisduval 1840:42), Sesia [nec Sesia
tengyraeformis Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851]
(Staudinger 1856:223), Sesia
Pinker 1954:182
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:63, 69), Sesia [nec Sesia philanthiformis
Laspeyres 1801]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Chamaesphecia) cilicia Bartsch & Lingenh�le 2011:89
(Chamaesphecia) crassicornis Bartel 1912:409
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) cyanopasta
(Hampson 1910b:93), Aegeria
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia)
darvazica Gorbunov 2001:110
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) emba
Gorbunov 2001:99
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) empiformis
(Esper [1783]:215), Sphinx
____________bombyciformis (Geoffroy 1785:252), Sphinx
(Walker 1856:33), Aegeria
flavoabdominalis Popescu-Gorj 1955:1100
Špatenka 1987:12
(Borkhausen 1789:126), Sphinx [nec Sphinx muscaeformis Esper
1783]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Chamaesphecia) euceraeformis (Ochsenheimer 1816:171), Sesia
____________euceriformis (Staudinger 1856:146), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Freyer 1836:141), Sesia
(partim) (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:63, 69), Sesia;
(Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851: pl. 10: fig. 57), Sesia [nec Sesia unicincta
Hampson [1893]]
(Staudinger 1856:264), Sesia; replacement name for Sesia icteropus
Herrich-Sch�ffer 1852
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:69), Sesia; nomen nudum
(Herrich-Sch�ffer 1852:47), Sesia [nec Sesia icteropus Zeller
1847]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Chamaesphecia) guriensis (Emich von Em�ke 1872:63), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) hungarica
(Tomala 1901:47), Sesia
____________deltaica Popescu-Gorj & Căpușe 1965:341
(Chamaesphecia) iranica Le Cerf 1937c:173
____________bagandara Gorbunov 1995b:104
(Chamaesphecia) kautti Špatenka 1997b:53
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) keili
Kallies & Špatenka 2003b:119
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) kistenjovi
Gorbunov 1991a:137
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia)
leucocnemis Le Cerf 1938:100
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia)
leucopsiformis (Esper 1800:25), Sphinx
____________foenusaeformis (Heydenreich 1851:20), Sesia
(Heydenreich 1851:20), Sesia
(Lederer 1853:85), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Staudinger 1854:57), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Chamaesphecia) mezentzevi Gorbunov 1989:141
(Chamaesphecia) montis (Leech [1889]a:592),
Aegeria52, 90
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) murzini
Gorbunov 2001:104
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) mutilata
(Staudinger 1887a:67), Sesia
____________duplex (Staudinger 1889:21), Sesia
(Sheljuzhko 1943:80), Synanthedon
(Chamaesphecia) nigrifrons (Le Cerf 1911d:244), Sesia
____________sevenari Lipthay 1961:213
schmidti Lipthay 1961:217; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
(Chamaesphecia) palustris Kautz 1927:2
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia)
schizoceriformis (Kolenati 1846:92), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) schroederi
Toševski 1993b:422
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) sogdianica
Špatenka 1987:16
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) taurica
Špatenka 1997b:55
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia)
tenthrediniformis ([Denis & Schifferm�ller] 1775:44), Sphinx [nec
Sphinx tenthrediniformis Esper 1782]
____________taediiformis (Freyer 1836:142), Sesia
(Chamaesphecia) thomyris Le Cerf 1938:101
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) turbida
Le Cerf 1937b:84
P____Chamaesphecia (Chamaesphecia) uilica
Gorbunov 2001:93
(Chamaesphecia) zhuoxiana (Yang 1977:121), Zhuosesia53
subgenus Scopulosphecia Laštuvka [1990]:99 [Sesia
alysoniformis Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846], original designation]
(Scopulosphecia) aerifrons (Zeller 1847b:415), Sesia
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
aerifrons aerifrons (Zeller 1847)
____________micra Le Cerf 1916a:15
Le Cerf 1916a:15
(Scopulosphecia) aerifrons sardoa
(Staudinger 1856:281), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) albida
Špatenka 1999:365
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
albiventris (Lederer 1853:82), Sesia [nec Sesia albiventris
Beutenm�ller 1899]
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
alysoniformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:64, 73), Sesia
____________trivittata (Zeller 1847a:13), Sesia
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:73), Sesia; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
(Scopulosphecia) anatolica Schwingenschuss 1938:175
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) annellata
(Zeller 1847b:415), Sesia
____________ceriaeformis (Lederer 1853:85), Sesia [nec Sesia ceriaeformis
Lucas 1849]; junior primary homonym of Sesia ceriaeformis Lucas 1849
ceriiformis (Staudinger 1856:146), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Walker 1856:33), Aegeria
(Staudinger 1894:253), Sesia; replacement name for Sesia ceriaeformis
Lederer 1853
ledereri Bartel 1912:404; unnecessary replacement name for Sesia
ceriaeformis Lederer 1853
Le Cerf 1914a:62
Heydenreich 1851:20; nomen nudum
(Scopulosphecia) aurifera (Romanoff 1885:116), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) azonos
(Lederer 1855:194), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
barada Špatenka & Pavlicko 2011:154
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) blandita
Gorbunov & Špatenka 2001:78
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
chalciformis (Esper [1804]:44), Sphinx
____________chalcidiformis (H�bner [1806]:90), Sphinx; incorrect emendation
(Ochsenheimer 1808:146), Sesia; unnecessary replacement name for
Sphinx chalciformis Esper [1804]
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:65, 78), Sesia
caucasica (Kolenati 1846:91), Sesia
expleta (Staudinger 1879:310), Sesia41
(Scopulosphecia) christophi Gorbunov & Špatenka 2001:82
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
chrysoneura P�ngeler 1912:399
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
chrysoneura chrysoneura P�ngeler 1912
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
chrysoneura melanophleps Zukowsky 1935:40
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
diabarensis Gorbunov 1987b:14
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
djakonovi Popescu-Gorj & Căpușe 1966:86279
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
doleriformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:69), Sesia [nec Aegeria
doleriformis Walker 1856]
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
doleriformis doleriformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846])
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
doleriformis colpiformis (Staudinger 1856:267), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
doryceraeformis (Lederer 1853:87), Sesia
____________ortalidiformis (Lederer 1853:68), Sesia; nomen nudum
(Scopulosphecia) dumonti Le Cerf 1922b:35
____________similis Laštuvka 1983:202
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
efetovi Gorbunov 2019c:448
(Scopulosphecia) elampiformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851: pl. 10), Sesia
[nec Sesia elampiformis Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]]
________Chamaesphecia elampiformis
elampiformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer 1851)
________Chamaesphecia elampiformis mandana
(Le Cerf 1938:92), Pyropteron
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) ferganae
Sheljuzhko 1924:184
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) festai
Turati 1925:5
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) fredi
Le Cerf 1938:99
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) gorbunovi
Špatenka 1992a:440
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) guenter
Herrmann & Hofmann 1997:267
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
haberhaueri (Staudinger 1878:308), Sesia41
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
inexpectata (Le Cerf 1938:93), Pyropteron
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
infernalis Sheljuzhko 1935:64
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) jitkae
Špatenka 1987:19
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
kalashiani Gorbunov 2019c:451
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
leucoparea (Lederer 1870b:13), Sesia40
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) margiana
P�ngeler 1912:400
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
masariformis (Ochsenheimer 1808:173), Sesia [nec Setia
masariformis Meigen 1830]
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
masariformis masariformis (Ochsenheimer 1808)
____________banchiformis (H�bner [1813]: pl. 27: fig. 126), Sphinx
(Eversmann 1844:103), Sesia
(Zeller 1847a:14), Sesia
Le Cerf 1937b:82
(Heydenreich 1851:20), Sesia; nomen nudum
(Sulzer 1776:152), Sphinx [nec Sphinx culiciformis Linnaeus 1758];
misdetermination (unavailable)
(Scopulosphecia) masariformis odyneriformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:63, 68), Sesia
____________fallax (Staudinger 1891:245), Sesia
(Scopulosphecia) maurusia P�ngeler 1912:412
____________anthrax Le Cerf 1916a:15
(Scopulosphecia) minoica Bartsch & P�hringer 2005:135
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) minor
(Staudinger 1856:214), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) mirza
Le Cerf 1938:97
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) morosa
Le Cerf 1937c:175
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) mudjahida
Špatenka 1997a:38
P[A] _Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
mysiniformis (Boisduval 1840:42), Sesia [nec Sesia mysiniformis
Rambur 1866]
____________boisduvalii Bartel 1912:404; unnecessary replacement name for Sesia
mysiniformis Boisduval 1840
Le Cerf 1922b:32
(Scopulosphecia) obraztsovi Sheljuzhko 1943:81
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
obraztsovi obraztsovi Sheljuzhko 1943:81
________Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
obraztsovi obermajeri Špatenka 1992a:442
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
ophimontana Gorbunov 1991a:140
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
osmiaeformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1852]: pl. 9: fig. 52), Sesia
____________osmiiformis (Staudinger 1856:147), Sesia; incorrect emendation
(Lederer 1853:69), Sesia; replacement name for Sesia stelidiformis
Zeller 1847
(Oberth�r 1881:67), Sesia
(Oberth�r 1890:26), Sesia
(Zeller 1847b:406), Sesia [nec Sesia stelidiformis Freyer 1836];
misdetermination (unavailable)
(Scopulosphecia) oxybeliformis (Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:69), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) pechi
(Staudinger 1887b:30), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) proximata
(Staudinger 1892:244), Sesia
____________moreaui (Le Cerf 1911e:334), Sesia
(Rebel 1927:(60)), Sesia
(Scopulosphecia) purpurea Špatenka & Kallies 2006:165
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) ramburi
(Staudinger 1866:53), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) regula
(Staudinger 1891:246), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
ruficoronata Kallies, Petersen & Riefenstahl 1998:60
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
schmidtiiformis (Freyer [1836]:140), Sesia
____________schmidtii (Lederer 1853:69), Sesia [nec Sesia schmidtii
Zeller 1847]; incorrect emendation
(Freyer [1836]: pl. 182, fig. 1), Sesia; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
albotarsata (Rebel 1901:406), Sesia; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
pouloti (Le Cerf 1922b:32), Pyropteron; infrasubspecific (unavailable)
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:78), Sesia; unavailable by publication in synonymy
(Herrich-Sch�ffer [1846]:65, 78), Sesia [nec Sesia prosopiformis
Ochsenheimer 1808]; misdetermination (unavailable)
(Scopulosphecia) schwingenschussi (Le Cerf 1937c:172), Dipsosphecia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) sefid
Le Cerf 1938:95
____________modica Le Cerf 1938:95
Gorbunov 2001:117
(Scopulosphecia) sertavulensis Gorbunov & Špatenka 2001:86
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
staudingeri (Failla-Tedaldi 1890:28), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) tahira
Kallies & Petersen 1995:76
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) thracica
Laštuvka 1983:207
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
weidenhofferi Špatenka 1997a:39
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia) xantho
Le Cerf 1937b:87
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
xanthosticta (Hampson [1893a]:197), Sesia
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
xanthotrigona Bartsch & Kallies 2008:90
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
zarathustra Gorbunov & Špatenka 1992:255
P____Chamaesphecia (Scopulosphecia)
zimmermannii (Lederer 1870b:13), Sesia40
____- species incertae sedis (excluded
from Chamaesphecia by
P�hringer & Kallies 2004)
NL___Chamaesphecia atramentaria Zukowsky
NL___Chamaesphecia aurata (Edwards
1881:190), Aegeria
NL___Chamaesphecia borsanii K�hler
NL___Chamaesphecia breyeri K�hler 1941:7
NL___Chamaesphecia penthetria Zukowsky
NL___Chamaesphecia pluto Zukowsky
E____Chamaesphecia clathrata Le Cerf
O____Chamaesphecia tritonias Hampson
Naumann 1971:31 [Sesia agdistiformis Staudinger 1866, by monotypy];
replacement name for Weismannia Spuler 1910
Spuler 1910:317 [Sesia agdistiformis Staudinger 1866, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Tutt 1904 (Sphingidae)
agdistiformis (Staudinger 1866:54), Sesia
Ichneumonella Gorbunov & Arita
2005:86 [Ichneumonella viridiflava
Gorbunov & Arita
2005, original designation]
hyaloptera Gorbunov
& Arita
viridiflava Gorbunov & Arita
Hampson 1896:277 [Crinipus leucozonipus Hampson 1896, by monotypy]125
Hampson 1919:62 [Aegeria marisa Druce 1899, original designation]126
leucozonipus Hampson 1896:27711
marisa (Druce 1899:205), Aegeria127
pictipes (Hampson 1919:54), Lepidopoda127
E____Crinipus vassei (Le Cerf
1917:337), Aegeria127
Sesiinae Genera
unassigned to Tribe:
Bradley 1956:203 [Ceritrypetes idiotropha Bradley 1956, original
idiotropha Bradley 1956:203
Le Cerf 1917:284 [Hymenosphecia albomaculata Le Cerf 1917, original
Le Cerf 1917:283; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
albomaculata Le Cerf 1917:284
Meyrick 1930b:584 [Isocylindra melitosoma Meyrick 1930, by monotypy]
melitosoma Meyrick 1930b:584
Meyrick 1927:371 [Melisophista geraropa Meyrick 1927, by monotypy]
geraropa Meyrick 1927:371
Le Cerf 1917:335 [Metasphecia vuilleti Le Cerf 1917, original designation]
vuilleti Le Cerf 1917:335
Naumann 1971:21 [Cryptomima hampsoni Butler 1902, by monotypy];
replacement name for Cryptomima Butler 1902
Butler 1902:50 [Cryptomima hampsoni Butler 1902, by monotypy];
preoccupied by Meyrick 1883 (Pyralidae)
hampsoni (Butler 1902:50), Cryptomima
Hampson 1919:64 [Sesia uniformis Snellen 1900, original designation]
yildizae Kocak 1983:170; replacement name for Sesia uniformis Snellen
____________uniformis (Snellen 1900:34), Sesia; junior primary homonym of
Sesia thysbe f. uniformis Grote & Robinson 1868
Durrant 1924:lxxv [Xenoses macropus Durrant 1924, original designation]
macropus Durrant 1924:lxxv
Taxa excluded from
1. Genera transferred to
Oecophoridae (Stathmopodinae):
Arauzona Walker [1865]:25 [Arauzona basalis Walker 1865, by
monotypy] [transferred by Naumann 1971 to Heliodinidae; transferred by Heppner &
Duckworth 1981]
basalis Walker [1865]:26
NL___Arauzona moorei Busck 1913a:88 [transferred
by Heppner & Duckworth 1981]
Fletcher 1940:18 [Dolophrosyne balteata Durrant 1919, original
designation]; replacement name for Dolophrosyne Durrant 1919 [established
in Heliodinidae, included in error in Aegeriidae (= Sesiidae) by Dalla Torre &
Strand 1925; transferred by Duckworth & Eichlin 1974]
Durrant 1919:120 [Dolophrosyne balteata Durrant 1919, original
designation]; preoccupied by Prout 1918 (Notodontidae: Dioptinae)
balteata (Durrant 1919:121), Dolophrosyne
Walker 1856:260 [Tinaegeria ochracea Walker 1856, subsequent designation
by Walsingham 1889:10] [transferred by Fletcher 1929 to Schreckensteiniadae (=
Heliodinidae); transferred by
Heppner & Duckworth 1981]
clitarcha Meyrick 1921:442
NL___Tinaegeria croconympha Meyrick
NL___Tinaegeria fasciata Walker 1856:261
NL___Tinaegeria ochracea Walker 1856:260
____________aeneiceps (Felder & Rogenhofer 1875:9), Eretmocera
pyromantis Meyrick 1921:442
2. Species transferred to
lilloi (K�hler 1941:6), Gaea [transferred by Becker 1984]
3. Genera transferred to
Glyphipterigidae (Glyphipteriginae):
Cotaena Walker [1865]:21 [Cotaena mediana Walker 1865, by
monotypy] [transferred by Meyrick 1913 to Heliodinidae; transferred by Heppner &
Duckworth 1981]
mediana Walker [1865]:21
NL___Cotaena plenella (Busck 1915b:61),
Glyphipteryx [transferred by Heppner & Duckworth 1981]
Boisduval [1875]:433 [Myrsila auripennis Boisduval [1875], by monotypy] [transferred
by Heppner & Duckworth 1981]
auripennis Boisduval [1875]:433
4. Genera transferred to
Bonia Walker 1862:83 [Bonia unicolor Walker 1862, by monotypy] [transferred
by Hampson 1919 to Heliodinidae, by Heppner & Duckworth 1981 to Oecophoridae;
treated in the Heliodinidae by Nye & Fletcher 1991]
unicolor Walker 1862:83
Durrant 1919:120 [Sphecia tricolor Rothschild 1912, original designation]
[established in Heliodinidae, included in error in Aegeriidae (= Sesiidae) by
Dalla Torre & Strand 1925; transferred by Naumann 1971]
tricolor (Rothschild 1912:123), Sphecia
Walker [1865]:20 [Ecrectica fasciata Walker [1865], by monotypy] [transferred
by Fletcher & Nye 1982]
fasciata Walker [1865]:21
5. Genera transferred to
Thyrididae (Charideinae):
Toosa Walker 1856:64 [Toosa glaucopiformis Walker 1856, by
monotypy] [transferred by Hampson 1918]
glaucopiformis Walker 1856:65
Holland 1893:181 [Cicinnocnemis cornuta Holland 1893, original
designation] [transferred by Hampson 1918]
Walker 1856:72 [Sphinx plumipes Drury 1782 (= Cicinnocnemis cornuta
Holland 1893), by monotypy]; preoccupied by Baird & Girard 1853 (Reptilia)
cornuta Holland 1893:181
____________plumipes (Drury 1782: pl. 2: fig. 3), Sphinx [nec Sphinx
plumipes Drury 1773 (Arctiidae: Ctenuchinae)]
Holland 1893:184 [Trichobaptes sexstriata Holland 1893 (= Melittia
auristrigata Pl�tz 1880), original designation] [transferred by Hampson
Holland 1893:184; incorrect original spelling (unavailable)
auristrigata (Pl�tz 1880:77), Melittia
____________sexstriata Holland 1893:184
6. Species transferred to
Pyralidae (Pyraustinae/Spilomelinae):
hades (Druce 1889:78), Aegeria [transferred by Hampson, see
Walsingham 1909-1915]
7. Species transferred to
homotona (Swinhoe 1892:36), Balataea [transferred by Turner 1922]
Turner, 1913:202
8. Genus transferred to Urodidae:
Adixoana Strand [1913]:69 [Adixoana auripyga Strand 1913, original
designation] [transferred by Kallies 2000]
auripyga Strand [1913]:69
9. Genus transferred to Zygaenidae
Artona Walker 1854
subgenus Balataea Walker [1865]:110 [Balataea aegerioides Walker
1865 (= Euchromia octomaculata Bremer 1861), by monotypy] [transferred by
Naumann 1971]
(Balataea) octomaculata (Bremer 1861:476), Euchromia
____________aegerioides (Walker [1865]:111), Balataea
10. Species transferred to
Sphingidae (Macroglossinae):
ceculus (Cramer 1777), Sphinx
____________gehleni (Closs 1922:118), Sesia [established in Sphingidae,
included in error in Aegeriidae (= Sesiidae) by Dalla Torre & Strand 1925;
transferred by Heppner & Duckworth 1981]
11. Species transferred to
Arctiidae (Ctenuchinae):
NL___Aethria haemorrhoidalis
(Fabricius 1775:549) = (Stoll 1790:53), Sesia19
leucaspis (Cramer 1775:83), Sphinx [transferred by Heppner &
Duckworth 1981]
N____Cosmosoma auge (Linnaeus 1767:807),
____________omphale H�bner [1823]: pl. [156] [assigned to Aegeria by Say
1825, included in Aegeriidae (= Sesiidae) by Dalla Torre & Strand 1925;
transferred by Heppner & Duckworth 1981]
12. Species incertae sedis (excluded from Sesiidae
by P�hringer & Kallies 2004):
tineosphecia Zukowsky 1936b:1232
13. Species erroneously assigned
to Sesiidae by Dalla Torre & Strand 1925 and Heppner & Duckworth 1981:
nana (Treitschke, 1834:97) (Brachodidae)
[as Paranthrene nana
Lederer 1853:68, nomen nudum]
lucida (Lederer 1853: 68) (Brachodidae)
[as Trichocerata
myrmosaeformis var. lucida (Lederer 1853), nomen nudum]
taxa originally described as Sesia spp.
(never assigned to Sesiidae, but available for homonymy)
P____Hemaris affinis (Bremer 1861:475),
____________alternata (Butler 1874:366), Sesia
(Butler 1874:367), Sesia
(Mandarina) radians (Walker 1856:84), Sesia
P,O__Hemaris (Saundersia) saundersii
(Walker 1856:83), Sesia
N____Hemaris diffinis (Boisduval 1836:
pl. 15, fig. 2), Macroglossa
____________axillaris (Grote & Robinson 1868:180), Sesia
(Butler 1874:365), Sesia
thysbe (Fabricius 1775:548), Sesia
____________cimbiciformis (Stephens 1828:135), Sesia
(Kirby 1837:303), Sesia
(Walker 1856:83), Sesia
uniformis Grote & Robinson 1868:181, Sesia
fadus (Cramer [1776]:95, 152 (index), pl. 61, fig. C), Sphinx
____________f. flavosignata (Closs 1916:200), Sesia
clavipes (Rothschild & Jordan 1903:436), Sesia
____________eumelas (Jordan
1924:298), Sesia
NL___Aellopos titan aguacana (Gehlen
1944:166), Sesia
O,A__Cephonodes hylas (Linnaeus
1771:539), Sphinx
____________cunninghami (Walker 1856:85),
P____Macroglossum passalus (Drury 1773:
pl. 29, fig. 2), Sphinx
____________pandora (Fabricius 1793:380),
O____Sataspes infernalis (Westwood
1848:[61], pl. 30, fig. 3), Sesia
P - Palearctic
region (347 species)
N - Nearctic region (121 species)
NL - Neotropical region (268 species)
E - Ethiopian region (237 species)
O - Oriental region (including Southern China, Taiwan, Papua-New Guinea) (415
A - Australian region (15 species)
[ ] - Square brackets indicate a species introduced to a zoogeographic region
(pages relevant for
Sesiidae are quoted in brackets)
Agassiz, D. &
Kallies, A. (2018): A new genus and species of myrmecophile clearwing moth
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from East Africa.
– Zootaxa 4392(3),
Agassiz, J. L. R. ([1847]):
Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis. – Nomenclator zoologicus 2(12)
(1846), 393 pp. (319)
Alpheraky, S. N. (1882): L�pidopt�res du district de Kouldj� et des montagnes
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Rossicae 17, 15-103, pls 1-3. (18-22, pl. 1)
Amsel, H.-G. (1933): Die Lepidopteren Pal�stinas. Eine
zoogeographisch-�kologisch-faunistische Studie. – Zoogeographica 2, 1-146. (25)
Amsel, H.-G. (1935): Neue pal�stinensische Lepidopteren. – Mitteilungen aus dem
Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 20, 271-319. (277-278)
anonym (1918): Insecta. [Contribution]. – Zoological Record 55, 158.
anonym (1966): Insecta. [Contribution]. – Zoological Record 103, 81.
anonym (1972): [Contribution]. – Zoological Record 109(13d), 226.
Arita, Y. (1989): Two New and an Unrecorded Clearwing Moths (Lepidoptera:
Sesiidae) from Thailand. – Microlepidoptera of Thailand 2, 9-14.
Arita, Y. (1992a): A new subspecies of Macroscelesia longipes (Moore)
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Japan. – Tyo to Ga 43(3), 221-224.
Arita, Y. (1992b): The Genus Pennisetia Dehne (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) of
Japan. – Japanese Journal of Entomology 60(2), 449-462.
Arita, Y. (1993): A new species of the clearwing moth genus Trichocerota
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Yakushima Island, Japan. – Tyo to Ga 44(2), 77-80.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1995a): Sesiidae of Nepal. In Haruta, T. (ed.): Moths
of Nepal. – Tinea 14(Suppl. 2), 194-206, pls 108+128.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1995b): A review of the genus Macrotarsipus
Hampson, [1893] (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) of the Oriental region. – Transactions
of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 46(2), 103-111.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1995c): A revision of the Melittia types
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) kept in the Hope Entomological Collections, Oxford
University, UK. – Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 46(4),
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1995d): A revision of the genus Heterosphecia Le Cerf,
1916 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae, Osminiini). – Tinea 14(2), 131-141.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1996a): New and unrecorded clearwing moths of the
genus Melittia H�bner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Thailand. –
Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 47(3), 157-173.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O., (1996b): A Revision of Ferdinand Le Cerf's Clearwing
Moth Types (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae), Kept at the Paris Museum. I. The Genus
Melittia H�bner, [1819] in the Oriental and Australian Regions. – Japanese
Journal of Systematic Entomology 2(2), 137-187.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1997): Description of a new Melittia clearwing
moth (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Kyushu, Japan. – Transactions of the
Lepidopterological Society of Japan 48(1), 33-38.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1998a): A revision of Ferdinand Le Cerf's clearwing
moth types (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae), kept at the Paris Museum. III. The genus
Chamanthedon Le Cerf, 1916 in the Oriental region. – Transactions of the
Lepidopterological Society of Japan 49(1), 19-29.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (1998b): A Revision of Embrik Strand's Clearwing Moth
Types (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from Taiwan. – Chinese Journal of Entomology
18(3), 141-165.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (2000a): On the tribe Melittiini (Lepidoptera,
Sesiidae) of Vietnam. – Tinea 16(4), 252-291.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (2000b): Notes on the tribe Osminiini (Lepidoptera,
Sesiidae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of new taxa. – Transactions of the
Lepidopterological Society of Japan 51(1), 49-74.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (2000c): On the knowledge of the genus Chamanthedon
Le Cerf, 1916 (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae, Osminiini) of Vietnam and adjacent
countries. – Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 51(3),
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (2001): Sesiidae of Taiwan. I. The Tribes Tinthiini,
Similipepsini, Paraglosseciini, Pennisetiini, Paranthrenini and Cissuvorini. –
Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 7(2), 131-188.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. (2002a): A new species of the genus Trichocerota
Hampson (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Taiwan. – Transactions of the
Lepidopterological Society of Japan 53(4), 241-244.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. G. (2002b): Sesiidae of Taiwan. II. The tribes
Osminiini, Melittiini and Sesiini. – Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
8(2), 199-241.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. G. (2003a): New taxa of wasp-waisted clearwing moths
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae, Similipepsini) from Vietnam. – Transactions of the
Lepidopterological Society of Japan 54(1), 11-19.
Arita, Y. & Gorbunov, O. G. (2003b): In Arita, Y., Gorbunov, O. G. & Mohamed,
M.: On the knowledge of the clearwing moth (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) of the Maliau
Basin, Sabah, Borneo. – Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan
54(2), 131-142.
Arita, Y. & Kallies, A. (2000): A new and an unrecorded species of Melittia
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from North Vietnam. – Transactions of the
Lepidopterological Society of Japan 52(1), 51-57.
Arita, Y. & Kallies, A. (2003): A new species of the genus Trilochana
Moore, 1879 (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Sulawesi. – Transactions of the
Lepidopterological Society of Japan 54(4), 229-232.
Arita & Kallies (2005): see Kallies, A. & Arita, Y. (2005).
Arita & Kimura (2016): see Arita, Y., Kimura, M., Yata, N. & Nagase, M.
Arita, Y., Kallies, A., Hsu, Y.-F., Liang, J.-Y., Lai, B.-C., Yang,
M.-M. & Yata, N. (2016): Polymorphism of Nokona pilamicola (Strand, [1916])
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) in Taiwan.
Tinea 23(5), 249-254.
Arita, Y., Kallies, A. & & Yata, N. (2019): A large
hornet mimic clearwing moth of the genus Lamellisphecia Kallies & Arita, 2004
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Nanling, Guangdong, southern China. –
Zootaxa 4706(3), 447-482.
Arita, Y., Kimura, M. & Owada,
M. (2009): Two new species of the clearwing moth (Sesiidae) from Okinawa-jima,
the Ryukyus. –
Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 60(3), 189-192.
Arita, Y., Kimura, M., Yata, N. & Nagase, M. (2016): Vicariance in the
Macroscelesia japona species-group (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) in the Ryukyus,
Japan. – Tinea 23(4), 184-198.
Arita & Nagase (2016): see Arita, Y.,
Kimura, M., Yata, N. & Nagase, M. (2016).
Arita, Y. & Riefenstahl, H. G. (2004): A new Scoliokona Kallies & Arita,
1998 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae, Paranthrenini) from south-east Asia, with list of
literature on oriental Sesiidae published since 1988. – Entomologische
Zeitschrift 114(3), 116-120.
Arita, Y. & Špatenka, K. (1989): A New Species of Similipepsis
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Japan. – Japanese Journal of Entomology 57(1),
Arita, Y. & Toševski, I. (1992): In Toševski, I. & Arita, Y.: A New Species of
the Clearwing Moth Genus Nokona (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from the Ryukyus.
– Japanese Journal of Entomology 60(3), 619-623.
Arita, Y. & Yata, N. (1987): Descriptions of two new species of Melittia
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) of Japan. – Tinea 12(Suppl.), 158-167.
Arita & Yata (2016): see Arita, Y., Kimura, M., Yata, N. & Nagase, M.
Arita, Y. & Xu, Z. (1994a): In Arita, Y., Xu, Z. & Liu, X.: A new Sesia
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae), clearwing borer on Pecan from Nanjing, China. – Tinea
14(1), 61-64.
Arita, Y. & Xu, Z. (1994b): In Arita, Y., Xu, Z. & Liu, X.: Description of a new
Sesia clearwing moth injuring poplar street trees in Lhasa, Tibet
(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae). – Tyo to Ga 45(3), 193-199.
Assmann, A. (1845): Schw�rmer oder D�mmerungsschmetterlinge (Sphinges). –
Abbildung und Beschreibung der Schmetterlinge Schlesiens 2, 48 pp, 26 pls.
(17-26, 45-47, pls 5-7, 24)
Aurivillius, P. O. C. (1879): Lepidoptera Damarensia. F�rteckning pa fj�rilar
insamlade i Damaralandet af G. de Vylder aren 1873 och 1874 jemte beskrifning
�fver f�rut ok�nda arter. – �fversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens
F�rhandlingar 36(7), 39-69. (47-48)
Aurivillius, P. O. C. (1905): Lieutnant A. Schultzes Sammlung von Lepidopteren
aus West-Afrika. – Arkiv f�r Zoologi 2(12), 1-47, 5 pls. (43-46)
Aurivillius, P. O. C. (1909): Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera und Heterocera (Pars I)
von Madagaskar, den Comoren und den Inseln Ostafrikas. In Voeltzkow, A.: Reise
in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903-1905, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 2, [309]-348,
19 pls. (342, pl. 19)
Bakowski, M., Bartsch, D. & Kallies, A. (2008): A Review of the Similipepsini of
the Afrotropical Region (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae: Tinthiini). – Annales Zoologici
58(4), 785-797.
Barnes, W. & Benjamin, F. H. (1925): Change of a Preoccupied Name (Lepidoptera:
Aegeriidae). – Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 27(1), 14.
Barnes, W. & Lindsey, A. W. (1922): Descriptions of Two New Species of
Aegeriidae (Lep.). – Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society (N.S.)
18(4), 122-123.
Barnes, W. & McDunnough, J. H. (1918): Notes and New Species. – Contributions to
the Natural History of the Lepidoptera of North America 4(2), 61-208. (178)
Bartel, M. (1902): Die palaearktischen Grossschmetterlinge und ihre
Naturgeschichte. Zweiter Band: Nachtfalter. I. Abteilung, 239-384. – Leipzig.
Bartel, M. (1906a): Eine neue Sesia-Art aus der Schweiz. – Entomologische
Zeitschrift (Guben) 19, 190-191.
Bartel, M. (1906b): Drei neue russische Sesia-Arten. – Societas
entomologica 20(22), 169-170.
Bartel, M. (1912): 24. Familie: Aegeriidae (Sesiidae). – In Seitz, A. (ed.): Die
Gro�schmetterlinge der Erde 2, 375-416, pls 51-52.
Bartsch, D. (2003): Beitrag zur Glasfl�glerfauna von Nepal (Lepidoptera:
Sesiidae). – Entomologische Zeitschrift 113(5), 145, 149-151.
Bartsch, D. (2004): Die Sesienfauna Zyperns - eine kommentierte �bersicht
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). – Entomologische Zeitschrift 114(2), 80-86.
Bartsch, D. (2006): Zur Kenntnis von
Bembecia joesti Bettag, 1997 aus Marokko (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). – Entomologische Zeitschrift 116(5), 211-215.
Bartsch, D. (2008): Redescription and systematic position of the Afrotropical
clearwing moth genus Grypopalpia Hampson, 1919 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). – Entomologische Zeitschrift 118(5), 221-224.
Bartsch, D. (2008): A review of the Paranthrenini of the Afrotropical region
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). – Entomologische Zeitschrift 118(6), 265-280.
Bartsch, D. (2009): Melittosesia, a new genus of clearwing moths with a review
of the Sesiini Boisduval, 1828 in Madagascar (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). – Entomologische Zeitschrift 119(1), 9-16.
Bartsch, D. (2010): Taxonomic revision of the clearwing moth genus Crinipus
Hampson, 1896 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). – Zootaxa 2618, 36-46.
Bartsch, D. (2012): Revision of types of several species of Bembecia H�bner,
1819 from northern Africa and southwestern Europe (Sesiidae). – Nota
lepidopterologica 35(2), 125-133.
Bartsch, D. (2013): Revisionary checklist of the Southern African Sesiini
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) with description of new species.
– Zootaxa 3741, 1-54.
Bartsch, D. (2015): New taxa of southern
African Sesiini (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Zootaxa 3956(3), 428-436.
Bartsch, D. (2016a): Revisionary checklist of the
southern African Osminiini (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Stuttgarter Beitr�ge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 9, 229-265.
Bartsch, D.
(2016b): Melittia fiebigi spec. nov. and Afromelittia caerulea spec. nov., two
new Melittiini from southern Africa (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History 6, 109-115.
D. (2017): Hyleina kaphetea, a new genus and species of clearwing moths from
tropical Africa (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae: Sesiini).
– Zootaxa 4286(3), 425-430.
Bartsch, D. (2018a): Taxonomic
changes in Synanthedonini from Madagascar, with description of two new genera
and species (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
– Zootaxa 4433(1), 174-186.
Bartsch, D. (2018b): Revision of
Gymnosophistis Meyrick, 1934 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from East Africa with
description of a new species.
Zootaxa 4532(1), 145-150.
Bartsch (2022): see Bartsch, D. & Wanke, D.
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Gorbunov, O. (2001c): Two new species of the genus Bembecia H�bner
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lepidopterological almanac 1, 125-134.
Gorbunov, O. (2001d): A new genus of Tinthiini (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from the
Western Palaearctic. – Melittia, a lepidopterological almanac 1, 137-143.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2014): A new species of the genus Melittia H�bner, 1819
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Entomologist 284, 13-18.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2015a): Contributions to the study
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– Zootaxa 4033(4),
Gorbunov, O. G. (2015b): A new species of the genus Anthedonella O.
Gorbunov et Arita, 1999 (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from the Island of Siberut,
Mentawai, Indonesia.
Far Eastern Entomologist 299, 11-17.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2016): Nokona mahawu
sp.n., a new clearwing moth species (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from North Sulawesi,
Russian Entomological Journal 25(2), 161-165.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2017): On the
taxonomy and morphology of Leuthneria ruficincta (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae).
Zootaxa 4244(1), 127-136.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2018a): New data on the clearwing
moth fauna of the Altai Mountains, Russia, with the description of two new
species (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae).
Zootaxa 4425(2), 263-282.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2018b): A new species of the genus
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2018c): A new genus and species of clearwing moth (Lepidoptera:
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Zootaxa 4497(4), 492-500.
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Russia (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae), with remarks on the Bembecia dispar (Staudinger
1891) species group. – Zoologichesky Zhurnal 98(4), 393-406.
O. G. (2019b): A new species of the genus Negotinthia O. Gorbunov, 2001
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from Crimea, with remarks on the genus. – Russian
Entomological Journal 28(3), 303-311.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2019c): Two new
species of the genus Chamaesphecia Spuler, 1910 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), with
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Russian Entomological Journal 28(4), 437-457.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2020a): To the
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2020b): A new species of the genus Cyanosesia O.
Gorbunov et Arita, 2001 (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from the island of Obi, North
Maluku, Indonesia with catalogue of the genus.
Russian Entomological Journal 29(2), 187-194.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2020c): Establishment of Eichlinia gen.n. for the
Western hemisphere Melittiini (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), with a catalogue of the
genus. – Russian Entomological Journal 29(3), 276-284.
Gorbunov, O. G.
(2020d): A new and poorly known clearwing moth of the genus Bembecia H�bner,
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(Lepidoptera, Sesiidae). – Zootaxa 4729(4), 551-565.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2021a): A new species of the genus Scoliokona Kallies et Arita,
1998 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from Bali, Indonesia with a catalogue of the genus.
Russian Entomological Journal 30(1), 93-99.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2021b): A new
species of the genus Pyrophleps Arita et O. Gorbunov, 2000 (Lepidoptera:
Sesiidae) from Laos, with remarks on the genus.
Russian Entomological Journal 30(2), 166-174.
Gorbunov, O.
G. (2021c): Review of the genus Aschistophleps Hampson, 1893 (Lepidoptera,
Sesiidae) of Laos. –
Zootaxa 5020(2), 384-396.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2021d): A new species of the genus
Paradoxecia Hampson, 1919 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from West Malaysia with a
catalogue of the genus. –
Russian Entomological Journal 30(3), 328-335.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2021e): A new genus of the tribe Osminiini (Lepidoptera:
Sesiidae) from the Oriental Region. – Far Eastern Entomologist 439, 1-13.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2022a): A new species of the genus Tyrictaca Walker, 1862
(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from West Malaysia with a catalogue of the genus.
Zootaxa 5104(1), 125-136.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2022b): New Data on Clearwing
Moths (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) of Sakhalin Island.
Far Eastern Entomologist 449, 21-28.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2022c): A new species
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of the genus. –
Zoosystematica Rossica 31(1), 55-65.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2022d): A new species
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Russian Entomological Journal 31(2), 182-187.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2022f): A new species of the genus Scarlata (Lepidoptera:
Sesiidae) from Laos. –
Zoosystematica Rossica 31(2), 204-211.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2022g): A new species of the genus Milisipepsis O. Gorbunov et
Arita, 1995 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from Southeast Asia, with remarks on the
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Russian Entomological Journal 31(4), 411-416.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2023a): On the
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2023b): Two new species of the genus Bembecia H�bner, 1819
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Journal 32(2), 198-206.
Gorbunov, O. G. (2023c): A new genus and a new
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2023d): Two
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2023e): A new species
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2024a): A new Species of the Genus Paranthrenella Strand, 1916
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2024b): A new species of the genus Heterosphecia Le Cerf, 1916
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Gorbunov, O. G. (2024c): On the systematics of the genus Synanthedon H�bner,
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1) overlooked in
P�hringer & Kallies (2004)
transferred to sanguinolenta by Špatenka & Pavlicko (2011)
transferred to pontica by Garrevoet, Garrevoet & �zbek (2007); pontica has been
transferred to sanguinolenta by Špatenka & Pavlicko (2011); cited by
Špatenka &
Pavlicko (2011) as ssp. of transcaucasica without transferring it formally to
that taxon, but according to barcode sequences (BOLD project "Global Sesiidae -
Clearwing Moths of the World", unpublished) more close related to
transferred to sanguinolenta by Garrevoet, Garrevoet & �zbek (2007); cited as
bona species by Špatenka & Pavlicko (2011) - taxonomic position to be clarified!
transferred to Sphecodoptera by Kallies (2011)
transferred to Eusphecia by Kallies (2011)
transferred to
Sphecodoptera repanda
by Kallies (2011)
transferred to
by Kallies (2011)
transferred to Camaegeria by Bartsch & Berg (2012)
by Bartsch & Berg (2012)
erroneously assigned to Oriental region
by P�hringer & Kallies (2004)
12) transferred to
Sesiini by Bartsch (2013)
13) raised
from synonymy with Alonina by Bartsch (2013)
14) comb. rev. by Bartsch (2013)
15) transferred to
Alonina by Bartsch (2013)
16) transferred to
Hagnogyna by Bartsch (2013)
17) transferred to
Vespanthedon by Bartsch (2013)
by Garrevoet, Bartsch & Lingenh�le (2013)
type-species of Aethria H�bner [1819]!
overlooked in
P�hringer & Kallies (2004)
21) transferred to
Nokona by Kallies, Arita, Owada, Wu & Wang (2014)
22) transferred to
Cyanosesia by Kallies, Arita, Owada, Wu & Wang (2014)
transferred to
Scoliokona by Kallies, Arita, Owada, Wu & Wang (2014)
24) synonymized with Trilochana scolioides by Kallies, Arita, Owada & Wang (2014)
25) transferred to
Coccophila by Bartsch (2015)
26) transferred to
Osminiini by Bartsch (2016)
27) transferred to
Halictina by Bartsch (2016)
28) transferred to
Cabomina by Bartsch (2016)
29) transferred to
Erismatica by Bartsch (2016)
30) synonymized by Bartsch (2016)
31) transferred to
Synanthedon by Bartsch (2016)
The synonymy of the taxon monedulaeformis Rambur with
Bembecia uroceriformis (Treitschke 1834) is already stated by Rambur
(1858[-1866]), confirmed by pl. 2, fig. 2. The taxon has erroneously been
assigned to Synanthedon andrenaeformis
(Laspeyres 1801) since Boisduval (1840) and Staudinger (1856). Dalla Torre &
Strand (1925) linked it with Chamaesphecia
anthraciformis (Rambur 1832) because of the homonymy with
S. anthraciformis Esper (a synonym of
S. andrenaeformis).
The combination Paranthrenella
duporti was introduced by Liang & Hsu (2015).
Teste Arita (1986) and Liang & Hsu (2015)
closely related, and maybe conspecific with
formosicola; thus, it is here transferred to
by Garrevoet & Garrevoet (2016)
resurrected from synonymy with Melittia oedipus
by Bartsch (2016b)
transferred to Afromelittia by Bartsch (2016b)
resurrected from synonymy with Albuna pyramidalis by Taft, Cognato &
Opler (2016)
39) date of publication: ix.1870 (according to Kerzhner, I. M.
(2004): Publikationsdaten der "Trudy Russkogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva"
und "Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae", 1861-1932. - Entomofauna 25(14),
40) date of publication: 24.x.1870 (according to
Kerzhner 2004)
41) date of publication: 13.xi.1878 (according to Kerzhner 2004)
42) date of publication: 1870 (according to Kerzhner 2004)
43) transferred to M. eurytion by Kallies, Arita & Min
44) synonymized by Kallies, Arita & Min (2016)
45) synonymized by Arita et al. (2016)
46) transferred to Oligophlebia by Gorbunov, Krupitsky &
Marusov (2017)
47) synonymized by Bartsch (2018a)
48) transferred to Malgassesia by Bartsch (2018a)
49) resurrected from synonymy with Malgassesia by Bartsch
50) transferred to Anthedonella by Gorbunov & Arita (2018a)
51) synonymized with Aschistophleps by Kallies & Štolc (2018)
by Yata, Gorbunov, Arita &
Aoki (2018)
53) transferred to Chamaesphecia by Yata, Gorbunov, Arita &
Aoki (2018)
54) transferred to Taikona by Gorbunov (2018b)
raised to species rank by Gorbunov (2019a)
56) resurrected from synonymy with Bembecia polyzona
by Gorbunov (2019a)
57) raised
from synonymy with Melittia by Moreira, Gorbunov, Fochezato & Gon�alves (2019)
58) synonymized by Gorbunov & Arita (2020a)
59) transferred to
Toleria by Gorbunov & Arita (2020a)
60) transferred to Glossosphecia by Gorbunov & Arita (2020a)
61) synonymized by Gorbunov (2020a)
62) transferred to
Eichlinia by Gorbunov (2020b)
63) transferred to Sphecodoptera
by Kallies (2020)
64) transferred to
Nokona by Kallies (2020)
65) transferred to Pseudosesia
by Kallies (2020)
66) synonymized by Kallies (2020)
67) transferred to
Synanthedon by Kallies (2020)
68) transferred to Paranthrenella
by Kallies (2020)
69) resurrected from synonymy with
Paranthrenella chrysophanes by Kallies (2020)
70) resurrected
from synonymy with Pseudosesia pulchripennis by Kallies (2020)
transferred to Tyrictaca by Kallies (2020)
transferred to Tinthia by Kallies (2020)
73) transferred
to Teinotarsina by Kallies (2020)
74) transferred to
Cyanosesia by Kallies (2020)
75) synonymized by Yata, Onodera & Arita (2017)
76) transferred to Sesiini by Bartsch (2018b)
77) transferred to
Aurantiosphecia by Skowron Volponi (2020)
78) treated as valid species by Gorbunov (2019b)
79) treated as valid species by Gorbunov (2019c)
cited by Xu et al. (2019), but apparently not published before
transferred to Paranthrenella by Yu, Gao, Kallies, Arita & Wang (2021)
see Bartsch, P�hringer, Milla, Lingenh�le & Kallies (2021)
synonymized by Bartsch, P�hringer, Milla, Lingenh�le & Kallies (2021)
raised from synonymy with
P. minianiformis
by Bartsch, P�hringer, Milla, Lingenh�le & Kallies (2021)
resurrected from synonymy with P. doryliformis by Bartsch, P�hringer,
Milla, Lingenh�le & Kallies (2021)
transferred to Pyropteron by Bartsch, P�hringer, Milla, Lingenh�le &
Kallies (2021)
resurrected from synonymy with P. affinis by Bartsch, P�hringer, Milla,
Lingenh�le & Kallies (2021)
88) transferred to
Laetosphecia by Kallies, Arita, Owada & Wang (2014)
correct spelling, see P�hringer (2017)
according to Duncan (1937) published April 1889
according to Heppner (1982) pl. 10 (Sesiides) is published 1851 (fig. 58, in
vol. 2); however, as this is not binominal, date of publication is 1852 (text in
vol. 6, p. 47)!
resurrected from synonymy with Aschistophleps by Gorbunov (2021b)
93) transferred to
Scoliokona by Gorbunov (2021a)
94) synonymized by Gorbunov (2021d)
95) transferred to
Nepyrophleps by Gorbunov (2021e)
resurrected from synonymy with Tipulamima by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
synonymized by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
98) transferred to Tipulamima by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
99) transferred to Pyranthrene by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
100) transferred to Synanthedon by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
101) transferred to Malgassesia by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
102) transferred to Lepidopoda by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
103) original combination with Lepidopoda revalidated by
Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
104) resurrected from synonymy with erythromma and
transferred to Lepidopoda by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
105) resurrected from synonymy with sexualis and
transferred to Lepidopoda by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
106) transferred to Synanthedonini by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
107) transferred to Malayomelittia by Skowron Volponi (2022)
108) transferred to Scarlata by Skowron Volponi (2022)
109) synonymized by Skowron Volponi (2022)
110) transferred to Spatenkana by Bartsch (2022)
111) treated as valid species by Gorbunov (2022b)
112) transferred to Entrichella by Gorbunov (2022a)
113) transferred to Macrotarsipodes by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
114) transferred to Episannina by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
115) transferred to Chamanthedon by Bartsch & S�fi�n (2022)
resurrected from synonymy with Similipepsis by Gorbunov (2022g)
117) retransferred to Milisipepsis by Gorbunov (2022g)
118) transferred to Similisynagris by Gorbunov (2023c)
synonymized by Bartsch, S�fi�n & Wanke (2023a)
120) transferred to Cicinnoscelis by Bartsch, S�fi�n & Wanke (2023a)
121) transferred to Fortikona by Bartsch, S�fi�n & Wanke (2023b)
Gorbunov (2024c) raises
Kr�l�cek & Povoln� 1977 from synonymy with
Synanthedon H�bner [1819] to genus
level. There is no doubt that the species
Synanthedon tenuis,
S. colchidensis,
S. tipuliformis,
S. geranii,
S. loranthi,
S. cruciati,
S. cephiformis,
and S. spuleri
form a monophyletic group. However, raising
Tipulia to
genus rank leaves the remaining rest of
paraphyletic. After excluding the Ethiopian (Africa south of Sahara) and
Neotropical (America south of Mexico) species from
this large genus
appears monophyletic if only a few Palearctic and Oriental species are
transferred to other genera. In particular, there is no overlap with the
morphologically very similar genus
Edwards 1881.
Whether the
Nearctic genera
Sannina Walker 1856,
Beutenm�ller 1896, and
M�schler 1879 require
taxonomic changes of genus rank is not quite clear. Therefore, the taxonomic
changes of the rank of Tipulia
proposed by
Gorbunov (2024c)
until there is a better concept for all
based on morphological and molecular data.
resurrected from synonymy with tibiale by Handfield & Handfield (2024)
124) transferred to Bembecia by Gorbunov (2024d)
125) transferred to Synanthedonini by Bartsch (2010)
126) synonymized by Bartsch (2010)
127) transferred to Crinipus by Bartsch (2010)
Gorbunov (2024e) raises
Spuler 1910 from synonymy with
Synanthedon H�bner [1819] to genus
the species
S. pamphyla, S. talischensis, S. pseudoscoliaeforme
S. fulvipes, S. rubrofascia, S. scitula, S. pyri,
S. refulgens, and S. sigmoidea
This selection largely follows Engelhardt (1946) as far as Nearctic species are
concerned, but excludes some very closely related species that Engelhardt had
Anyway, according to molecular data the
'genus' Thamnosphecia (sensu Gorbunov) thus composed is
polyphyletic. Therefore, the taxonomic
changes of the rank of
proposed by
Gorbunov (2024e)
until there is a better concept for all
based on morphological and molecular data.
Synanthedon (blue),
Podosesia, Palmia, and Sannina (white), Tipulia
(red), Thamnosphecia sensu Gorbunov (green), further Thamnosphecia
spp. included by Engelhardt (yellow).
MrBayes 40M generations, posterior
probability 0.038, based on COX1 (barcode region, 658 bp) with RAxML user tree.
Gorbunov (2024f) raises
[1819] from synonymy with
Synanthedon H�bner [1819] to genus
the species
Synanthedon stomoxiformis (from which
he separates S. amasina and S. levantina), and S.
spheciformis. Both are closely related, but the concept is inflationary in
terms of the number of genera into which the monophylum Synanthedon
would have to be split.
Therefore, the taxonomic changes of the rank of
proposed by
Gorbunov (2024f)
until there is a better concept for all
based on morphological and molecular data.
130) raised from subspecies to
species rank by Gorbunov (2024f), without any explanation and
justification other than figures of the male
and (partim) female genitalia, which do not show any
clear distinguishing features from S. stomoxiformis
do not provide any explanations of the supposed differences. The subspecies do
indeed show a considerable genetic difference to the nominate subspecies and
ssp. riefenstahli, but the populations of
levantina and amasina from different regions differ by
approximately the same amount
(and do not even cluster together).
Therefore, the taxonomic changes of the rank of
and amasina
proposed by
Gorbunov (2024f)
MrBayes 20M generations, posterior
probability 0.038, based on COX1 (barcode region, 658 bp) with RAxML user tree.
Genetic distances
in COX1 barcode region (p-distance: proportion of nucleotide sites (in %) that
differ between sequences)