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President: Alexander Stubb (KOK) State Minister: Petteri Orpo (KOK) Governing parties: KOK, PS, SFP, KD
Legislative elections: Eduskunta, 4-year term, 200 seats, party-list PR:


2023 2019 2015 2011


Ideology % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats
Kansallinen Kokoomus (KOK)
National Coalition Party
Liberal conservatism  20,8 48 17,0 38 18,2 37 20,4 44
Perussuomalaiset (PS)
True Finns
National conservatism
Social conservatism
20,1 46 17,5 39 17,6 38 19,0 39
Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (SDP)
Social Democratic Party of Finland
Social democracy  19,9 43 17,7 40 16,5 34 19,1 42
Suomen Keskusta (KESK)
Centre of Finland
11,3 23 13,8 31 21,1 49 15,8 35
Vasemmistoliitto (VAS)
Left Alliance
Democratic socialism
7,1 11 8,2 16 7,1 12 8,1 14
Vihreä Liitto (VIHR)
Green Alliance
Green politics  7,0 13 11,5 20 8,5 15 7,2 10
Svenska Folkepartiet i Finland (SFP)
Swedish People's Party in Finland
Minority interests (SWE)   
Social liberalism 
4,3 9 4,5 9 4,9 9 4,3 9
Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit (KD)  
Christian Democrats of Finland
Christian democracy
Social conservatism 
4,2 5 3,9 5 3,5 5 4,0 6
Liike Nyt (LIIKE NYT)  
Movement Now
Liberalism 2,4 1 2,3 1 - - - -
�land (a) 0,4 1 0,4 1 0,4 1 0,4 1
Others 2,5 - 3,3 - 2,1 - 1,7 -
Total - 200 - 200 - 200 - 200
Turnout 68,5 68,7 66,9 67,4

� 2023 Wolfram Nordsieck. Source: Ministry of Justice (www.vaalit.fi). For full coverage, click here (1945-present). Notes: (a) 2011: �land Centre-�land Social Democrats-Non-aligned Coalition (C-�SD-ObS), Independent MP; 2015/2019/2023: �land Centre (C).