Listen Live
Listen live to WCBU or Classical WCBU2 anywhere you go using the embedded audio player on the top of each webpage, or use the links below. If you're using a tablet or mobile device, scroll down for mobile streaming options. We've got you covered!

TuneIn Radio for Mobile Streaming or Tablets

If you've visting us on a smartphone or tablet, we recommend using the free TuneIn Radio app. You can listen to WCBU or WCBU2 on the TuneIn site on a computer as well
Download TuneIn Radio for iPhone
Download TuneIn Radio for Android
Launch Audio Streams in any Browser
For users who prefer a stand-alone media player experience, we offer our web streams in MP3 format. These also will work in media players such as VLC or WinAmp
Technical Assistance

If you encounter a technical problem or have any questions about our web streams, please contact the WCBU Operations Coordinator.